Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 248: 248. You Dislike Me

  Chapter 248 248. You dislike me

   "Jing Hong, I didn't expect Li Yuanshao to be so good!" It's really extraordinary to be able to achieve such a result in the cracks. Chu Qingzhi has greatly improved Li Yuanshao.

   Tang Jinghong was also very surprised, "Using a weak appearance to cover up a strong and strong heart, after so many years, no one has discovered it. This Li Yuanshao is indeed not to be underestimated."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Tang Jinghong thought for a moment and said: "I want to test him with one thing. As long as he passes, Beijiang can consider giving it to him..."

  Chu Qingzhi asked with some concerns, "Will the emperor agree?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "As long as there is no wolf ambition, the emperor can let anyone take the position of king of northern Xinjiang. As for the future, we will talk about it later."

  Chu Qingzhi understood, "Then let's go see Li Yuanshao."

  Tang Jinghong put down the letter and took Chu Qingzhi's hand, "Don't worry, it's time for you to sleep." After speaking, he directly hugged Chu Qingzhi and put her on the bed.

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes were shining, she looked at Tang Jinghong, and said coquettishly, "I haven't showered yet, and I'm still hungry."

  Tang Jinghong leaned over and kissed Chu Qingzhi's forehead, "I'll ask the waiter to bring you hot water, and cook a bowl of noodles for you by the way."

  Chu Qingzhi took Tang Jinghong's hand and blinked, "Will you cook for me yourself?"

  Tang Jinghong guessed what Chu Qingzhi meant, and then asked, "Do you think the food I cook is not delicious?"

  Chu Qingzhi immediately said: "No such intention, I just think you have worked too hard."

  Tang Jinghong said with a shallow smile, "It's not hard, a bowl of noodles will be cooked soon."

  Chu Qingzhi liked Tang Jinghong pampering her, so she said, "Then I'll wait to eat."

   "Okay." Tang Jinghong left the room and went to the kitchen.

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes crooked with a smile, secretly labeling Tang Jinghong as a good man in her heart.

   Not long after, Tang Jinghong served her noodles, "Qing Zhi, come and eat."

  Chu Qingzhi came over, surprised and said: "Is there still braised pork?"

  Tang Jinghong said: "The inn sells it tomorrow. It has just been marinated. I tasted it and it was delicious. I bought some here. You can eat it quickly."

   "Yeah." Chu Qingzhi enjoyed eating.

   Not long after, a hidden guard flew over and sent a message, "General, Li Yuanshao and others are being besieged by unknown forces, do you want to help them?"

   "You all watch in the dark first, unless you endanger Li Yuanshao's life, don't make a move."

   "Yes, General."

  The dark guard disappeared in a flash.

  Chu Qingzhi ate the noodles in a leisurely manner, and of course she didn't miss the conversation between the two, "Jing Hong, who wants to kill him?"

  Tang Jinghong returned to the room, "I'm not sure, Qing Zhi, eat quickly, and go to bed after eating, you haven't had a good rest for many days, even if the sky falls today, it won't delay your sleep."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Okay, I'll sleep after eating and turn into a little pig."

  Tang Jinghong reflected Chu Qingzhi's charming face in his eyes, and said, "Even if it's a little pig, it's still the most obedient little pig."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  After eating, Chu Qingzhi of course didn't sleep, she went to take a bath first, and then went to sleep.

  Tang Jinghong went to the next room to rest. He hadn't had a good rest for many days, and his spirit was very tense. He needed a good sleep, otherwise his head would be dull.


   Residential houses.

  The other party was so aggressive that Li Yuanshao had no choice but to use his secret power.

  At this time, the two sides fought fiercely, the sound of swords colliding continued to resound, and the swords and swords were constantly stained red with blood, and one after another fell down...

  Li Yuanshao changed his demeanor and became proud. Standing under the eaves, he looked at the masked man in black standing on the other side's roof, "Who are you?"

  The masked man said very irritatingly, "The dead don't need to know."

  Li Yuanshao gritted his words, "What if you are the one who died?"

  The masked man looked very confident, "In my world, nothing happens, Li Yuanshao, don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, he doesn't want you to die."

  Li Yuanshao was startled, "Who?"

   "You will know when the time comes!" The masked man looked at Li Yuanshao with a bit of contempt in his eyes. It's no wonder that a man looks like this, so he is missed by others, but it is really exciting.

   Li Yuanshao knew what the other person was thinking just by looking at the other person's eyes, and his heart was filled with anger. He wanted the person die!

   Soon his wish came true, the masked man was shot in the heart by an arrow, and died immediately.

  The people brought by the other party were gradually killed by his people.

   Li Yuanshao immediately **** those living victims for interrogation.

  Those people didn’t have much integrity, so they recruited as soon as they asked.

   What is unexpected is that it is the princess's person. The princess is angry with Li Yuanshao for seducing Li Yuanan, and also makes Li Yuanan suffer from the disease of fainting when he is married. She hates him deeply, so this scene happened.

   Li Yuanshao was angry, he sent someone back to the palace, and tied Li Yuanan out.

  As soon as the king of Beijiang left, the guards in the mansion changed from tight to loose, and it was easy to tie a person.

   Li Yuanan was furious when he saw that Li Yuanshao dared to tie him up, "Li Yuanshao, please send me back quickly, or I will kill you!"

  He brought a chair under his hand.

  Li Yuanshao lifted the hem of his clothes, sat down luxuriously, and every move was so attractive, "Li Yuanan, you recognize the reality, now you are in my hands."

   Li Yuanan looked at Li Yuanshao's behavior, and then at the killer behind him, suddenly felt that the younger brother who looked like Jiaohua seemed different, "You, you are not Li Yuanshao, who are you?"

  Li Yuanshao's slender fingers clenched the armrest slightly, "I'll take you to see the real me."

  He stood up, "Take it away!"


  Happy Pavilion.

   This is the largest small mansion in Beijiang City. The name is very explicit. It is also a place that Li Yuanan frequents. There are all kinds of men in it, mighty, weak, tough, tall, and thin.

   Li Yuanan felt a little fear, "Li Yuanshao, what are you going to do?"

   "Take you to enjoy it, I don't want your money." Li Yuanshao turned around and said something, and then led the people upstairs.

  He came in through the back door, like a master, but no one stopped him along the way.

  Thinking about it, I also know his identity.

   Li Yuanan looked at everything around him uneasily. The place he liked most before now made him feel terrified, "Li Yuanshao, what are you going to do?"

  Li Yuanshao ignored him and walked upstairs on his own.

   Li Yuanan roared, "Li Yuanshao, what are you doing? Let me go, let me go!"

  Li Yuanshao turned his head and made a "shh" gesture to him, Ruyu's finger was erected on his red lips, and there was a trace of evil charm in that gesture.

   Immediately, someone took out a piece of cloth and stuffed it into Li Yuanan's mouth.

   Li Yuanan's face turned red, and he couldn't help being afraid. The Li Yuanshao in front of him was definitely not Li Yuanshao. He looked so terrifying, like a ghost walking in the dark night!

  (end of this chapter)

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