Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 247: 247. True identity

  Chapter 247 247. True identity

   Residential houses.

   Gong Wentang and Li Yuanshao had a "bad relationship".

   When Li Yuanshao's mother was pregnant with him, she was poisoned once. Li Yuanshao was born weak and sick, and became a delicate flower.

  He is extremely good-looking, his skin has always been white, his facial features have perfectly inherited her mother's beauty, and they are very delicate.

  Gong Wentang's aunt married the king of Beijiang as a side concubine, and the relationship between the two families is very close.

   Later, when he was older, Gong Wentang took advantage of his aunt and entered the family school of the palace to study, where he met Li Yuanshao.

  The first time he saw Li Yuanshao, he recognized her as a girl and threatened to marry Li Yuanshao.

  Li Yuanshao was quite excluded in the palace, so no one clarified, and he was left to be insulted.

And Li Yuanshao has a low self-esteem character, he can only hide when encountering things, he dare not explain at all, and he gets nervous when he sees Gong Wentang, he stutters, usually before he finishes a sentence, everyone will interrupt him So this misunderstanding lasted for three years, until Li Yuanshao developed an Adam's apple.

  Gong Wentang was deeply hit by this incident, and he was autistic for three months before he came out, but he didn't blame Li Yuanshao, but made friends with him, and the two became close friends.

  After parting from Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong, Gong Wentang immediately rushed to the city, and came to the house as soon as he returned to the city.

  He jumped over the wall and entered directly. He was used to this kind of thing, and he was quite familiar with it.

   "Yuan Shao."

   Li Yuanshao just came out of Cong Chusheng's room. Cong Chusheng was beaten badly in the sky prison, with injuries all over his body. He just took medicine and fell asleep.

  When he saw Gong Wentang, surprise flashed in his eyes, "Wentang, why are you here?"

   "I got the snow lotus, and I sent it to you specially." Li Yuanshao looked at his friend who was thinner than a bamboo pole, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

  Li Yuanshao couldn't believe it, "You got the snow lotus?"

  Gong Wentang took out the snow lotus and unfolded the silk handkerchief, revealing a white, crystal-clear, soft and colorful flower, "This is the snow lotus."

  He has been carefully protecting the snow lotus, otherwise the snow lotus must be broken.

  Li Yuanshao held the jade-like snow lotus in his hands, as if admiring a treasure, and asked, "How did you pick it?"

  Gong Wentang said with some embarrassment, "I begged others to give it to me."

   Li Yuanshao was stunned, "How could someone else give you such a precious medicinal material?"

   Gong Wentang said emphatically: "It was really given to me by someone else, and you also know the pair of senior brothers."

  Li Yuanshao couldn't calm down anymore, "Have you met that pair of senior brothers?"

  Gong Wentang nodded and said, "Yes, they told me they knew you."

   Li Yuanshao admitted, "I do know each other, and I have lived here for two days."

   "It's all from our own people." Gong Wentang looked around, "Yuan Shao, where is Chu Sheng? Ask him to dispense medicine for you. After eating snow lotus, your body should be fine."

   Li Yuanshao said: "Chu Sheng was imprisoned by Li Yuanan, and now he is severely injured. It will take some time before he can dispense the medicine."

  Gong Wentang became emotional, "Why is Li Yuanan so crazy?"

   "He..." Li Yuanshao couldn't help but say, "It's all over, don't ask any more questions."

  Gong Wentang stared at Li Yuanshao for a while, and saw that his friend's expression was not very good. I guessed it, Li Yuanan must have bullied his friend again, "Which room is he in, let me go and see him?"

  Li Yuanshao brought Gong Wentang to Cong Chusheng's room, "He's inside, just fell asleep."

  Gong Wentang nodded, pushed the door open and walked in.

   Li Yuanshao stood at the door and watched for a while, then went and sat on the stool.

  Will they come back for him?


  The dark guard sent Tang Jinghong a thick letter, and Tang Jinghong took it back to the room and read it carefully.

  The letter is about Li Yuanshao, everything he has experienced from his birth to the present, if possible, Li Yuanshao will become the new King of Northern Xinjiang supported by him.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the door and came in, "Jing Hong."

  Tang Jinghong raised his eyes, and when he saw that it was Chu Qingzhi, those eyes would involuntarily brighten, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi sat next to Tang Jinghong, "What are you looking at?"

  Tang Jinghong said: "About Li Yuanshao's information, I have never paid attention to him before. I don't know how he is. I asked the secret guard to check."

   "I'll take a look too."


  The room was quiet, only two shallow breaths.

  Li Yuanshao is eighteen years old this year. His biological mother is a servant girl in the palace.

  Li Yuanshao was thrown into a remote courtyard by the King of Northern Xinjiang since he was born, where he was raised by his mother-in-law and maidservants.

  He was lucky, the mother-in-law had been begging for a child all her life, and she suddenly got a child, which was loved and cared for carefully, otherwise Li Yuanshao would have died long ago.

  When Li Yuanshao was seven years old, he was met by Li Yuanan who broke in suddenly.

   Li Yuanan saw his younger brother whom he had never seen in the backyard, and was very curious at first, but after being bad-mouthed by the princess, he began to hate this younger brother, and he has been bullying him ever since.

  But Li Yuanshao also gained the attention of the King of Northern Xinjiang because of this, and let him study at home.

   After all, it is my own blood, and I have a heart of compassion.

  When Li Yuanshao was ten years old, the mother-in-law picked up a strange child from somewhere, and this strange child was Cong Chusheng.

  Cong Chusheng is two years older than Li Yuanshao. His origin is unknown, but he is very powerful. He not only knows medical skills, but also martial arts, doing business, growing herbs, dyeing cloth... which perfectly embodies what it means to have many skills without overwhelming one's body.

  Later, Cong Chusheng stayed by Li Yuanshao's side and was known as a loyal servant.

  The two were almost inseparable, and Li Yuanshao's body had been taken care of by Cong Chusheng, otherwise Li Yuanshao would probably have died.

  Tang Jinghong looked at it, feeling a little surprised...

   Two-thirds of the shops in Beijiang City are opened by Li Yuanshao, but there is no connection between the shops, so no one has found out.

  Based on Chu Qingzhi's words, the economy of northern Xinjiang is basically in the hands of Li Yuanshao, this man is really powerful!

   Unexpectedly, Jiaohua, who is soft and weak on the surface, turns out to be an economic overlord behind her back.

  Many surprises have been discovered in northern Xinjiang.

  Li Yuanshao secretly raised a group of killers, about a thousand of them, but they were not used to kill people, but to maintain the normal operation of the store.

  Some things are difficult to deal with openly, so these people are needed.

  Throughout the whole process, Li Yuanshao did not use these powers to deal with the common people, and only dealt with some difficult things when necessary, which is worthy of recognition.

   In addition, the Ge family turned out to be Li Yuanshao's hand, but the Ge family had their own selfishness and did not talk about the mine, which led to the disaster of killing them. Even if Li Yuanshao wanted to save them, it was too late.

  There are still many dark forces of Li Yuanshao in Beijiang City, hidden in every corner, and they are already very mature at present.

   No wonder Li Yuanshao dared to meet them amidst the siege.

  It turns out that his identity is not as simple as the seventh prince!

   I have a bad idea: I want to write Li Yuanshao as shou, he is really too shou.



  (end of this chapter)

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