Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 267: 267. The Story of the Si Family

  Chapter 267 267. Si Family Story

  Not long after entering the house, they saw an old woman walking in one direction with a tray. The two looked at each other and followed silently.

  The old woman walked into the largest house in the mansion, then pushed open a door, and said in a familiar tone, "Are you still studying those wood?"

  The sloppy man raised his head from behind the desk and looked at the old woman, "Thank you for bringing me food."

  The old woman said earnestly, "Don't keep looking at the wood, be careful not to blind your eyes."

  The sloppy man paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "If my eyes are blinded by looking at these woods, I'd be happy." His voice was very hoarse, as if his throat had been injured.

  The old woman put the tray on the table, turned around and said disapprovingly, "If you are blind, who will take care of you?"

  The sloppy man said, "Isn't there still you, mother-in-law?"

  The old woman smiled and said, "I'm too old to take care of you for the rest of my life. Now the food in the house is only enough for us for three days. After three days... hey, let's talk about it when the time comes."

  The sloppy man put the crossbow in his hand on the table, moved the wheelchair towards the old woman, "Have all the property in the house been taken away?"

  The old woman nodded, "Yes, a group of people came and searched the house before. I was afraid to hide in the room at the time, but when I went to see it later, there was nothing left."

  The sloppy man was silent for a moment, picked up his chopsticks to eat, today he ate porridge and wild vegetables, he took a sip of the porridge, and thought to himself, what should I do if I run out of food?

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong, who were hiding in the dark, could see everything in the room clearly.

  Tang Jinghong looked away from the sloppy man and landed on Chu Qingzhi, his deep eyes were full of admiration. He didn't remember that it was the first time he admired Qingzhi, it was so amazing.

  Chu Qingzhi raised her hand and made a "walking" gesture, meaning she wants to go in and have a look?

  Tang Jinghong understood Chu Qingzhi's meaning tacitly, nodded, then walked out from the dark and walked into the room.

  The scruffy man heard footsteps, turned his head vigilantly and looked in the direction of the door...

  A tall and straight young man walked in.

The young man's face is sharp, his eyes are like eagles, his lips are slightly pursed with a bit of seriousness, he is about twenty-four or five years old, he is dressed in a black robe, and his expression is calm. The feeling is hard to ignore.

   Then walked in a young girl with cardamom.

The girl's face is delicate and beautiful, very refined, her figure is slender and graceful, with light green tassels on her waist, black silk tied into a high ponytail and hanging down her back, with a silver hairpin inserted, she is dressed in a simple and elegant manner, her eyebrows are clear and calm Take it easy.

  He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a couple.

   Tang Jinghong stood at the door, glanced across the room, and then walked towards the sloppy man... Si Yingzong, "Mr. Si, nice to meet you."

  Si Yingzong's response information has been mastered by him, only the last step is meet people.

  Si Yingzong had expected such a day, so he was not surprised to see Tang Jinghong. He said quietly, "You still found it."

   Tang Jinghong was a little surprised, his face remained unchanged, "Do you recognize me?"

  Si Yingzong recalled somewhat, "I was fortunate to have seen the demeanor of General Zhen Guo on the streets of the capital when your squadron returned to the court."

   Tang Jinghong lowered his eyelids and thought for a few seconds, "Since you are in the capital, why did you go to the King of Northern Xinjiang?"

  Si Yingzong buried his face slightly, showing a mocking smile, "If I hadn't defected to the King of Northern Xinjiang, I'm afraid I would be decapitated by now."

  Tang Jinghong fell silent...

  The Si family is a hermit family, famous for its hidden weapons, and is highly respected by all parties. Many people in Daling will ask the Si family for help when they want to design the secret room of the agency.

   It is said that during the previous dynasty, some members of the Si family participated in the design of the imperial mausoleum.

  The Si family is very mysterious. No one knew the exact location of the Si family until Si Yingzong came out to practice in the world...

  The Si family has a family rule that members of the Si family are not allowed to take anyone back casually, nor are they allowed to tell outsiders about the Si family.

  Not long after Si Yingzong came to the world, he met a pretty girl, who was the daughter of the Minister of Rites of the court.

Si Yingzong has no power and power, and the Minister of Rites is a person who is good at making money. He only thinks about his official career. His daughter is his bargaining chip for success. Therefore, he does not agree with the two of them being together unless Si Yingzong can help him Promote official position.

  For the sake of the girl, Si Yingzong devoted himself to the imperial court, specializing in the development of crossbow arrows, thinking of making meritorious deeds, so that he could be with the girl.

   But the imperial court was not as easy-going as he imagined. Soon after entering, he encountered a lot of unfair treatment. The most serious point was that Si Yingzong's boss was a greedy person, and he took all the credit for Si Yingzong's achievements on himself.

   While stealing credit, he also criticized Si Yingzong.

  Si Yingzong, after all, was inexperienced in the world, and his ability was still inexperienced. Under such harsh criticism, accidents would happen soon.

  The first emperor was very interested in crossbows, so he wanted to try the newly developed crossbows.

   Without Si Yingzong's permission, the boss gave the first emperor the newly developed crossbow arrows of Si Yingzong, and almost killed the first emperor.

  The first emperor was furious and wanted to execute his superior, but at this time, the superior immediately blamed him, saying that Si Yingzong did it on purpose.

  Si Yingzong, an unknown soldier, was immediately sent to death row.

  After the people of the Si family heard the news, they immediately sent people to rescue the prison, but they were targeted by the late emperor.

  The person he wanted to kill, but your family sent people to rob the prison. Isn’t that contemptuous of the imperial power?

  So they sent people to look for the location of the Si family, both openly and secretly.

  How does a family fight against a country, and in the end the arms cannot twist the thighs, and the Si family is destroyed like this.

  Si Yingzong was the only survivor of the Si family, but his legs were amputated due to illness, and he became a cripple. In order to hide his identity, he had to grow a beard to look like a sloppy man.

  In fact, he has a serious cleanliness obsession. In order to survive, it can be said that he is suffering every minute and every second.

  He defected to the king of Beijiang, on the one hand to fulfill his dream, and on the other hand, he wanted to take revenge with the help of the king of Beijiang.

  It's a pity that the king of Northern Xinjiang died before he could leave the army, and was put to death after only one round in Tang Jinghong's hands.

  Tang Jinghong couldn't bear to force him. It was too miserable for this man to ruin his family because of a woman. "The king of Beijiang is dead. What are your plans?"

  Si Yingzong's voice was full of stagnation and dead silence, "What can I do as a cripple?"

  Tang Jinghong didn't know what to say. The Si family was completely killed by the former emperor. If he let Si Yingzong serve the court, wouldn't that be adding salt to his wounds? Besides, who would want to work for a force that killed their entire family?

  At this time, Chu Qingzhi, who went to the wooden stand next to him to look at the crossbow arrows, turned around and said, "I can help you regain your freedom of movement, cure your illness, and even change your face, on the condition that you work for Jing Hong!"

  (end of this chapter)

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