Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 254: 254. Damn man

  Chapter 254 254. Damn people

  The monarch stared at the queen with terribly gloomy eyes, "Impossible, you are lying to me!"

"Lying to you?" The Empress took out a letter. The two were clearly on equal footing, but she looked condescending, "This is a letter from Yunhua. The letter was sent back by the hidden guards sent by Tang Jinghong. Meeting Tang Jinghong, is there any other possibility?"

The monarch's eyes moved to the letter, and his face became more and more gloomy. He still didn't believe that what the empress said was true, otherwise he would be a joke... After doing so much and planning for so long, in the end he was no match for a letter from Tang Jinghong .

  The empress of the kingdom smiled, and said in a cheerful tone, "My lord, can you give up?"

  The monarch stared angrily, pointed to the outside, and roared at the queen, "Get out, get out of here!"

  Empress calmly stood up slowly, "My lord, Xi'er is old enough to participate in political affairs."

  Yunxi is the son of a concubine. After the death of a concubine, the empress raised her under her knees according to the rules. This year, she is 13 years old and has been raised by the empress for 13 years. She has long been inseparable from the empress's family.

  The monarch was even more angry, "Get out!!"

  Queen took a comfortable breath and left the palace.

She married the monarch for profit. In order to suppress her mother clan, the monarch even favored three concubines in a row on the wedding night, leaving her alone in the empty room, becoming the laughing stock of the whole country. The night is dead, and the only thing left is the struggle of interests!

  The monarch flicked all the memorials and other things on the imperial case to the ground like crazy, "I will kill you after the kingdom, and then destroy your mother clan!"


   Residential houses.

  Cong Chusheng sat up from the bed, and saw Li Yuanshao's changes at a glance, "Master, I think your complexion has improved a lot."

  Li Yuanshao took the pills that Chu Qingzhi prepared for him for two consecutive days, and the heaviness that seemed to be filled with lead and mercury in his blood vessels was gradually gone, and his whole body was relaxed. "It seems to be much better."

  Cong Chusheng looked at Li Yuanshao's reaction, clenched his fist, and asked tentatively, "Master, have you changed your medicine?"

   Li Yuanshao didn't react for a while, "What medicine should I change?"

  Cong Chusheng lowered his head with some disappointment, "Master, the medicine I prescribed for you won't be so effective. There must be other doctors with good medical skills prescribing it for you, right?"

  Understood, Li Yuanshao stretched out his hand and patted Cong Chusheng on the shoulder, then took the medicine bottle and handed it to Cong Chusheng, "This is the pill that the young man gave me."

   "Young hero?" Cong Chusheng suspiciously took the medicine bottle over and poured out a pill, held it under his nose and sniffed it, his eyes were like lighted lamps for a moment, "Master, is the young hero's medical skills so high?"

   "He said he could cure me." Li Yuanshao nodded, thinking of what Chu Qingzhi said to him, he still couldn't help being excited.

"Master, he didn't lie to you. This pill is much better than what I prepared. It can not only cure your illness, but also nourish your body." Cong Chusheng held the pill tightly in his hand. The medicine he prepared can only delay the illness Attacks cannot be cured, but the medicine formulated by Shaoxia can do it, he is too powerful!

   Li Yuanshao explained to Cong Chusheng the process of treating the disease.

  The other party's medical skills made him jealous even if he wanted to, Cong Chusheng slowly relieved, and said with a smile, "Master, you have met a nobleman."

   Li Yuanshao agreed deeply, "I think so too."

   "Master, you must take the medicine well, and you will be fine after a while."

"I know."

  There was a knock on the door, and the servant's voice came, "Master, I have something to report."

  Li Yuanshao turned his head to look in the direction of the door, "Come in."

  The young man pushed the door open and entered, bowed his hands to the two, and said, "Master, the princess hanged herself in the woods behind the palace!"

  The two were taken aback.

   Li Yuanshao asked eagerly, "Is the news true?"

  The servant said with certainty, "Master, it's true. Now the body of the princess has been brought into the palace, and the palace is already preparing for the funeral."

  Cong Chusheng couldn't believe it, "Okay, why did the princess commit suicide?"

  Li Yuanshao pondered for a moment, "I'll go back to the mansion first to have a look, you stay here to recuperate."

  Cong Chusheng nodded, "OK."

   Li Yuanshao walked out of the room, Yang Jingwen came over and blocked his way, "Yuan Shao, I'll go back with you."

  Li Yuanshao glanced at Yang Jingwen, dressed in men's clothes, and the heroic facial features did not look carefully, but he couldn't tell it was a girl, "Let's go."

  The news of the princess's suicide caused a great stir, and soon the whole city knew about it.

  In the restaurant.

   "The princess committed suicide, how strange!"

   "Although it's strange, I think it's good to die. Over the years, she and the prince have caused countless harms to our northern Xinjiang. Death is really cheap for her."

   "I also think that just a few years ago, a beggar drove by her car, and she ordered someone to beat him to death."

   "Yeah, she went to a restaurant to eat, and the food didn't suit her taste, so she ordered the cook to be killed, and made the cook's descendants no longer allowed to cook."

   "So **** it!"

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong were sitting in the lobby eating, listening to everyone's evaluation of the princess, they were speechless for a while.

  How did such a princess survive till now?

   Tang Jinghong reached out and shook Chu Qingzhi's hand, "Let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."


  Happy Pavilion.

   After Li Yuanshao returned to the palace to confirm the death of the princess, he immediately went to the Happy Hall in disguise.

  Since Li Yuanan entered the Happy Hall, he has been living in a dream every day, and he doesn't feel unhappy at all, on the contrary, he feels like a fish in water.

  The heavy panting in the room gradually subsided, and not long after, a man hurried out from inside and left.

  When Li Yuanshao came to the door, the nausea came out again, "Clean up Li Yuanan and bring him out."

   You can smell the stale air in the room in the corridor, which is disgusting.

   "Yes, master." Mr. Gui walked in with two servants, and dragged Li Yuanan out after a while.

  The moment Li Yuanan saw Li Yuanshao, his complexion turned ferocious, "Li Yuanshao, you bitch, are you deliberately humiliating me like this?"

  Li Yuanshao could no longer see any weakness in his body. He looked at Li Yuanan with disgust, "Humiliated you? Don't you enjoy it? Why are you pretending to be pure now?"

  Li Yuan'an's face turned red, thinking of all the things before, he had no confidence to refute, "Li Yuanshao, one day, I will kill you."

   Li Yuanshao said lightly, "Maybe there won't be such a day!"

   Li Yuanan thumped in his heart, "What do you mean?"

  Li Yuanshao said word by word, slowly, "Because...the concubine is dead!"

  While speaking, he carefully observed Li Yuanan's expression. He wanted to see Li Yuanan's pain, his remorse, and his pain.

   "Princess..." Li Yuanan reacted and struggled fiercely, looking at Li Yuanshao as if he wanted to eat people, "No, it's impossible, how could the concubine mother die? Did you kill her?"

  (end of this chapter)

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