Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 253: 253. Poisoned wine white silk

  Chapter 253 253. Poisoned Wine White Silk

  Tang Jinghong felt extremely regretful. After tracking for so long, it was all in vain. "You set up today's game?"

  Princess said hatefully, "It's me, the plan was flawless, but I didn't expect you to escape."

   "Warning." Tang Jinghong was upset, and deliberately said to anger the princess, "Your water outlet is too big."

  Princess, "…"

  A moment later, Tang Jinghong changed the subject, "Princess, do you have any last words?"

  The concubine's face turned pale, and she roared fiercely, "What do you mean? I am the princess of Beijiang, how dare you kill me?"

  Tang Jinghong's face became extremely cold, and his voice was like a blade, "As the princess of Beijiang, you and the king of Beijiang colluded with foreign countries to cause chaos, **** it!"

  The princess's face is no longer bloodless!

  Tang Jinghong's voice softened, but his tone was very strong, "Princess, for your decency, for the decency of the royal family, kill yourself."

  He turned his head and said to Tong Yujie, "Go and prepare poisoned wine and white silk!"

  Tong Yujie cupped his hands and left silently.

  Princess Wang looked at Tang Jinghong blankly, her eyes gradually became silent, she closed her eyes, and asked as if she had accepted the reality, "Who are you?"

   Tang Jinghong said word by word, "Tang Jinghong!"

The concubine stared blankly at Tang Jinghong, her face became as ugly as a dead person's, and she completely lost her heart to stand up. As the youngest general in the country, she hated collaborating with enemies and colluding with foreign countries to cause chaos. If he finds out, it will never end well. .

  Tong Yujie brought back the poisoned wine and Bai Ling, "Princess, please."

  The concubine took a deep breath and said calmly, "Put me down."

   With a wave of Chu Qingzhi's hand, the princess landed safely on the ground.

  Wang Hao looked at the things in the tray, hesitated for a moment, took the white silk, threw it on the branch, tied a knot, looked at the snow-white white silk, tears flowed down her eyes.

   "My lord, I'm going!"

  The concubine stretched out her hands to straighten her clothes and hair, and calmly hung her beam.

  Tang Jinghong considered whether to tell the concubine about the fake Northern Xinjiang king, but in the end he chose not to. It was too cruel for a woman.

   "Jing Hong, the princess is dead, let's go."


  This place is not far from the palace. Someone will find the body early tomorrow morning, so don't worry about it.


  An Huaiguo.

  In the gorgeous palace, on a low couch, the Empress An Huai, who was wearing a gorgeous palace attire, was anxiously reading the letter.

   There was a court lady standing next to her. Seeing that the cloudy face of Empress Dowager finally cleared up, she couldn't help asking, "Empress, is this a letter from the princess?"

  Empress had tears in her eyes, "It's a letter from Yunhua, this girl is willing to write to me."

  She read it quickly and asked, "Is this letter from Tang Jinghong's secret guard?"

  The court lady nodded and replied, "Yes, Empress."

  The Empress looked at Princess Yunhua's golden lock in her hand, full of longing and worry, "In Tang Jinghong's hands, there is no need to worry."

  The court lady asked tentatively, "Empress, are we going to send someone to bring the princess back?"

  "I won't accept it." The empress wiped her tears, and immediately turned into a strong woman with sharp eyes, "Is it better to exchange Yunhua for benefits?"

  The court lady hesitated, "What does the Empress mean?"

  Quick thinking in the back of the country...

   Yunhua is with Tang Jinghong, so don't worry about his safety. Now that Tang Jinghong comes to Beijiang, the plan of the King of Beijiang will definitely be hindered.

  The letter said that the King of Northern Xinjiang is currently mobilizing troops and is preparing to unite with Anhuai State to fight Daling. Yunhua asked her to prevent the monarch from sending troops. This must have been instructed by Tang Jinghong. It is a negotiation and a threat.

  Of course, she only has one daughter. For the safety of her daughter, she will not let the monarch send troops.

   Besides, Tang Jinghong is a well-known general in Daling. If the King of Northern Xinjiang fights with him, it is hard to say whether he will win or lose. There is no need to involve An Huaiguo.

   "Let Yunhua stay in Daling. I heard that Tang Jinghong hasn't married yet. If Yunhua can marry Tang Jinghong..."

   "Empress, although Tang Jinghong is powerful, he is Daling's general after all. If the princess marries him, it may be difficult for the princess to return to Anhuai country in the future."

   "I just want her to be happy, free, and happy, and everything else is secondary."

Now she and the monarch are calm on the surface, but in fact they are in an incompatible fight. When Yunhua comes back, there must be another fight. Yunhua is her reverse scale. If Yunhua marries Tang Jinghong, she will not have to worry about Yunhua's safety at all. .

  Actually, if it wasn't for her secret instruction, how could Yunhua, a powerless princess, escape?

  However, Yunhua was lucky, and it was destined to meet Tang Jinghong.

  The court lady stopped talking.

  The empress got up to write a letter to Yunhua, and then asked her subordinates to hand it over to Tang Jinghong's hidden guards, and then went to the palace where the monarch reviewed the memorials.

  The Monarch of Anhuai Kingdom is also sending him a letter from Yunhua, and the more he looks at him, the more gloomy his face becomes.

  The king of Northern Xinjiang turned out to be a fake, or someone from the former royal family pretending to be!

  He thought to himself mockingly, this Daling is really smart, and he is used to set off smart people! stupid! melon!

   After being angry for a while, he suddenly calmed down. How did Yunhua know such a confidential matter? Could it be that he lied to him?

   "The empress of the kingdom is here!" The eunuch's high voice came into the hall.

  The monarch immediately adjusted his mood, his face calmed down, and he did not reveal the slightest thought in his heart.

  Empress entered the hall dignifiedly and saluted, "I have seen the king."

  The monarch glanced at the country, put away his boredom, and said, "The queen of the country is free of courtesy."

  Then he screened back to the left and right, contacted the letter he had just read, and secretly guessed that the Queen of the Kingdom most likely came for the dispatch of troops, and he wanted to see what the woman in front of him had to say!

  There were no outsiders in the palace, and the Queen of the Kingdom stopped pretending. She sat down on a chair and said, "I don't agree with the monarch sending troops to help the King of Northern Xinjiang."

  The monarch's face changed, and it was true, "Why do you disagree?"

"Because I am the empress of the country!" The empress of the country said threateningly, "You designed to harm my daughter, and now Yunhua's whereabouts are unknown, I don't have any scruples, if you dare to send troops, I'm afraid the position under your **** will have to be replaced! "

  The monarch's face became gloomy and gloomy, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Queen, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

  The empress stared straight into the eyes of the monarch, "You can kill me, but you must be buried with me. By the way, I'm here to tell you good news."

  Seeing the ugly face of the monarch, she felt very comfortable, "After Yunhua ran away from marriage, he met Tang Jinghong."

  The ferocious anger of the monarch dissipated in an instant, Tang Jinghong? How did Yunhua meet Tang Jinghong?

  As the great general of Daling, he is invincible in all attacks and invincible, making the surrounding princes frightened. The monarch of Anhuai is actually a paper tiger. How can a paper tiger not be afraid of a real tiger?

  (end of this chapter)

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