Chapter 250 250. A Test

  Li Yuanshao's pulse condition is very weak, and there is a faint sign of exhaustion. Thanks to Chu Qingzhi's pulse early, there is still a glimmer of life.

  Chu Qingzhi withdrew her hand, looked back at Gong Wentang, "Where's your snow lotus?"

  Gong Wentang immediately handed the snow lotus to Chu Qingzhi, "Chu Sheng was imprisoned in the sky prison and was seriously injured. He is still awake and there is no time to dispense the medicine, otherwise the snow lotus might be gone."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't pick up the snow lotus, "Put the snow lotus away." She went to the desk and wrote down a prescription, and handed it to Gong Wentang, "Give me the herbs on it within half a day."

  Gong Wentang saw Chu Qingzhi's serious expression, pondered for a moment, believed her inexplicably, took the prescription, "I'll go right away."

  The medicinal materials in the prescription are all nourishing qi and blood, and some medicinal materials are very precious. If she hadn't considered Li Yuanshao's secret identity, she would not have written like that.

  Gong Wentang didn't leave for a while, Li Yuanshao woke up, he was very happy to see the two of them, his pale face became a little brighter, "Are you coming back to find me?"

  Chu Qingzhi stepped aside and asked Tang Jinghong to talk to Li Yuanshao.

  Tang Jinghong walked to Li Yuanshao's bed and said with concern, "The seventh prince should take care of his body first, and the body is the foundation of everything."

  The light in Li Yuanshao's eyes suddenly dimmed a lot, "Do you know my physical condition?"

  Tang Jinghong comforted, "Don't worry, Xiaoqing knows medicine, and she will cure you."

  Hearing the word "cure", Li Yuanshao's eyes burst into bright light, and he was so ecstatic that he couldn't believe it. Looking at Chu Qingzhi, he asked cautiously, "Young Xia can really cure me?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "It can be cured, I have already asked Gong Wentang to buy medicinal materials."

   Li Yuanshao said excitedly, "Thank you young man, as long as you cure my body, I am willing to give you anything within my ability."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "I have remembered the promise of the seventh prince, and I hope that when I ask the seventh prince to fulfill the promise in the future, I will not break my promise."

  Li Yuanshao said firmly, "I will never break my promise."

  Put the joy in his heart down, Li Yuanshao took the initiative to get to the point, "Since you came back to me, you agreed to help me, right?"

   Tang Jinghong said, "Yes, but my help to you is another way, and before that, we want to see your ability."

  Li Yuanshao's expression slowly converged and became serious, "All ears."

  Tang Jinghong spoke in a calm and clear tone, "Make Li Yuanan's crimes known to the public within three days and behead him at the Meridian Gate."

  Li Yuanshao's heart trembled.

   It is not difficult to kill Li Yuanan, but it is not so easy to kill Li Yuanan openly. First of all, the princess is a big mountain!

  After Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong killed the governor of Beijiang, and now he was replaced by the princess, if he knew that Li Yuanan was going to be killed, he would definitely not cooperate.

  Tang Jinghong said again, "It's time for us to be open and honest."

  Li Yuanshao slowly clenched the quilt with his fingers, lowering his eyes slightly...

   These two people are too mysterious and powerful, and even their medical skills are unfathomable. If they succeed, they will get two big helpers, and if they fail, they will stay as they are, and he also wants to kill Li Yuanan very much.

  No matter what, it is worth his risk.

   "Okay, see you in three days."

  Tang Jinghong breathed a sigh of relief, the king of Northern Xinjiang commanded the most valiant soldiers, and he must not be weak, "Okay."


  Gong Wentang bought all the herbs within the time required by Chu Qingzhi, and spent a huge price. Even if he had money, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

  Chu Qingzhi joked, "Is it expensive to buy medicinal materials?"

  Gong Wentang immediately waved his hand, "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, Yuan Shao has money, such a little money is a drop in the bucket."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, took the medicinal materials to an empty room, and left a sentence, "When dispensing the medicine, don't bother me."

  Gong Wentang hurriedly said, "Don't bother, definitely don't disturb." If you miss, tens of thousands of taels of silver will be in vain.

  He thought about it, and simply sat down on the steps outside the room, avoiding any possibility of interruption.

  On the other side, Tang Jinghong received many letters...

  The garrison in northern Xinjiang has indeed changed, but the magnitude is still very small, and the direction cannot be seen for the time being.

  The location of the private soldiers is still looking for.

  Passing through the bamboo forest incident, Tang Jinghong knew why he couldn't find the private soldiers. Someone must have set up traps to block outsiders.

  Qin Yajun and Qin Fengnian have been arrested by the secret guards and hid in a secret place. The fake Northern Border King is sending people to look for the siblings.

  Iron artifacts smelted from iron ore have some clues to their whereabouts, and they are now being searched for.

  The silver smelted from the silver mine was secretly transported to the house in the bamboo forest. After the location of the house was exposed, the silver was temporarily stored in the cave, but it was taken away by a group of men in black last night.

  The dark guards followed, but were discovered, one died and one was seriously injured.

   In addition, the dowry has gone.

   There were still many letters. After Tang Jinghong read them one by one, he wrote back one by one and asked the secret guard to send them out. The atmosphere became more and more tense and depressing.


   It took half an hour for Chu Qingzhi to condense all the medicinal materials into pills. The pills are brown, the size of a little finger, and the surface is very round and smooth. If it is white, it will feel like a panacea.

   Altogether fifty of them were refined, she put them into a bottle, and brought them to Li Yuanshao's room.

   "This is your medicine, take one a day, and you'll be fine after taking it." Chu Qingzhi handed the elixir to Li Yuanshao.

  Li Yuanshao sat on the head of the bed with Yi Kuo, happily took the medicine bottle, "Young man, the grace of saving life will always be in my heart."

  Chu Qingzhi only regarded all this as helping Tang Jinghong, and didn't care about others' thanks, "You take the medicine, take a good rest, and then think about how to deal with Li Yuanan."

   Li Yuanshao nodded solemnly, "I'm planning."

   "Then I won't bother you."

   "Young hero, walk slowly."

  Chu Qingzhi came to the room where Tang Jinghong was. Tang Jinghong had just delivered all the letters. At this time, he was standing in front of the window and staring at the plane tree outside.

  Chu Qingzhi walked over lightly, and hugged Tang Jinghong from behind, "Jinghong, what are you thinking?"

  Tang Jinghong grabbed Chu Qingzhi in front of him with his arm, "I was wondering if there was any way to avoid this war."

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Then have you thought about it?"

  Tang Jinghong's brows were filled with worry, "The northern Xinjiang garrison has changed, and it is difficult to stop it."

  If the King of Beijiang is real, you can consider negotiating, but this King of Beijiang is fake, and now they have beaten him to the bottom, and he jumped the wall in a hurry.

  Chu Qingzhi changed the subject, "Do you know the location of the private soldiers?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "I'm still looking for it, but I suspect that this location has been set up by an expert, and it's hard for our people to find it."

  Chu Qingzhi secretly thought that this fake northern border king's ability to recruit talents is simply amazing, "Do you know the general direction? Let's go there ourselves!"

  (end of this chapter)

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