Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 273: 273. A female catcher

  Chapter 273 273. A female catcher

  The county magistrate looked at the rather chivalrous girl in front of him, and admired him very much, but he had never had a female catcher before, which made him hesitate.

   "Girl, it's dangerous to be a police officer, and they're all big men, wouldn't it be inconvenient?"

  Chu Xujin immediately said good things, "My lord, Miss Ge is very skilled in martial arts. She kicked the trafficker away in the street just now, otherwise we would not be able to catch him."

  The county magistrate was secretly surprised, the girl in front of him looked thin and thin, did she really have such explosive power? If it is true, how high is the martial arts? !

   "If you are so powerful, why do you want to be a fast catcher, won't you be overqualified?"

  Ge Lihua held a precious sword in her hand, and she slowly tightened her fingers holding the sword, "I don't think it's an overkill to eliminate harm for the people, eliminate violence and bring peace to the people."

  The county magistrate clapped his hands happily, "Okay, just focus on eliminating harm for the people, eliminating violence and safety, the county has decided to let you be a fast catcher."

  Ge Lihua clasped his fists, very sassy, ​​"Thank you, my lord."

  The county magistrate looked at Chu Xujin and said, "Xujin, take this girl Ge to handle all kinds of documents, and I will come to the county government office to report tomorrow."

   "Yes, my lord." Chu Xujin said again, "My lord, the county government still needs to reward Miss Ge with five taels of silver."

   "Here, rewards will be given for meritorious service." The county magistrate beckoned to the master, "Take them to get the money."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Chu Xujin gave the lord a flattering smile, "My lord, my fifth sister is back, and I want to take a leave of absence from the lord."

  The county magistrate was stunned for a moment, then became excited, "Chu Qingzhi came back from Northern Xinjiang?"

  Chu Xujin was a little puzzled, "Your Excellency also knows?"

  Who doesn't know? Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong have made great contributions in northern Xinjiang again, but the news has not yet spread, but their officials have already communicated with each other, "Yes, yes."

  Chu Xujin said gratefully, "Thank you, sir."

   After taking the silver, Chu Xujin took Ge Lihua back home immediately.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi returned to the village and was welcomed by the villagers, even the most prestigious old man came.

  Seeing so many people, Tang Jinghong stopped the carriage, "Qing Zhi, everyone is here."

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage, and Wu Yaqing also jumped out of the carriage immediately. Seeing so many villagers, she was very surprised. Are Qingzhi and Big Brother Tang so popular?

  As for the gifts in the carriage, put them away temporarily, and take them home after the people leave.

   Tang Jinghong stepped forward to support the old man, with a respectful attitude, "Master."

  The old man patted Tang Jinghong's arm, with a smile all over his face, even the wrinkles on his face were flattened, "Okay, just come back."

  The old man was considered an intellectual in ancient times. When he was chatting with Grandpa Chu, he learned that Tang Jinghong was serving in the army, so he knew that he and Chu Qingzhi were going to deal with important matters.

   And this big event is naturally related to the court, and he is happy and proud in his heart.

  Chu Qingzhi also called out, "Master."

  The old man replied with a smile, "Okay."

  Wu Yaqing also yelled, and do as the Romans do.

  She has an outgoing personality, and then she introduced to everyone familiarly, "My name is Wu Yaqing, I am from Northern Xinjiang, and I am a good friend of Qing Zhi. I will live here in the future. Please give me your advice."

   "Welcome Yaqing to visit Chu Family Village."


  With Wu Yaqing's character, she quickly became one with the villagers, surrounded by everyone, talking and laughing, and seemed to be the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

  The Chu family, two young apprentices, and the little servant squeezed into the crowd one after another, and came to Chu Qingzhi.

  Li Qingyu hugged Chu Qingzhi tightly, tears filled her eyes in an instant, and wept with joy, "Qingzhi, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

   Such strong maternal love warmed Chu Qingzhi's heart. She patted Li Qingyu's back lightly, and said softly, "Mother, I made you worry."

   After hugging for a long time, Li Qingyu let go of Chu Qingzhi, "Have you encountered any danger on the road? Have things been settled?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "No, the journey was safe and the matter went smoothly, everything was resolved."

   Didn't dare to mention war or anything, the mother in front of her was afraid she would faint from worry.

  Li Qingyu felt relieved, "That's good, that's good..."

  Grandma Chu took Chu Qingzhi's hand, "My daughter has lost weight, your mother has prepared a lot of delicious food, you can eat more later."

  Chu Qingzhi responded with a smile, "Yes, grandma."

  Chu Bamei stepped forward and hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, I miss you so much, all the horses in our family miss you."

  Chu Qingzhi rubbed Bamei Chu's head, "Sister Fifth will go and see them later."

  Grandfather Chu, Chu Rong and others also expressed their miss and concern.

  Shen Ruyue also hugged Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, you have become beautiful again."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "You too."

  Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang stepped forward to salute, "I have seen Master."

  Chu Qingzhi patted the shoulders of the two young apprentices, "I brought you some good things back, and I'll show them to you later."

  The eyes of the two little apprentices lit up, and the master said it was a good thing, so it must be a good thing, "Yes."

   Then everyone showed concern for Tang Jinghong.

  Everyone chatted at the entrance of the village for a long time before letting Qing Zhi and his party go home.


  Everyone was sympathetic to the hard work of the few people on the road, and didn’t ask any more questions when they got home, and asked them to go back to their room to rest, and wait for them to say anything after they had rested.

   Several people fell asleep until the evening.

  The towering mountains in the distance, the nearby farmland, and the houses of the villagers are all painted with a layer of golden yellow under the shining of the setting sun, which looks extraordinarily magnificent.

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the room, changed into plain clothes, and planned to drive the carriage back, and the gifts bought for her family were still on it.

  As soon as he walked out, he ran into two young apprentices. They were sitting in the main room reading medical books, and Chu Qingning was there too.

  After seeing Chu Qingzhi, the three of them immediately stood up. Chu Qingning walked over, took Chu Qingzhi's hand and asked, "Fifth Sister, where are you going?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed outside, "I'm going to drive the carriage back."

  Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang said in unison, "Master, rest, let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the two of them, smiled and nodded, "You guys go."

  Chu Qingning pulled Chu Qingzhi to sit on the chair, "Fifth Sister, tell me how the northern border is like? Is it fun over there? How's the scenery?"

  Chu Qingzhi picked something to tell Chu Qingning and told it to Chu Qingning. It was like telling a story, vividly, and Chu Qingning was full of longing.

  Hearing her voice, Wu Yaqing and Ge Lihua walked out of the room, and they sat directly beside Chu Qingzhi.

   "Wait a minute, I'll bring you something to eat." Chu Qingzhi went to the sorbet workshop and brought some fruit-flavored sorbets over, "Sorbet, it's refreshing, try it."

  Neither of them had seen sorbet before, so it was very novel.

  Wu Yaqing immediately picked up a piece and looked it over carefully, "Qingzhi, should you just bite into it?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Well, there are some ice, you take a small bite to get used to it, and then take a big bite."

  (end of this chapter)

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