Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 257: 257. Beheaded Prince

  Chapter 257 257. Beheading the Prince

   Halfway to Maiji Mountain, Chu Qingzhi suddenly heard the sound of the spiritual power whistle being blown, and she immediately told Tang Jinghong, "There is news from Tong Yujie."

  Tang Jinghong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, "Qingzhi, I want to ask you something."

  Chu Qingzhi blinked her eyes, "What's the matter, you said?"

  Tang Jinghong looked down at Chu Qingzhi, with a bit of reluctance in his eyes, "There is not enough manpower here, can you help me transport the food and grass and continue to Maiji Mountain, I will go to Tong Yujie to see the situation?"

   "Of course." Chu Qingzhi agreed without hesitation, "I promise to complete the task!"

  Tang Jinghong stepped forward and hugged Chu Qingzhi, feeling distressed and apologetic, "Qingzhi, thank you for your hard work."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Tang Jinghong's back lightly, and said with a smile, "Go, it's all trivial."

  Tang Jinghong let go of Chu Qingzhi, "Then I'm leaving."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Go."

  Tang Jinghong took some things for Chu Qingzhi, then rode on a fast horse and headed towards Tong Yujie.

  Chu Qingzhi watched him go away, and then continued on her way.

  After she was alone, some people began to restless, muttering behind, not knowing what they were talking about.

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head to look at the crowd, she didn't say anything, as long as she honestly escorted the food, she didn't bother to care so much.

   After a while, Cheng San ran over, "Hero, we are tired, can we take a rest?"

   Just took a rest, and now she is going to rest again, probably because she is easy to bully, Chu Qingzhi turned her head to look at Cheng San, and said slowly, "I can let you rest forever, do you want it?"

  Cheng San was taken aback, and was about to say yes, but suddenly realized something was wrong, "What do you mean?"

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes sank, and she slapped Cheng San with her palm.

  Cheng San immediately flew backwards, hit a thick tree behind, and then stopped and fell to the ground. The withered and yellow leaves fell like rain, as if expressing sympathy.

  People, "…"

   How strong should this person be in martial arts to knock him flying with a single palm?

  Cheng San fell to the ground, and it took him a while to make any movement, "Ahem, cough..." He spat out a mouthful of blood.

  With this scene, everyone became honest instantly.

  Chu Qingzhi ordered, "Go on!"

   "Yes." Everyone spoke in unison, more orderly than ever.

  Two little soldiers ran over to help Cheng San up, and walked slowly behind the team, seeing Chu Qingzhi's eyes full of fear.

   Those who can turn Northern Xinjiang upside down should not be underestimated.


  Beijiang City.

   "I heard that the trial of the crown prince was held in the government office today, and many people went to see it."

   "Did I hear you right? Judge Prince?"

   "That's right, that's right, I'm going to see it, do you want to go together?"

   "Of course, the son has done a lot of evil, don't be too happy to see him being brought to justice."

   "Don't have too much hope. After all, you are the son of the prince. With the protection of the prince, you may not be convicted of any crime. Maybe it's just a formality."

   "Can't you?"

   "Let's talk about it after seeing it, and talk about it after seeing it."

   While discussing, the people of Beijiang City gathered in the government office.

  The government official tried Li Yuanan's matter, and Li Yuanshao deliberately released the rumors. He wanted to take this opportunity to let the people see the vitality and hope of Beijiang City.

  At this time, the outside of the government office was surrounded by common people, with three floors inside and three floors outside, it was impenetrable.

  In the courtroom, there were people kneeling on the ground, among them Li Yuanan was the most special one in the crowd, he looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, as long as I didn't speak, you couldn't do anything to me.

   Li Yuanshao mixed in the crowd, seeing Li Yuanan's rascally appearance, he couldn't help thinking, how could such a dignified Northern Xinjiang palace raise such a person?

  Fu Yin slapped the gavel and shouted, "Li Yuanan, can you plead guilty?"

  Li Yuanan disdainfully looked at the middle-aged couples who were kneeling beside them, weeping, and refused to admit it. "What is my crime? They are all false accusations!"

  Fu Yin glanced at Li Yuanan, "Submit the evidence."

  The policemen immediately carried the corpses of several women, and a policeman came in with a tray in which were women's ornaments.

   Fu Yin said to the couples, "Look, is this your daughter's thing?"

   Several people looked at it immediately, and when they saw the jewelry, they burst into tears again, "It belongs to our daughter, my lord, please make the decision for us!"

   "This government official will handle it impartially." The government official looked at Li Yuanan, "Li Yuanan, these things were all found in your room, do you have anything to say?"

  The incident was so sudden that Li Yuanan couldn't think of an excuse for a while, but it didn't prevent him from fooling around, "Even if it was found in my room, so what?"

   Li Yuanshao sneered, as long as you admit it, the crime will not go away, idiot!

  Fu Yin said, "Li Yuanan, these are the ornaments of those dead girls, and now they are in your room, what do you think?"

  Li Yuanan came to his senses, "Could it be someone else let it go? Planting blame or something?"

  Fu Yin shouted, "Bring people up!"

  The catcher quickly cupped his hands and brought a few servants up.

   Several young servants immediately knelt down, "I have seen you!"

   Li Yuanan saw a few people, his face changed slightly, "Why are you here?"

   Several young servants immediately bowed down to Li Yuanan in fear, "Your Majesty, you can't hide what you did. We accomplices have nightmares every day, and we can't live in peace every day, so you admit it?"

   Li Yuanan roared, "What are you talking about? What have I done?"

  The servant knelt down on the ground, "Your Majesty, those girls were captured and raped by you. They couldn't bear the humiliation. Some committed suicide, and some were killed by you while struggling. Just admit it!"

   Li Yuanan sat down dejectedly. These servants were all close to him. They knew what he had done. Could it be that he was really going to be beheaded today?

   No, he refuses to accept his fate, he cannot die!

   "My father is the king of Northern Xinjiang. What if I kill a few people? If you dare to kill me, when my father comes back, he will kill all of you."

If this had been said before Li Yuanshao came to him, it would still have some deterrent effect, but now, the governor is not afraid at all, "The son admits to murdering, the son of that day committed the same crime as the common people, come on, drag the son out, Meridian Gate Behead!"

   Li Yuanan panicked completely, "How dare you!"

  Fu Yin threw down the token, "Chop!"

   Li Yuanan looked at the token that bounced on the ground a few times, his pupils slowly widened, full of disbelief, "No, it's impossible!"

Beijiang belongs to his father. As long as his father is there, his father will wipe his **** for him. No one dares to say no to him, no one dares to disrespect him. Now the governor ordered him to be killed. How dare he? !

   "My father will not let you go!"

  The police stepped forward to detain Li Yuanan. For this son who was full of crimes, killing him would be regarded as revenge by his father and fellow villagers, so they were extraordinarily active.

  (end of this chapter)

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