Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 259: 259. Follow the lead

  Chapter 259 259. Follow the lead

  As the sound of the flute spread, there was a strange noise in the dense forest...


"Da da da…"

   "Boom boom boom..."

   The weird noises became more and more intense, and sometimes the ground shook slightly, as if many things had gathered.

  The general of the garrison was called Gou Fangzhou. He was tall and burly, with a serious expression, and his voice was like a bell, and he ordered, "Be alert!"

  All the soldiers immediately drew out their knives, back to back and looked around vigilantly...

  The leaves and bushes in the woods kept shaking, and there was no wind now. It was obvious that something hit them to shake them, but they didn't see anything. This scene made everyone's hearts hang.

  The atmosphere became more and more tense, and everyone was short of breath.

   "Hiss..." Colorful snakes jumped up and bit the soldiers. The open mouth and sharp snake teeth made people frightened.

   "Oh..." A wolf jumped up and threw the soldier to the ground.

   "Hey..." Several tigers rushed over among the wolves.

   "Hey..." Several bears also ran over quickly and jumped on it.

   "Ah..." The soldiers screamed, some were bitten by snakes, some were bitten by wolves, some were bitten by tigers, some were beaten by bears, and the scene became chaotic...

  Gou Fangzhou swung his spear and cut a snake in two. Looking at this chaotic scene, he could pinch a mosquito to death between his eyebrows.

  It's so abnormal, is it because of some taboo?

   This period of fighting between humans and animals lasted for a long time.

   It wasn't that Chu Qingzhi gave up on her own initiative, but that she met a killer here!

  Seeing the killer, the thousand soldiers immediately hid aside, expressing that they would not intervene, so Chu Qingzhi was surrounded by the killers alone.

  She glanced at the killers around her. There were ten of them in total. Such a small number was not enough to fit her teeth. She hooked her lips, and slowly pulled out a white whip from her sleeve with her hand, and flicked it...

   In an instant, the three killers went there. They only saw a silver bar flashing in front of them, and they felt a pain in their bodies, and then fell to the ground!

  The rest of the killers couldn't help being terrified when they saw this, and immediately raised their swords and besieged them, "Surrender!"

  In Chu Qingzhi's eyes, their movements seemed to be slowed down. Even if she gave them two seconds, they were still slow.

  She flicked the whip four times in total, and all the killers... were wiped out.




  The soldiers' eyes were staring straight and they kept swallowing. This ordinary young man in front of him is the killer. What kind of material is his whip?

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the group of soldiers, and flicked the whip fiercely. The sound of piercing through the air shook the heartstrings, making people feel timid and afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

  Some soldiers even knelt down, crying in fear, "Hero, from now on we will only follow your lead!"

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  She was just exercising her muscles and bones, and she didn't intend to scare anyone. After all, is it that scary?

   "Didn't you hide far away just now?"

   "We are just timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Heroes don't have the same knowledge as us. Next time we must lead the way and die second!"

  Chu Qingzhi didn't bother to argue with these people, she was supposed to surrender, so how upright and upright could they be expected to be!


   "Yes, yes, let's go right away!" A group of soldiers rushed over to prepare, and continued to march towards Maiji Mountain.

  A distance away from a mountain, the soldiers of Gou Fangzhou were smashed by a group of wild beasts. Many soldiers were injured. The animals had been gone for a long time before they finished repairing and continued to march. Calculated, it took at least half a day.

   This frightened Gou Fangzhou to death. He has been marching and fighting for many years, and he has never encountered such a situation. Are the animals in this mountain crazy?

  In fact, everyone is very confused, and they have never even figured out this problem in their entire lives.


  A hidden guard landed behind Tang Jinghong, "General, a letter from Empress Anhuai."

  Tang Jinghong immediately brought the letter over.

   "General Tang, please protect Yunhua well. As long as Yunhua is fine, I can agree to any conditions. In addition, please rest assured, General Tang, An Huaiguo guarantees that no one will send troops."

  This is good news, Tang Jinghong felt a little relieved.

  At the same time, the false king of Beijiang received a letter from the monarch of Anhuai, "I can't help myself, and I can't send troops. Please forgive me, king of Beijiang!"

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang slapped the letter on the table angrily, "He didn't keep his word! Such a person also wants to monopolize power, and he deserves to be oppressed by a woman!"


  Beijiang City.

  The shopkeeper of the rice and grain store found Li Yuanshao in secret, "Master, suddenly a lot of people came to buy grain in the city. They didn't talk about the price, but only said how much they wanted."

  Li Yuanshao looked at the letter Tang Jinghong wrote to him in his hand, "The king of Northern Xinjiang is planning to rebel."

   "Don't sell it, and clean up the grain in our warehouse, I want to dedicate it to General Tang."

  The shopkeeper cupped his hands, "Yes, master, I'll go get ready right away."

  As soon as the shopkeeper left, Yang Jingwen came out from the shadows, "Yuan Shao, leave this to me."

   "Your injury is not healed yet, take care of your injury." Li Yuanshao was extremely guarded and didn't feel at ease with Yang Jingwen. Although there were many ambiguities between the two of them, it was too sudden, which made him unable to rest assured.

  Yang Jingwen's eyes flickered, "Then let me help you with something?"

  Li Yuanshao thought for a moment and said, "If you insist, then you can help me find out the situation of the northern Xinjiang garrison."

  Yang Jingwen responded, "OK."

   Li Yuanshao stared at Yang Jingwen's leaving figure in a daze. He felt that he couldn't see through Yang Jingwen. He always felt that she was covered with a layer of white gauze.


  The mountain of Maiji Mountain is very flat, and the foot of the mountain is like a plain, covered with a thick layer of green grass. Now that the two armies have not arrived yet, the mountain breeze blows gently, and you can still feel the leisure in the mountain.

  Tang Jinghong asked a group of hidden guards to find a place to hide the things first. It is still uncertain which of the two sides will arrive first. If it is the other side, the things will definitely be snatched by the other side.

  Hiding things, Tang Jinghong arranged for Tong Yujie to watch, while the other hidden guards went to inquire about Fang Yuchen and the fake king of Northern Xinjiang, and he went to meet Chu Qingzhi.

  But Chu Qingzhi is about to arrive, and now all the soldiers respect and fear her, she can do whatever she says, and no one dares to say no.

   "Xiaoqing!" Tang Jinghongfei landed in front of Chu Qingzhi, holding a food box in his hand, "Eat something before leaving."

  Chu Qingzhi was hungry, and when she saw Tang Jinghong appearing with something to eat, she was pleasantly surprised, "Yes."

  The two walked aside and found a stone as a table. Tang Jinghong brought out the meals one by one, "Eat, it's all prepared for you."

  Chu Qingzhi asked with concern, "Have you eaten?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, with a smile in his eyes... He couldn't help being happy when he saw Qingzhi, "Eat it, don't worry about me, eat it quickly."

   "Then I'll eat." Chu Qingzhi sat down cross-legged, eating slowly with the cool mountain breeze blowing.

  (end of this chapter)

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