Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 249: 249. Time is running out

  Chapter 249 249. Time is running out

  Step by step, with gentle steps, I finally came to a room in the corner of the second floor.

   Li Yuanshao turned around and looked back at Li Yuanan, those eyes that were always cowardly, shot out strands of cold light at this moment, "Li Yuanan, don't you like torture? I made you like it enough today!"

   "Woooooh..." Li Yuanan looked at Li Yuanshao as if he had seen a ghost, and was very frightened. He shrank back, his head was covered in cold sweat, and he shook his head.

  Li Yuanshao evoked a cold smile, he reached out and patted Li Yuanan's face, and said indifferently: "Send him in."

  The two men dragged the struggling Li Yuanan into the room, tied him to the bed, and then withdrew.

   Li Yuanshao rested his hands on the railing, the lacquered red railing made his fingers whiter, and the blue veins were clearly visible.

   Soon there were screams in the room...

  Li Yuanshao stood in place without moving, slowly grasping his five fingers, looking at the guests in the lobby on the first floor, feeling a sense of revenge in his heart.

   Li Yuanan bullied him since he was a child. No matter what the occasion or the situation, he had endured it before, because he wanted to stay in the palace and play the role of the seventh prince.

   But now, Li Yuanan tried to force him again and again, and the disgusting energy still lingers in his heart and has not dissipated.

  Since Li Yuanan likes to play tricks on people so much, let him taste the taste of being played with!

  But Li Yuanshao obviously underestimated Li Yuanan's psychopathy.

   There were slightly painful screams in the room at the beginning, but they sounded very enjoyable at the end. The feeling was that not enough, more...

  Li Yuanshao, "…"

  He shuddered twice in disgust, and said to himself: I sent him to enjoy it!

   Li Yuanan really makes people want to vomit!

  He called Mr. Gui, "People can't die, understand?"

   It's not that he doesn't want Li Yuanan to die, but that this person is still useful, and he can't die for the time being, at least he can't die for no reason.

  Grand Turtle quickly responded, "Yes, master."

  Li Yuanshao glanced at the room, the corner of his mouth raised a cold arc, turned and left.


   Early morning.

  After knocking on the door, Chu Qingzhi pushed the door open and entered Wu Yaqing's room, "Princess, we have to go out for a while."

  Wu Yaqing was still sleeping late. Listening to the words, she opened her sleepy eyes and asked vaguely, "When are you coming back?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "I don't know when I'll be back, but you still play like before, and we'll come back to you when we're done."

  Wu Yaqing yawned, "Alright, I wish you all the best."

   "Sleep well." Chu Qingzhi tucked the quilt for Wu Yaqing and left the room.

   "Jing Hong, let's go."

   Tang Jinghong nodded, went downstairs with Chu Qingzhi, and walked out of the inn.

   The two went to have breakfast, and then went straight to the house.

  There was a fierce battle last night at the private house, and many places were damaged. Now it is being cleaned up and repaired, and the courtyard seems a bit busy.

  Li Yuanshao was sitting by the bed at this time, thinking about all kinds of yesterday.

  How did the princess know he was here?

  He has bought this private house for many years, and no one has ever found it. Yesterday, he was chased here by the princess's killer. Could it be that there are traitors around him?

  Suddenly he changed his mind and thought again, even if there are traitors, he is not afraid, the Northern Xinjiang palace will be destroyed soon, and no one can change it, even if the princess knows it, so what, it is just a paper tiger!

  Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

  Suddenly, he had a tickle in his throat, and he coughed and panted rapidly...


  After coughing violently, Li Yuanshao spit out a large mouthful of blood uncontrollably, his face quickly lost color, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

  Gong Wentang was helping to clean up outside. People who practice martial arts have sharp five senses. When he heard Li Yuanshao vomiting blood, he hurriedly opened the door and entered.

   "Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao..."

  Seeing the blood on the ground and Li Yuanshao's clothes, he was startled.

   "Yuan Shao, what's wrong with you?"

  Li Yuanshao opened his weak eyes, "Wentang, I'm afraid that time is running out." The weak voice revealed deep sadness, he still has a lot of things to do, and now he is going to die!

  Gong Wentang helped Li Yuanshao up, and comforted him: "What stupid things are you talking about? No, I have picked snow lotus. When Chu Sheng recovers, I will dispense medicine for you. You will be fine."

  Li Yuanshao closed his eyes, he didn't listen to a single word of Gong Wentang's words, and said nah na: "Wentang, I'm not afraid of death, but I have a lot of regrets, I'm so unwilling..."

  Gong Wentang's eyes turned red, and his heart felt uncomfortable, "Yuan Shao, you won't die, you won't die."

  Li Yuanshao gently closed his eyes, completely plunged into darkness.

  Gong Wentang hurriedly took Li Yuanshao's pulse, and was relieved when he saw that the pulse was still beating.

  He put Li Yuanshao back on the bed, and then left the room.

  Go to see if Chu Sheng is awake, and ask him to show Yuan Shao.

  As a result, as soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong walking into the courtyard. He was surprised and rushed to greet him, "You two young heroes, you are here."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong were also surprised.

  Tang Jinghong asked: "Why are you here?"

Gong Wentang said with a bit of excitement: "I came to see Yuan Shao, you are also here to see Yuan Shao, right? Unfortunately, he passed out, and I am going to find Chu Sheng to treat him, wait a moment one time."

  Chu Qingzhi said: "Let me go and have a look."

  Gong Wentang paused when he turned around, and asked in surprise, "Do you know medical skills?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I know a little bit, let's have a look."

  Gong Wentang hesitated for a moment and said, "Come with me."

  The three of them entered Li Yuanshao's room back and forth, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of blood, which was not very pleasant.

  Chu Qingzhi walked to the bedside to feel Li Yuanshao's pulse.

   I don’t feel well today, so I’m late, sorry, everyone.



  (end of this chapter)

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