Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 274: 274. A gift

   Chapter 274 274. A Gift

  Wu Yaqing first tried to lick it with her tongue. It was icy and cool, and a coolness hit the tip of her tongue. "Wow, it's so cool, and there's a pear scent."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "This is made with pear juice."

  Wu Yaqing asked curiously, "Qingzhi, why do you have such good things in your house? We always use ice to cool down in the house, and frozen fruit or something, never for eating."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "This is made in my workshop, you can go and have a look."

  Wu Yaqing was so curious that she couldn't sit still, "Then I'm going?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Go."

  Ge Lihua took the ice cream in his hand and took a small bite.

  It was sweet, cool and fragrant, and she could not help but bend her eyes. Her smile was like the first black orchid that bloomed in early winter, so beautiful.

   This smile happened to be seen by Chu Xujin who walked in, and he felt as if his eyes were dazzled by a light, "Are you eating ice cream?"

  Chu Qingzhi waved to Chu Xujin, "Third Brother, come and sit down."

   "Okay." Chu Xujin smiled and sat down on the chair.

  Chu Qingzhi took a look at Chu Xujin, her skin was a little darker, but she seemed to be more handsome, her face was always smiling, and she looked very easy to get along with, "Third brother, are you in good health?"

  Chu Xujin nodded, "It's all healed, it's been a month and a half, thanks to the careful care of Hongjun and Lin Jiang."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "I will thank them very much."

   While talking, the two drove the carriage back, "Master."

  Chu Qingzhi walked outside, the carriage had already driven into the yard, "Both of you move the things in the carriage in."

  The two responded readily, "Okay."

  Chu Xujin heard the words and hurried out to help.

  Ge Lihua came out eating ice cream, with so many people helping, she didn't have to do anything, just stood aside and watched.

   After a while, Tang Jinghong came out of the room. There was a layer of bruises under his eyes, and it seemed that he hadn't rested well, "Qingzhi."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head and smiled, "Are you awake?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "I'm going to wash my face."


  After the gifts were moved, Chu Qingyue, Chu Qingshuang, Chu Xuyuan, and Chu Xuyao ​​happened to be back.

  Ning Yuting went back to the capital to prepare for the wedding, not at Chu's house.

   "Fifth Sister."

   "Fifth Sister."

   "You're finally back." The four of them immediately gathered around, excited for a while.

  Chu Qingzhi hugged Chu Qingyue and Chu Qingshuang, and then touched the heads of Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​respectively, "I miss you too."

  Chu Xuyao ​​said childishly but very seriously, "If I don't come back again, I want to ride Fubao to Beijiang to find you."

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, "Do you know the way?"

  Chu Xuyao ​​was at a loss for words, "I... I'm going to ask."

  Everyone couldn't help but smile.

   "Come on, let's all go inside." Chu Qingzhi called everyone into the main room, and she was about to give everyone presents!

  People soon gathered.

  The long table where you eat is full of gifts, which looks a bit spectacular, and everyone gathers around, full of curiosity.

  Chu Qingzhi handed a long box to Grandpa Chu, "This is the pipe I bought for Grandpa, I hope Grandpa likes it."

  Grandpa Chu doesn’t have any other hobbies, he just likes to smoke some dry tobacco. The gift of the pipe is a gift to his heart, and he is talking about changing it.

   "Qing Zhi, Grandpa likes it very much." Grandpa Chu opened the box and took out an exquisite copper pipe, which was very classy at first glance.

   "Yes." Chu Qingzhi picked up a small box, which contained a pair of mutton fat jade bracelets, which she took out from the secret room of Princess Beijiang, "Grandma, this is for you."

  Grandma Chu saw the milky white jade bracelet, and dared not reach out to pick it up, "Qing Zhi, is this very precious?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "This was given to you by your granddaughter, how could it not be expensive?"

   These words immediately dispelled Grandma Chu's worries. She carefully took the jade bracelets into her hand and said with a smile, "I will make this pair of jade bracelets a family heirloom in the future."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi brought out a big box, and she opened it, "This is for Dad, it's all made of meteorite, and it won't break after a lifetime."

  Chu Rong likes to do carpentry, so Chu Qingzhi bought him a set of high-quality carpentry tools, such as chisels and saws, all needed for carpentry, a complete set, dozens of types.

  Chu Rong was very moved when he saw a box of tools, "Qing Zhi, Dad likes it so much, thank you."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, and took out another gift, "This is for Mother."

   "Thank you Qingzhi." Li Qingyu smiled and opened the box expectantly. A jade comb and a little emerald gold hairpin were very beautiful, "Qingzhi, isn't this very precious?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "You also asked the same question as grandma. The gift from my daughter is naturally precious."

  Li Qingyu nodded again and again, very happy, "Yes, Qingzhi is right, even if it is made of mud, it is still her daughter's heart."

  Next, Chu Qingzhi gave presents to her elder brother and sister, younger brother and younger sister, Shen Ruyue, and Li Zhangjie respectively.

  The little servant Li Zhangjie was holding the box, very excited, "Is there another one for me?"

  Chu Xuhua liked Li Zhangjie very much, reached out and patted the boy on the head, "Thank you, Fifth Sister."

  Li Zhangjie finally realized that he was so excited that he forgot to say thank you, "Thank you, Sister Qingzhi."

   "You're welcome." Chu Qingzhi finally gave the gift to Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang, "You can watch it alone later." Although it is a good thing, it will scare Li Qingyu and the others.

   "Yes, Master." This made the two of them more curious.

  Wu Yaqing looked at this scene and thought to herself, how could such a lively scene be without her, she went back to the room and took out a purse, and announced loudly, "I also have something to give to everyone."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Wu Yaqing's purse, and quickly said, "Yaqing, you don't need to give a gift."

   "I want to give it." Wu Yaqing opened the purse as she spoke, poured out a handful of golden melon seeds from it and put it on the table, Chu Qingzhi had no time to stop it.

  People in the palace like golden melon seeds very much, they should like it too, right?

  People, "…"

   Is this glittering gold?

  Everyone was attracted by gold, but the eyes of Shen Ruyue, Zhan Hongjun, and Bao Linjiang flickered. I'm afraid this girl's identity is unusual!

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong supported their foreheads. Gold melon seeds are usually used by concubines or princesses in the palace to reward palace maids and eunuchs. Isn’t it a direct exposure of their identities if they are taken out?

  Having a rich girlfriend is also troublesome!

  Wu Yaqing saw that everyone didn't do anything, "Is it too little?" So she poured out another handful.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   "Yaqing, your gift is too expensive, put it away quickly." Chu Qingzhi walked over and took Wu Yaqing's purse, and put the golden melon seeds back.

  Seeing this, Wu Yaqing realized something and felt guilty, "Qingzhi, I..."

  (end of this chapter)

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