Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 258: 258. Encountering the Garrison

  Chapter 258 258. Meeting the Garrison

  Li Yuanan struggled endlessly, refusing to accept his fate, "Let go of me, if you dare to kill me, my father will definitely kill your whole family!"

  Accompanied by his curses, he was finally put on shackles, got into a prison car, and headed for the Meridian Gate.

  There are more and more people onlookers, and it feels a bit empty.

  Punishing the vicious prince who harmed the village, how could they not see such a joyful thing?

  Li Yuanshao came to the highest tea house in the city, where he could see the execution ground of the Meridian Gate. He had already reserved a private room, waiting to watch.

  Yang Jingwen pushed the door open and entered the private room, "Yuan Shao, is your wish fulfilled now?"

  In front of the window, Li Yuanshao stood with his hands behind his back. His snow-colored robe outlined his cold and noble side, and the shadow of Jiaohua faded away, "Li Yuanan is not dead yet."

  Yang Jingwen came over and stood side by side with Li Yuanshao, looking in the direction of the Meridian Gate, "It's just a matter of time."

  Li Yuanshao's beautiful eyebrows and eyes slightly raised, "There are still variables before the head falls to the ground."

  Yang Jingwen withdrew her gaze and looked at the handsome and noble man beside her, "Yuan Shao, what are you going to do next?"

   Li Yuanshao said concisely, "Wait."

  Yang Jingwen was puzzled, "What are you waiting for?"

   Li Yuanshao didn't want to talk more, "You will know after a while."

  Yang Jingwen turned her head towards the Meridian Gate, "Yuan Shao, you will get what you want."

  Li Yuanshao said after a while, "I hope."

  On the street, the prison car was getting closer and closer to the Meridian Gate, and Li Yuanan was making more and more noise, and his heart became more and more frightened...

   "Let go of me, let me go!"

   "You can't kill me, I am the prince, I am the prince of Beijiang City!"

   "I will not let you go!"

  Accompanied by Li Yuanan's broken voice, the prison van finally arrived at the Meridian Gate, and he was brutally escorted out to kneel on the square.

   Li Yuanan raised his head and looked at the people around him. They all wanted him to die. They all wanted him to die. Why? Why? ?

   There are many people from the princess’s mother clan in the crowd. It is really not easy to kill Li Yuanan if the princess is not dead, but now that the princess is dead, Li Yuanan is worthless, and there is no need to save him if he is worthless.


   Fu Yin looked around, wondering if the pair of senior brothers were here?

  The previous governor was killed while sitting in this position. He supervised and beheaded the prince, so he shouldn't have the same treatment, right?

   I feel a little uneasy.

   "No..." Li Yuanan's eyes were bloodshot, and the fear in his heart reached the extreme. All the things he had done in his life appeared in front of his eyes. Scenes of pictures kept flashing, but in the end they all turned into darkness.

  Li Yuanan's head rolled twice on the ground and stopped, his eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

The onlookers felt very relieved when they saw this scene. Relying on his status as the son of the eldest son, Li Yuanan not only took away the women from good families, but also took people's things in the shop. After a pause, now as Li Yuanan's head fell to the ground, everyone took a deep breath comfortably, cool!

  Seeing this scene, Li Yuanshao slowly relaxed his clenched fists, closed his eyes, and let out a mouthful of turbid air. The resentment and hatred accumulated in his heart for so many years seemed to dissipate at this moment.

  With the death of Li Yuanan, many things in Beijiang City are quietly changing. The most obvious point is that Beijiang City seems to be more lively.


  Tong Yujie intercepted a batch of weapons in Mount Jiuhua.

  This mountain is only half a day away from Siming Mountain. If it is a step later, the weapons will be transported to Siming Mountain.

   These weapons are not swords, but arrows. There are five boxes in total, and there are almost 5,000 arrows.

  Tong Yujie saw Tang Jinghong, and hurried up to meet him, "General!"

  Tang Jinghong nodded to him, "Let me look at the weapons first."

  Tong Yujie and the hidden guard hurriedly opened the box, and the arrows were neatly placed inside. The arrows were sharp and brand new.

  Tang Jinghong picked up an arrowhead from the box and looked at it. The arrowhead was neither light nor heavy, and very even.

   It seems that in this regard, the King of Northern Xinjiang also has talents!

   "Yujie, go and call some people to transport these arrowheads to Mount Maiji!"

   "Yes, General."


   Siming Mountain.

  The secret guard walked anxiously into the tent, "My lord, please send me an urgent letter!"

  The fake Northern Xinjiang king immediately took out the letter and read it. After looking at it, his face turned livid, and his chest was burning with anger, "Tang Jinghong, I am at odds with you!"

  The letter said that the grain and grass were robbed, and the hidden guard judged from the method of killing that it was the brother who killed it.

  The previous letter said that Tang Jinghong had arrested Qin Yajun and Qin Fengnian, which was exposing him of his old background, and now he is robbing him of food and grass. To a certain extent, this is cutting off his way out.

   "My lord, what should we do now?"

   "Send someone to take back the grain and grass! By the way, in which direction did they **** the grain and grass?"


  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang’s eyes flickered for a moment. As expected of a great general, he chose Maiji Mountain instead of so many mountains and rivers. “Go, let the northern Xinjiang garrison speed up to march to Maiji Mountain and occupy the winning ground.”

   "Yes, my lord."

  As soon as this dark guard left, another dark guard came again, "My lord, I have something to report!"

  The false king of Northern Xinjiang shouted, "Say!"

  The dark guard knelt down on one knee, "The prince was beheaded for public display."

  The fake Northern Xinjiang King was stunned for a moment, and then he returned to normal. A waste whose mind is full of women, he will die as soon as he dies, "Is there something else going on in Beijiang City?"

   "The Seventh Prince has changed from being sick and weak in the past, and now he is tough!"

"Hide your strengths and bide your time?" The fake Northern Xinjiang king was silent for a moment, he didn't care about these things, when he defeated Tang Jinghong, Northern Xinjiang was still his, and these people were all ants in front of him, "Go to the city to collect food and grass, and immediately transport them to Maiji Mountain."

   "Yes, my lord."

The fake Northern Border King came to the top of the mountain, looked at the approaching enemy army, and showed a smile, which softened the scar on his face, but under the smile was a cold murderous intent .

   "Tang Jinghong, I wonder if your letter will be delivered in time?"


  The whole army was resting, and Chu Qingzhi, who was sitting on the boulder, suddenly moved her ears, and she heard countless footsteps, "Did you encounter the army of the King of Northern Xinjiang?"

  She immediately flew to the top of the mountain...

   Apart from a mountain, a large number of troops are marching, the direction of progress...Maiji Mountain!

   "Sure enough, it is the army of the King of Northern Xinjiang. It is forbidden by order and strict military discipline. It seems that it should be a garrison."

   "I didn't expect to run into the garrison here."

   "Is there any way to disturb them?"

  Suddenly, Chu Qingzhi clapped her hands together, "Yes!"

  She took out the jade flute from her sleeve, and played the tune of imperial beast. The tune was very fast and rough, as if she was playing it in a hurry.

   Circle after circle of spiritual light flew out of the jade flute, intertwined with some incomprehensible lines, and quickly spread into the air.

  (end of this chapter)

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