Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 252: 252. One step too late

  Chapter 252 252. One step late

  Water-soaked calligraphy and paintings are worthless, but jade is the most valuable.

  Chu Qingzhi searched and found a piece of Hetian jade bi, several pieces of mutton fat jade, four imperial green jadeite jade bracelets, two pieces of Hetian topaz jade, and a string of Hetian black jade bracelets.

   These are all priceless treasures. She took a box, filled it all up, and handed it to Tang Jinghong, "That's all."

  Tang Jinghong found a piece of cloth, tied the box obliquely to his body, then led Chu Qingzhi to the water outlet, waited for the water level on both sides to be even, and then they swam out.

   "Ahem..." The fake princess woke up from the water.

  Seeing the water flooding the secret room of Jinshan Temple, she ran up the steps in fright, "Help, help..."

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked in her direction, but neither of them said anything. It's your master who cheated you, and it has nothing to do with them. Whether you can escape or not depends on your luck.

  The fake princess’s cries for help had just subsided, and suddenly there was a crashing sound from a **** box that was not very conspicuous in the corner...

  In such an environment, the movement seemed terrifying. Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong glanced at each other, then walked towards the box vigilantly.

  The current water level has only reached their calves, and it will take some time until the water level is even.

  Tang Jinghong protected Chu Qingzhi behind him, then took out his saber and opened the box...

"why you!"

  The person in the box surprised the two of them, and it turned out to be Tong Yujie.

  Tong Yujie's hands were tied behind his back, his feet were obediently tied, his mouth was stuffed with a cloth, and he was curled up and trapped in a small box. He looked very pitiful.

  He saw two people, their eyes were brighter than ever before, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

  Tang Jinghong didn't rush forward, he had already taught him a lesson just now, "Qing Zhi, is he real or fake?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tong Yujie sympathetically, "He is real."

   Tang Jinghong stepped forward and rescued Tong Yujie from the box, "Why are you locked up here?"

   "The other party is prepared, I'm under siege..." Speaking of this, Tong Yujie suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here?"

   Tang Jinghong said, "We came here with you."

  Tong Yujie said hastily, "I've been locked up here since yesterday, the person who brought you must be a fake..."

   Tang Jinghong said, "We already know."

   "Understood?" Tong Yujie listened to the sound of rushing water and looked at the rising water level, his expression changed, "Is the other party planning to drown us here?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "You guessed it right."

   "I'm sorry, it's my lack of ability that allows others to take advantage of it. I'll find the exit immediately." Tong Yujie was very sorry, and hurriedly searched for the exit.

  Tang Jinghong followed Tong Yujie with his eyes, "We have already found it."

  Tong Yujie walked back immediately, "Where is it?"

  Tang Jinghong raised his finger and pointed, "There."

  Tong Yujie looked over, his frowning brows stretched instantly, "Water outlet?"

  The three walked over together.

  All what they said was heard by the fake princess. She was curled up at the top of the steps, holding her breath, and deluded herself into thinking that the three of them hadn't found her.

  Tong Yujie couldn't help but praised, "You are so smart, no matter where you are, you can always find life."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi. With Qingzhi, he realized what smoothness is. No matter what problem, he can easily solve it.

  Thinking about it just now, if it wasn't for Qingzhi, he might really be drowned here.

   Meeting Qing Zhi in this life was his greatest blessing.

  Chu Qingzhi understood the meaning in Tang Jinghong's eyes, and she took the initiative to hold Tang Jinghong's hand.

  After accepting Tang Jinghong's confession on the night of the Dragon Boat Festival, Tang Jinghong is hers, hers, and she naturally has to protect him with all her heart to prevent him from being wronged or hurt...

  A smile appeared in Tang Jinghong's eyes. They will definitely be able to face everything hand in hand forever.

   Tong Yujie saw the two of them like this, and some bad pictures came to mind, feeling uncomfortable and regretful.

  He also wanted to find such a woman, who would love, protect and love her, but what happened to Qin Yajun made him feel that he was dirty and not worthy of these beauties.

  Time slowly passed, and the water level gradually leveled off...

  Tang Jinghong drove away the koi at the water outlet, "Qing Zhi, be careful."

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi swam out from the water outlet, followed by Tang Jinghong, and finally Tong Yujie.

  ...Chu Qingzhi poked her head out of the water, and immediately saw the princess drinking tea in the gazebo. She looked relaxed, as if she was waiting for them to be drowned.

   "What a coincidence!" Chu Qingzhi made a tactic with one hand, and several beams of spiritual light flew over, knocking out all the people in the gazebo.

  Now the guards of the palace are all gathered in the courtyard where the princess lives, and there are basically no guards on the lake side, which is convenient for a few people to act.

  Chu Qingzhi jumped up from the water, flew into the gazebo, grabbed the princess and flew out of the palace. Tang Jinghong and Tong Yujie came out of the water a few steps later, and when they saw Chu Qingzhi fly away, they quickly followed.

  There is a forest behind the Northern Border Palace, Chu Qingzhi broke off a branch, and then hung the princess on it from behind.

  The princess is a noble lady in her forties. From the headdress to the shoes, everything is exquisite, but after being hung on the branch, she looks like a tortured female ghost.

   Hair is messed up, headdress is crumbling, clothes are dirty, one shoe is missing...

  Tang Jinghong, Tong Yujie, "…"

  Chu Qingzhi snapped her fingers next to the princess' ear, "You can wake up now."

  The princess felt very tense, and quickly opened her eyes. After seeing the situation of Chu Qingzhi and the three of them and herself at this time, she was so angry that she almost fainted, "You..."

  Chu Qingzhi hurriedly made a gesture to stop her voice, "Stop, now you are in our hands, let's leave you and me, just cooperate obediently."

  The princess is the mistress of the palace after all, she quickly stabilized her emotions, "What do you want to do?"

  Chu Qingzhi made way for Tang Jinghong to ask questions.

  Tang Jinghong asked bluntly, "Princess, where is the list?"

  The concubine opened her mouth and said, "I have sent the list to the prince."

  Tang Jinghong frowned, "How do you know about the list?"

   "The prince told me." The princess had tears in her eyes, why couldn't she refuse to answer?

  Tang Jinghong thought for a moment and realized that he must have discovered that something was wrong with Princess Yunhua, and the Monarch Anhuai sent another letter, but he was one step ahead of them.

   "Have you seen the list?"


   "Whose names are there?"

   "I don't remember, I only remember the names of fifty people, distributed in every corner of northern Xinjiang."

  These fifty people are all the secret agents of An Huaiguo in northern Xinjiang. The king of An Huaiguo gave the list to the king of Northern Xinjiang. In other words, he gave him this group of forces.

  (end of this chapter)

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