Chapter 275 275. Try drinking beer

  Li Qingyu hurriedly smoothed things over, "Yaqing, we have received all your wishes, and the gift is too expensive for us to accept."

  Wu Yaqing said, "Since you don't accept my presents, I'll invite you to the county seat for dinner another day."

  In order to step down the steps for Wu Yaqing, Chu Qingzhi quickly agreed to come down, "Yaqing, we will go in two days."

   "Okay." The person who promised Qingzhi not to reveal her identity was exposed at once, and Wu Yaqing returned to the room with her purse regretfully, facing the wall and thinking about it.

   After a moment of silence, the atmosphere returned to relaxation and joy. Everyone spread out with gifts, intending to appreciate the gifts alone.

  Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang came to the stable with the box in their arms, sat on the stone, and opened the present.

  Everyone likes to watch horses, so Chu Rong put two big stones here as stools for everyone to sit on.

  Zhan Hongjun looked down at the box on his lap, excited and looking forward to it, "Little Abalone, what gift do you think Master will prepare for us?"

   Bao Linjiang held the gift box and licked his lips, "Just look at it."

  Zhan Hongjun pressed Bao Linjiang's hand, "Let's open it together."

   Bao Linjiang nodded, "OK."

"one two three…"

   After the two shouted three, they opened the box together.

  Zhan Hongjun cried out excitedly, "Wow, it turned out to be the gall and poison sac of the red bamboo snake. This poisonous snake is very poisonous, but it is hard to find. Where did Master get it?"

  Bao Linjiang was also very excited, "Master is too good, to get so much of such a rare thing!"

   "Little abalone, and a small box." Agitated, Zhan Hongjun saw a small box on the edge of the big box, "Master prepared two gifts for us."

  Bao Linjiang also saw it, and he took the small box in his hand, "Hongjun, what's in it?"

  Zhan Hongjun shook the box, "Open it and have a look."

"one two three…"

  The two opened the small box together.

  Zhan Hongjun could hardly control his excitement, "Oh my God, Master has prepared a set of gold needles for us!"

   It’s not that they don’t have the money to make gold needles, but it’s a hundred times more difficult to make gold needles than silver needles. Gold is easily polished unevenly. It’s not easy for an old craftsman who has worked for decades to make a set of gold needles.

  A set of forty-nine gold needles, all evenly distributed, just the right size.

  These golden needles were all made by Chu Qingzhi with the method of refining weapons, and they were also improved with spiritual power. Even if they are used every day, they are enough for a lifetime.

  In the small box, apart from gold needles, there are also many medical tools that existed in this era. Chu Qingzhi has improved them with spiritual power, and each piece is exquisite.

  After the two of them saw the gift, they realized how kind Chu Qingzhi was to them. The two immediately ran to find Chu Qingzhi, "Master, you are so kind to us."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the two young apprentices, smiled and said, "You take care of my third brother for me, and do your best to teach fourth sister medical skills, it's also good for me."

   The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and they all understood what the other meant.

  Chu Qingzhi waved to the two young apprentices, then walked towards the warehouse where the ice cream was kept, "How's the beer?"

  Zhan Hongjun said, "Master, we fermented the beer for ten days according to what you said, put it into wine jars, put a small amount of sugar for the second fermentation, and after 14 days, put it in the ice cream warehouse for storage, and it hasn't been touched since then."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded appreciatively, following the steps, there must be no problem.

  She went into the storeroom and carried an altar out and put it on the stool.

   "Qing Zhi, what are you doing with the wine?" Tang Jinghong just went to inspect the house. He went to northern Xinjiang for almost two months, and the house has been completed. When he came back, he happened to see this scene.

  Chu Qingzhi waved to Tang Jinghong, beckoning him to come over, "This is beer."

  Tang Jinghong immediately became interested, and approached at a faster pace, "Can I have a drink?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "It's ok." Then she opened the mud seal.

   Four pairs of eyes immediately looked into the jar.

  The beer that Chu Qingzhi brewed was all-malt beer. As soon as the mud seal was opened, a strong malt aroma burst out.

  Zhan Hongjun ran to get some bowls and a wine taper, "Master, try it."

  His aggressive appearance attracted the Chu family one by one.

  Chu Qingzhi whipped out four bowls with a beer beater, and the beer was golden yellow. Judging from the color, it can be seen that it was very successful, "Drink it."

   After speaking, she drank first.

  The taste of the beer is refreshing and mellow, and the aroma of hops is very prominent, which can be called top grade.

  After she drank, Tang Jinghong and the two young apprentices also tried to drink.

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes curved, "How is it?"

  Tang Jinghong took a sip, and took another sip, "It's very refreshing, with a very light sweet taste, a slight bitter taste, and a hint of wine, with rich layers and a lingering aftertaste."

  Zhan Hongjun immediately expressed his opinion, "The beer has a strong aroma of wheat and hops, but it smells very clear."

   Bao Linjiang went on to say, "Some tongues are stimulated, like being gently poked with a thin needle, but this kind of stimulation is just right and very comfortable."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the three of them, "Do you think people from Daling would like this taste?"

  Tang Jinghong said pertinently, "I think I will like it to a large extent, and the beer tastes very cool, which is just right for now."

  It is early August and it is still very hot even though it is already autumn.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "You guys reminded me, this beer tastes better when it's chilled."

   "Fifth Sister, I'll find out if I take it to a restaurant and try it." Chu Xuhua took a bowl and tasted it. The taste was mellow and refreshing, and his heart was captured immediately.

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, then looked at Chu Xuhua and said, "Brother, take beer to your friend's place to try tomorrow, no money, let everyone try it."

  Chu Xuhua nodded and agreed, "Okay."

  Chu Qingzhi moved away, "Everyone try it, if you like it, we will have dinner later, and we will open another pot, everyone will have a good drink."

  Chu Qingyan tugged on Chu Qingzhi's sleeve, and said eagerly, "Fifth Sister, can I drink too?"

  Chu Qingzhi bowed her head, "Yes, but drink less, there is still some alcohol in the beer, and you may be drunk."

  Chu Qingyan responded crisply, "En."

  Wu Yaqing heard the excitement in the backyard, walked out of the room, saw everyone gathered together, and became even more curious, "What are you doing?"

  Ge Lihua was also attracted.

  Chu Qingyue waved to the two of them, but all the friends that Chu Qingzhi brought back, the family members treated each other sincerely, "Drink beer, do you want to drink?"

   Two people, "???"

  What is beer?

  Wu Yaqing came over suspiciously, looked at the wine jar, scooped up a bowl and handed it to Ge Lihua, then scooped up another bowl herself, and took a sip.

  (end of this chapter)

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