Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 266: 266. A house

  Chapter 266 266. A House

  Fang Yuchen camp.

  Xiao Bing entered the tent and reported, "General Tang, there is a man outside who calls himself Li Yuanshao asking to see him."

   Tang Jinghong lowered his eyes in astonishment, wondering what he was doing here, "Go down, General Ben will go and have a look later."

  Xiaobing arched his hands, "Yes, General Tang."

  Tang Jinghong got up and walked towards Chu Qingzhi who was sitting aside writing and drawing, "Qingzhi, Li Yuanshao is here, do you want to go and see?"

  Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, "I won't go, you can go."

  She is calculating the whereabouts of the person who made the crossbow, and she can figure it out after a while.

  Tang Jinghong went out alone.

  Outside the barracks, Li Yuanshao, Cong Chusheng, and Ge Lihua all came, but the three looked around in confusion...

  Seeing Tang Jinghong coming out, the three hurriedly stepped forward to salute. Li Yuanshao said, "General Tang, I learned that you are fighting against soldiers from the northern border, so you brought some food and grass here."

  Behind him are many carts drawn by horses. Bags of grain are piled high on the carts, which shows full sincerity.

  Tang Jinghong glanced across, "The battle is over."

   Three people, "???"

So fast? Are you sure you're not joking with them?

   "General Tang, is there something you can't say?" Li Yuanshao couldn't believe it from the bottom of his heart. He pursed his lips, and his crimson lips were stained with water, slightly shining like a dewy flower petal.

   "The battle is indeed over." Tang Jinghong saw their doubts, and he pointed to the right direction, "You go in this direction, the king of Beijiang is being tied to a human frame to expose his corpse!"

   "Thank you, General Tang." Ge Lihua left immediately, the King of Northern Xinjiang was her biggest enemy, even if she died, she would go up to make amends.

   Li Yuanshao cupped his hands at Tang Jinghong, and led Cong Chusheng to follow. This is too unbelievable, you have to go and see.

  Fang Yuchen walked over and said with a hearty smile, "General Tang, who is this man?"

  Tang Jinghong took Fang Yuchen back, "He is the seventh prince of the king of Beijiang, and Beijiang will depend on him from now on."

  Fang Yuchen is a general with a brain. Hearing the words, he pondered for a while, "General Tang means that he will be the next King of Northern Xinjiang?"

"I have already sent a memorial to the emperor. As long as the emperor agrees with me, he will be canonized as the king of northern Xinjiang." Tang Jinghong pointed out, "General Fang, your garrison here is the closest to the northern border. Go get acquainted with him, but this person can't just look at the surface, General Fang must be careful."

  Fang Yuchen bowed his hands to Tang Jinghong, "General Tang, I accept this love."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Absorb all the soldiers from northern Xinjiang to the border, and leave only 30,000 guards, no more."

  Fang Yuchen replied, "I understand." There are too many troops stationed, and it is easy to breed thoughts that shouldn't be there.

  After talking with Tang Jinghong, Fang Yuchen left the barracks and went to find Li Yuanshao.

  Here, when Ge Lihua looked at Qin Mian's face in the clothes of the Northern Border King, he was confused, "What's going on?"

   Li Yuanshao and Cong Chusheng were equally confused. Cong Chusheng pointed to Qin Mian and said, "Isn't this Qin Mian?"

  Li Yuanshao circled around Qin Mian, "It's Qin Mian, that's right, but General Tang just said the king of Northern Xinjiang, right?"

  Fang Yuchen came over, "The Northern Border King you saw was replaced by Qin Mian a few years ago."

   "???" These words made the three of them astonished and unbelievable.

   Li Yuanshao said in disbelief, "General, this..." Are you sure you're not joking?

  Fang Yuchen secretly looked at Li Yuanshao, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, but extremely handsome, "You are the son of the king of Beijiang, don't you know that you have been replaced?"

  Hearing this, Li Yuanshao's eyes darkened, "Father never gets close to me..." Needless to say, how do you know that someone you don't know has been replaced?

  Fang Yuchen stared at Qin Mian for a while, and then said to Li Yuanshao, "Can the Seventh Prince borrow a word?"

  Li Yuanshao remained calm, raised his hand, "Please, General."

   The two walked away slowly and went to the side to talk.

  Cong Chusheng touched his chin and looked at Qin Mian in front of him, muttering to himself, "This man's ability to pretend is too high. No one in the Northern Xinjiang Palace has discovered it, not even the princess."

Ge Lihua looked at Qin Mian, and when she learned that the king of Northern Xinjiang who killed her family was actually a fake person, the hatred in her heart immediately multiplied, and her eyes were burning with anger, making both eyes red, "Qin Mian , How did you manage to do it? More than two hundred people in my family died!!"

  She roared, then squatted on the ground and cried loudly, desolate, sad, helpless...

  The crying gradually weakened, Ge Lihua pulled out the dagger from his boots, raised his head, glared at Qin Mian bitterly, and stabbed down with such force that the entire blade went into the corpse!

  No one stopped him, this fake king of Northern Xinjiang caused them such misery, it is not an exaggeration to throw it to the dogs.

  Ge Lihua was crying and stabbed more than two hundred knives on the corpse. The corpse was beyond recognition, **** and bloody.

  "Father, mother, elder brother, the villain has been executed, you may rest in peace." Ge Lihua knelt down on his knees, and couldn't help crying...

  Her cries were mixed with deep sadness and helplessness, which moved everyone.

  Cong Chusheng stepped forward and handed Ge Lihua a handkerchief, "Miss Ge, here it is."

  Ge Lihua took the handkerchief over, his voice was full of tears, "Thank you."

  Cong Chusheng comforted, "The dead are gone, we should look forward, and now they can also rest in peace."

  Ge Lihua didn't respond to Cong Chusheng's words, and soon sank into sadness again.

  Cong Chusheng looked up at Qin Mian's body. This man had harmed too many people, and now he deserved what he did.


  Inside the tent.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Tang Jinghong who walked in, and blinked mysteriously, "Jinghong, I have deduced the whereabouts of that person."

  Tang Jinghong was surprised, "Qing Zhi, can you also calculate the position of the person?"

"Of course, I'll tell you the truth later, and we'll rush over there right away." Chu Qingzhi secretly said, using the technique of deduction, anyone's position can be calculated, but it requires a strong cultivation and mental strength, and the requirements are extremely high, and few people can achieve it. Requirements, she only knows a little bit, and she also has the mentality of giving it a try, but she didn't expect to figure it out.


   After looking at the map, the two flew directly over.

  When Tang Jinghong looked at the scene in front of him, he was taken aback in surprise, "It's actually in the Qin Mansion!"

  Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, and a ray of spiritual light flew over and opened the door, "Jing Hong, go in and have a look."

   The two walked towards the Qin Mansion while observing.

  It's a pity that no one lives in such a magnificent house in this deep mountain and old forest.

  Chu Qingzhi especially likes this environment, "Jing Hong, I want this house."

  Tang Jinghong said nothing else, "If you like something that has no owner, you want it."

  (end of this chapter)

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