Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 262: 262. Do Mister

  Chapter 262 262. Do Mr.

  The two sides talked for a while, and Fang Yuchen ordered to set up camp.

  Tents were set up, Tang Jinghong sent Chu Qingzhi to one of the tents to rest, and he went to discuss the battle plan with the generals.

  Chu Qingzhi sat by the bed, propping her chin with one hand, listening to the noise outside, she felt that she should do something, so she walked out of the tent.

  Outside the tent, the soldiers were busy, preparing for battle, and the atmosphere was very tense.

  She wandered around the barracks for a while, and suddenly heard some sad voices.

   "Doctor Zhou, his blood still can't be stopped, what should we do?"

   "Add heavy medicine, if there is no way to stop the bleeding... hey, we will do our best."

   "Yes, Doctor Zhou."

  The blood flow is more than likely due to an injury to the artery, Chu Qingzhi said something secretly in her heart, and then walked into the tent, "Let me try."

  The air instantly became quiet.

   There are more than a dozen wounded soldiers lying in the tent, all of whom were injured in the previous sneak attack on the northern Xinjiang barracks. In order to march on the road, they were simply bandaged before, and now they have begun to deal with them carefully.

  The story of Chu Qingzhi has spread throughout the barracks. There are no girls in the barracks. The girl who appeared here is, needless to say, the wife of his future general.

  The wife of the future general came to the tent and said to help treat the wound. Everyone was as surprised as a small earthquake.

   So he was stunned.

   Doctor Zhou who was closest to Chu Qingzhi asked, "Miss Chu knows medical skills?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "A little bit."

   Doctor Zhou sized up Chu Qingzhi, she knew medical skills, and she didn't care about trivial matters. The girl General Tang liked was really different from the ordinary girls, so he said with more respect in his tone, "Then what is Miss Chu good at?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the wounded patient who was bleeding profusely, "I'll help him stop the bleeding." Then she walked over.

  Dr. Zhou was curious, he took care of the injury in his hand, followed him, and asked humbly, "Miss Chu, his blood has been unable to stop, do you know why?"

  Other doctors also came over, their faces full of curiosity.

  The medical skills of this era have studied bones, internal organs, and acupuncture points, but have not yet studied blood vessels, which is a bit difficult to explain.

Chu Qingzhi thought for a while and explained, "There are many blood vessels in our body, some of which connect the heart and various organs of the body, mainly transporting blood to these organs, the blood flow is very fast, and this soldier, he just injured This kind of blood vessel is broken, so the bleeding cannot be stopped for a long time."

  She thought, luckily it wasn't the aorta, otherwise she would have died early.

  Everyone was dumbfounded.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her hand and pressed a spot on the soldier's leg. After a while, everyone found that the bleeding had stopped. It was amazing.

   "Apply medicine!"

   Several doctors immediately poured the hemostatic powder, bandaged it, and did it in one go, which shows that they are familiar with these things.

  Chu Qingzhi secretly injected a bit of spiritual power into the soldier's body to allow him to recover from some injuries, and then she removed her finger to let the soldier rest.

  Everyone stared at the gauze wrapped by the soldier without blinking. After watching for a while, they found that the bleeding had really stopped. Everyone's favor and admiration for Chu Qingzhi rose rapidly.

  Doctor Zhou asked modestly, "Miss Chu, what is the trick to stop the bleeding?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at it. The more these military doctors know about first aid, the more people they can save. So she explained many first aid methods in detail.

   Some military doctors listened and took out their notebooks to take notes. Chu Qingzhi liked her modest and studious appearance, so she simply sat down and taught everyone a first aid lesson.

Tang Jinghong discussed the battle plan with a group of generals, and came to find Chu Qingzhi. After searching, he saw Chu Qingzhi sitting in the seat of the husband, and a dozen or so military doctors and their assistants were listening to the lecture with small notebooks. Look serious.

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

  When the other generals saw the appearance of Mr. Chu Qingzhi, they once again affirmed in their hearts that the fiancée their general found was unusual, and their evaluation of Chu Qingzhi immediately rose several steps.

  ...Not everyone can make these experienced military doctors listen to the lectures with such humility.

   After watching for a while, Tang Jinghong estimated that Chu Qingzhi would still have some time to end, so he withdrew and went to the place where the fire leader in the army cooks, planning to make some supper for Chu Qingzhi.

  Generals, "..."

  One class lasted for an hour. After the lecture, everyone gathered around Chu Qingzhi and asked some questions. When they came out of the tent, everyone looked enlightened, which showed that they had gained a lot.

Several military doctors returned to the tent, thinking to themselves, Miss Chu can’t give them lectures in vain, and they have to give something in return, so after a while, several military doctors met in front of the tent where Chu Qingzhi lived with boxes in their hands up.

  Everyone looked up at the sky.

  Tang Jinghong returned with a midnight snack, and saw several military doctors looking up at something, "What are you doing here?"

  Several military doctors immediately surrounded Tang Jinghong, "General Tang, Miss Chu is a girl's family. It's so late, we don't want to disturb you. This is our thank you gift to her. Please pass it on for me."

   After they finished speaking, they put the box in Tang Jinghong's tray and left quickly.

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

  In terms of popularity, he has never seen anyone more popular than Qingzhi.

   Smiling, he walked into the tent.

Chu Qingzhi was playing with a bow and arrow. When she saw Tang Jinghong, she said quickly, "Jinghong, you came back just in time. Where is your weapon? I said to help you improve it, but I forgot. The one who saw the bow and arrow just now That's when I remembered."

  Tang Jinghong has three weapons...

  One is a saber, which he usually carries for self-defense.

  One piece is a heavy bow. Taking a person’s head from a thousand miles away is not just talking. Ten generals have been shot to death with that bow and arrow, all of them were shot to death thousands of miles away, and the battle ended directly at that time.

   There is also a long spear, which he used when he charged into the battle. It stained the most blood of the enemy, and it was also his most convenient weapon.

  When he came over, he didn't bring the heavy bow and long spear. He sent a letter asking Wen Shaoyuan to bring them to him, and they put them in his tent at this time.

   "You eat supper first, I'll get it later."

"You made it for me?" Chu Qingzhi looked at the wontons, and then at the box next to it. She heard what the military doctors said in front of the tent just now. These people really understand human relations. She gives presents.

   "I made it, you have a taste." Tang Jinghong handed the spoon to Chu Qingzhi, watching Qingzhi eat what he made, he felt quite happy.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, took the spoon and ate, "If you don't want to be a general in the future, you can consider opening a breakfast restaurant."

  Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand and pinned the broken hair from Chu Qingzhi's temples behind his ears, his eyes were as gentle as water, "Yes, you can be the boss and collect money."

  (end of this chapter)

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