Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 276: 276. Lack of Greed

  Chapter 276 276. Insufficient Greed

  After drinking, Wu Yaqing's beautiful eyebrows frowned into a ripple, "Huh? Why is it a bit bitter?"

   "Is it bitter?" Ge Lihua drank a bowl of beer in one gulp, "I think this is the flavor and essence of beer." She looked at Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, right?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled slightly, "Exactly, beer has a bitter taste. Some people are not used to drinking it, but some people like it quite a lot."

  After hearing this, Wu Yaqing took another sip, her brows slightly relaxed, as if it tasted better, "Qingzhi, is this something new you made?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "What's wrong?"

  An idea came to Wu Yaqing's mind, but she was still immature, "It's okay, just ask."

  Li Qingyu waved to everyone, "I'm done drinking, let's go eat."

   "I'll go grab another jug ​​of beer and drink it at the dinner table." Chu Qingzhi said.

   "Master, I'll go." Zhan Hongjun walked into the warehouse first.

  All the food has been placed on the table.

  Li Qingyu tried her best to cook a sumptuous dinner, fried, boiled, grilled, steamed, braised in braised sauce, and the biggest dish, roasted suckling pig, was golden and shiny, attracting everyone's attention.

  Li Qingyu gave Chu Qingzhi the best part of the pork belly, "Qingzhi, eat quickly, mother specially went to learn from the master."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded with a smile, "Mother, you eat too."

   "Yes." Li Qingyu picked another piece of pork belly for Tang Jinghong, which was also the best part of pork belly, "Jinghong, thanks to you for taking care of Qing Zhi during this time."

  Tang Jinghong said, "It's Qing Zhi who took care of me more." The northern border is in danger everywhere, and if it wasn't for Qing Zhi, he might not be able to come back safely.

  Li Qingyu smiled and said, "You should take care of each other and support each other, this is called husband and wife."

  Tang Jinghong nodded receptively, "I've already listened to my aunt."

  Li Qingyu greeted, "Come on, everyone eats, don't be too polite, Yaqing, Li Hua, treat this as your own home, don't be restrained, you can tell Auntie if you have any questions."

  Wu Yaqing and Ge Lihua responded together, "Yes, Auntie."

  In their impression, peasant women are caring and mean, but Li Qingyu and Grandma Chu don't have that kind of character at all, and they like it very much.

  ...The warm dinner is slowly coming to an end.

Ge Lihua put down his chopsticks, looked at everyone, and said gratefully, "Grandfather Chu, Grandma Chu, Uncle Chu, Auntie, thank you for your hospitality. I will go to the county government office tomorrow as a police officer, and then I will find a house in the county town." Come down, I won't be back in a short time, but when I rest, I will come back to see you."

  The main room fell silent in an instant.

   "Li Hua, have you become a female police officer?" Chu Qingzhi said in surprise.

  Ge Lihua nodded, "When I went to receive the silver reward, I saw a notice board calling for arresters, and then I persuaded the county magistrate, and he agreed."

   "Li Hua, come and live in my house, my house is quite lively, you are too deserted by yourself." Chu Qingzhi thought of Ge Lihua's life experience, and felt that it was too lonely for her to live in the county town alone.

   "Qingzhi, thank you for your kindness, I..." Ge Lihua also likes the atmosphere of Chu Qingzhi's house, but she is always an outsider, why does she live in other people's house for so long.

  Chu Xujin accidentally interrupted Ge Lihua, "Miss Ge, you're welcome. I happen to be working as an errand in the county government office, so it's good to have a companion when I go back and forth."

  When he spoke, the atmosphere changed instantly, and everyone looked at him.

  Seeing this, Chu Xujin couldn't help but slowly stiffen his body, and his expression became unnatural, "You, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

  Chu Xuhua patted Chu Xujin's shoulder pointingly, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I just think you are very handsome today."

  Chu Xujin looked at everyone in confusion, "What do you mean?"

  Li Qingyu waved to him, "It's nothing to do with you." She looked at Ge Lihua, "It's not safe for you to live alone in a girl's house, so you can live in your aunt's house, just have an extra pair of chopsticks."

  The third son is obviously interested in Li Hua, how can she ignore her as a mother?

  Ge Lihua hesitated, "Auntie, is this not too good?"

   "There's nothing wrong with it." Li Qingyu changed the subject, "Do you think Auntie's place is not good?"

  Ge Lihua quickly denied, "No, no, Auntie, don't get me wrong, I just think that I..."

  Li Qingyu interrupted her, "My aunt has the final say on this matter, so I will live in my house."

  Ge Lihua looked at Chu Qingzhi, who nodded to her, she thought for a while, "Auntie, then I won't live for nothing, I will give you all the money for room and board."

  Li Qingyu wanted to say no, but Chu Qingzhi touched Li Qingyu's leg under the table, and Li Qingyu changed her words, "Okay, I will do as you say."

   It wasn't that he wanted Ge Lihua's money, but that he could live in peace of mind after receiving the money, and even if he received the money, he could send it back in other ways.

  For example, what Li Qingyu thinks is to keep the money first, and if Ge Lihua wants to leave in the future, he will make money for her. If he is lucky enough to become a family, he will return Li Hua as a dowry.

  That's it.

  Chu Xujin lowered his head and continued to eat, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up, feeling that the food seemed to be more delicious.


  The Tang family.

   This family of three is also eating.

  Zhang Xiuqin suddenly put down his chopsticks and said suddenly, "Tang Shan, do you know that Tang Jinghong is in the army?"

  Tang Shan was startled, and immediately raised his head, "Who did you listen to?"

  "The old lady's granddaughter-in-law, she said it was Chu Tai." Zhang Xiuqin was actually a little skeptical, but Tang Jinghong had been in the army for more than ten years, and he might be able to get a half-job in the army.

   Tang Dengping pinched the chopsticks with his fingers, and said sourly, "Tang Jinghong has already been kicked out by his father. Even if he is an official, it has nothing to do with us."

   "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Break the bones and connect the tendons, not to mention the flesh and blood." Zhang Xiuqin's eyes rolled around, not knowing what he was thinking.

   Tang Shan laughed proudly, "Dengping, what your mother said is that Jing Hong is my own son, even if I drive him out of the house, he is still my son."

   "Father, Tang Jinghong is not the kind of person who can do whatever you want, don't dream." Tang Dengping continued to eat, and suddenly felt that the hard-to-eat white rice made him feel uncomfortable.

   "What do you mean?" Tang Shan stared at Tang Dengping dissatisfied, "I am his father, and he will do whatever I ask him to do, even if he is the king of heaven."

   Tang Dengping stopped talking. If Tang Jinghong was really like what they said, would he never set foot in the house again?

  Zhang Xiuqin thought to himself, "Tangshan, go talk to Tang Jinghong and ask him to arrange a position for Dengping in the army. How can he be an official if he sells ice cream at home?"

   Tang Shan thought elatedly, if Deng Ping was assigned a military post, then there would only be two officials in their family. This is definitely a matter of glory!

  (end of this chapter)

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