Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 261: Mrs. General

   Chapter 261 261. Mrs. General

   Tang Jinghong was not asked to respond. At noon, the secret guard sent a letter from Fang Yuchen, which described the fighting situation between the two sides last night and that Fang Yuchen would arrive at night.

  After Tang Jinghong read the letter, he immediately handed it to Chu Qingzhi with a happy expression, "Qingzhi, take a look."

  Chu Qingzhi read the letter at a glance, then smiled and said, "It's a victory!"

  Tang Jinghong raised the corners of his lips, "Yes."

  The two looked in the direction of the border, both in a very good mood.


  Northern Xinjiang Barracks.

  The fake northern Xinjiang king suffered a lot and was in an extremely bad mood. He looked like a lion who had eaten a bomb. "Why haven't they arrived yet?"

  The subordinate Fan Lewen who was in charge of the news said nervously, "Going back to the lord, General Gou encountered an animal attack, and it took half a day to recover from the injury on the way, so he came late."

  The fake northern Xinjiang king changed his face when he heard it. His face was black and black, like an inkstone. "What animal attacked?"

  Fan Lewen explained the details, and then immediately lowered his head. According to experience, the prince will definitely lose his temper.

   Sure enough, the fake Northern Xinjiang King could no longer suppress his anger. It seemed that the whole world was against him at the moment. In a fit of anger, he flipped the table, "Go and see where they have gone, and let them speed up their march."

  Fan Lewen cupped his hands, and responded as if he had been amnesty, "Yes, my lord."

  As soon as Fan Lewen left, the fake king of Northern Xinjiang summoned his subordinates, restrained his anger and asked, "Have you found the whereabouts of Qin Fengnian and Qin Yajun?"

  The subordinates buried their heads low, "If you go back to the prince, our people are looking around, and I believe there will be news soon."

  The anger that the fake northern Xinjiang king had finally restrained showed faint signs of eruption again, and even the scar on his face was a little scary, "Trash!"

   His subordinates knelt down on one knee, terrified.

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang took a few deep breaths, now is the time to employ people, otherwise he would cut them off to vent his anger, "Where is Tang Jinghong now?"

   His subordinates replied tremblingly, "Tang Jinghong's whereabouts are a mystery, and our people haven't found out yet."

  The fake king of Northern Xinjiang doesn't want to get angry anymore, it's too useless, and the people under his hands seem to be dying at a critical moment.

  ...In fact, you can change the angle, not because you can't do it anymore, but because you are facing a stronger opponent!

  The false king of Northern Xinjiang roared, "Quickly check Tang Jinghong's whereabouts."

   "Yes, my lord." The subordinates hurried away.

  The false king of Northern Xinjiang took the map and studied it carefully. They all said that Tang Jinghong was the myth of invincibility, and he will break this myth this time.


  Beijiang City.

   After Li Yuanshao read Tang Jinghong's letter to him, he sat in a chair and was stunned for a cup of tea.

   "I didn't expect the senior brothers to be Tang Jinghong and Chu Qingzhi!"

   "It obviously doesn't look like it at all."

   "It's incredible!"

  After he came back to his senses, he couldn't stop his joy. Tang Jinghong was the direct descendant of the emperor. With his support, his position as the king of Beijiang was half stabilized. As long as he subdued some more people, his position as the king of Beijiang would be stable.

  Now the King of Northern Xinjiang is rebelling, and many forces that have attracted the King of Northern Border are panicking. If I come forward to take these people for my own use at this time, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

  Thinking, he changed his clothes and started the visit of the first faction.


   At night, the moon is bright and the stars are few.

  Chu Qingzhi was lying on a tree, with one hand under her head, the other on her abdomen, one leg bent, the other hanging down and shaking slightly, very leisurely, completely unaware of the imminent battle.

   "Qingzhi, go on." Tang Jinghong walked under the tree and threw something up for Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand to grab the thing, and she grabbed it.

  It is a big apple. The bright red peel is slightly shining in the moonlight, and at the same time it exudes a strong apple fragrance. It is delicious at first glance.

   "Jing Hong, where did you get the apples?" Chu Qingzhi asked, and then took a bite.

   Tang Jinghong saw Chu Qingzhi eating an apple, the corners of his lips curled up, "I saw it when I was walking around, is it sweet?"

   "Crispy and sweet." Chu Qingzhi took a second bite, "Why don't you eat it?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "Men don't eat snacks,"

   Well, many men don't like to eat snacks, Chu Qingzhi didn't continue this topic, "Jing Hong, how long are you going to fight this battle?"

   "Up to three days!" Tang Jinghong clasped his hands behind his back, dressed in a black brocade robe, with a long body standing tall. Under the moonlight, his figure seemed to be raised, and he looked extraordinarily domineering and mighty.

  Chu Qingzhi was very surprised, "How many times?"

   "One time is enough." Tang Jinghong was very confident. When he said this, his whole body seemed to be shining.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

  Are you sure you're not joking with her again? The fake northern border king prepared such a war, and you killed him in one go?

   After a while, the sound of dense footsteps came, but stopped soon.

   "Come?" Chu Qingzhi paused, sat up, gnawed all the apples, and jumped off the tree.

   "Here we come." Tang Jinghong nodded, and led Chu Qingzhi to the army.

The army of hundreds of thousands of people is extremely vast, but the military discipline is strict. It looks very neat and not messy at all. They wear uniform soldier uniforms, but in terms of momentum, they are absolutely unmatched. Some people hold torches and look at them. Go, twists and turns, like a long dragon without a tail.

  Fang Yuchen just got off his horse when he saw Tang Jinghong and a light green and beautiful girl approaching, and immediately saluted, "I have seen General Tang."

  Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand to support Fang Yuchen, "General Fang has worked hard." Then he introduced Chu Qingzhi, "This girl is called Chu Qingzhi, my fiancée."

  Fang Yuchen's originally excited face turned into a very excited face in an instant, and the soldier next to him who heard this also became incredulous...

  Wan Nianqing actually has a fiancee?

  evergreen is the soldier's private evaluation of Tang Jinghong, because he is not married, nor close to women, like a evergreen that never blooms.

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

   Don't be so surprised, right?

  Chu Qingzhi pursed her lips and smiled slightly. Seeing everyone's reactions, the fact that Jing Hong didn't get married seemed to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

  She restrained her smile and saluted Fang Yuchen, "I have seen General Fang, and I have seen all the generals."

  Fang Yuchen quickly helped Chu Qingzhi up, and said politely, "We should have met the wife of the future general."

  Chu Qingzhi followed their general to northern Xinjiang, and stood in front of them and saluted generously. These are not things that ordinary girls can do. These two points alone are enough to make them respect the future wife of the general in front of them.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "General Fang, you are being polite, and your own people don't have to worry so much."

  Fang Yuchen was a northern man in his early forties. He was tall and strong, and his armor was very mighty. He smiled heartily, "Listen to the wife of the future general."

  (end of this chapter)

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