Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 256: 256. Intercept Grain

  Chapter 256 256. Intercepting grain and grass

  Tang Jinghong thought for a moment, "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

  After a cup of tea, Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi headed towards the southwest, while Tong Yujie and the five hidden guards headed in three directions respectively.

  Before leaving, Chu Qingzhi gave each of them a spiritual whistle. Once she found a trace, she would know if she blew the whistle.

  There are many mountains in the southwest, but the mountains are generally not high, only one or two hundred meters high, with lush vegetation. Entering the mountains, you can easily hide your body.

  The northern king’s garrison has no shortage of weapons. The imperial court allocates some of them every year. Only private soldiers are in short supply, so the weapons must be for private soldiers.

  Think about which direction the private soldiers might be in, and the weapons will probably be transported in that direction.

   Looking at the overall situation, this direction is the most likely.

  To be honest, Tang Jinghong really wanted to meet the king of Northern Xinjiang. The things planned by the other party showed that he was thoughtful, courageous and resourceful, and he was definitely not a reckless man.

   After some tracking, I finally got something, but it was not a weapon.

  A group of soldiers and horses appeared in the dense forest ahead, about a thousand people, carrying food and grass, heading in one direction.

  Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi squatted in the grass and watched them, not acting rashly for the time being.

A soldier ran up to the leading soldier, swallowed, and said pleadingly, "My lord, we have been walking for three hours in a row. Even if we can bear it, the horses can't stand it. My lord, look Don't take a break?"

  The general looked at the scorching sun and ordered, "Stay where you are for half an hour!"

   "Thank you, sir!"

  The team stopped, and the soldiers went to the tree shadows to rest. Judging by their appearance, they were very tired.

  One soldier patted another soldier on the shoulder, "Cheng San, fetch water."

  Cheng San readily agreed, "Okay."

  The two listened to the sound of water and entered the dense woods.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong followed up, picked an opportunity to knock them unconscious, and dragged them to a distance.

  Tang Jinghong tied the two of them up with vines, and then splashed water on one of them to wake him up, the soldier named Cheng San.

   Cheng San looked at the two of them, panicked, "Who are you? What do you want?"

  Tang Jinghong drew out his saber and put it on Cheng San's neck, "Answer a few questions for us, and let you live!"

  Cheng San looked at Tang Jinghong, then at the coldly shining sword, and nodded reluctantly after a while, "If you ask, I will tell you what I know."

   Tang Jinghong asked, "Whose food and grass are you escorting?"

   Cheng Sandao, "It belongs to the prince."

   "Where are you going to be escorted?"

   "Siming Mountain, the King of Beijiang gave us a map, we just walked along the road, we have never been to the exact location."

   Siming Mountain?

  Tang Jinghong took out the maps given to him by Ge Lihua and Tong Yujie together, and found Siming Mountain on the two maps respectively.

  One look at him and he understood...

  The King of Northern Xinjiang is sure that he will mobilize troops from the nearest border garrison to fight him, and Siming Mountain is the only way to go to Northern Xinjiang from the border.

   There is a canyon in the middle of Siming Mountain. The canyon is so narrow that only five horses can walk side by side.

   From the looks of it, the King of Northern Xinjiang probably wants to sneak attack here.

   Once he succeeds in the sneak attack, Tang Jinghong's troops will suffer heavy losses in this area.

  After Tang Jinghong wanted to understand the stakes, his face became extremely serious, "Qingzhi, I'll go over and deal with it, and we can't let the grain and grass go there!"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I'll go with you."


  A sword flew over unexpectedly from the side and pierced the leader's neck. The leader's eyes widened and he fell to the ground dead on the spot.

  All the soldiers were stunned by this scene, and immediately drew their swords to defend themselves.

   "Who? Get out!"

  Tang Jinghong came out of the dense forest with a cold face, a majestic breath, and a sharp gaze, "Those who descend will live, and those who do not descend will die!"

  When the other party saw that Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong were only two people, they were not very afraid.

   "Arrogance!" A soldier cursed, then raised his weapon and rushed over.

  At this time, a leaf drew afterimages and flew over, and the soldier's figure froze immediately, and then fell to the ground and died.

   "You..." The soldier rushing behind the first soldier immediately backed away, looking terrified.

   "Are you brothers?"

  The soldiers couldn't help but took another step back. They were all very familiar with the murderous brothers. They didn't expect to meet them one day, and they killed them both in the blink of an eye. It was too terrifying!

  Tang Jinghong looked at the speaking soldier, his voice full of oppression, "Congratulations, you guessed it right, so are you going to surrender? Or not?"

  A soldier asked tremblingly, "What if we don't surrender?"

   Tang Jinghong's eyes swept across, his eyes were like eagles, and he looked like a prey being targeted. Everyone couldn't help but froze, "Then everyone will die!"

   "Kang Dang..." Hesitating, a soldier dropped his weapon, "My wife just gave birth to a son, I don't want to die!"



  In the end, all the soldiers threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground on one knee, expressing their surrender!

In fact, these soldiers are very confused, and they are not prepared for a sudden battle. The key point is that they are just a group of men who were forcibly recruited from the village. They have not been trained at all, and they cannot be considered real soldiers. , it won't be so easy to surrender, even if you surrender, you will fight to the end, you won't surrender without a fight like this!

  Tang Jinghong said in a deep voice, "Since you surrender, I won't kill you. Pick up your weapons and continue on your way!"

  A soldier asked, "Hero, where are we going?"

  Tang Jinghong took out the two maps just now and observed them for a while, "Go to Maiji Mountain!"

  Maiji Mountain's terrain is the most suitable for a war. If the two sides go to war, this is the most suitable place. Based on his understanding of the fake Northern Xinjiang King, he will definitely choose this place.

  The soldier responded immediately, "Yes, hero."

  Following Tang Jinghong, the food and grass were escorted to Maiji Mountain. On the way, Tang Jinghong called the secret guards and sent a letter to Fang Yuchen, the leader of the border army, asking him not to cross the canyon for the time being.

  Tang Jinghong prayed secretly, hoping that there would be time.


   Siming Mountain.

  In the camp, the fake king of Northern Xinjiang summoned the deputy general, "Go and see why the three-way food and grass haven't arrived yet?"

  The deputy general took the order, "Yes, my lord."

   There is more than one route for the fake King of Northern Xinjiang’s food and grass, otherwise if he is intercepted, he will be dragged to death just by dragging him.

   It’s just that the Sanlu Food and Grass was the first to leave, and it was supposed to arrive yesterday, but there was still no one there, so something must have happened.

  The fake northern Xinjiang king felt a little uneasy.

  A soldier came in and reported, "My lord, I saw Fang Yuchen's army!"

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang immediately walked out of the tent, walked to the top of Siming Mountain, and looked towards the border.

  In that direction, there was a long dragon-like army that could not see the end, holding the "Fang" military flag, and was advancing at a very fast speed.

   "It's finally here!" The fake Beijiang King's deep eyes showed a bit of excitement, and there was a fighting spirit in his eyes, "Tang Jinghong, if you dare to touch my Beijiang, then I don't mind fighting with you."

  (end of this chapter)

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