Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 280: 280. Send it back and forth

  Chapter 280 280. Sending back and forth

  The gate of the barracks.

  When the guard saw Chu Qingzhi, he immediately went forward to salute, "Miss Chu, are you here to find the general?"

  Chu Qingzhi solved the heatstroke problem for the barracks. Everyone in the barracks was grateful to her. When they saw her, they would definitely salute her. Except for Tang Jinghong, she was the only one.

  Chu Qingzhi asked with a smile, "Yes, is he gone?"

  The guard waved his hand, "Not yet, but soon, Miss Chu, go in and find the general, the general should have already risen."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi entered the barracks unimpeded.

  When he came to the tent, Chu Qingzhi glanced at Tang Jinghong with his spiritual sense. Tang Jinghong was already dressed and was picking up the comb to comb his hair.

  She smiled badly, walked in lightly, and hugged Tang Jinghong from behind, "General, do you want the girl to serve you?"

  At the beginning, Tang Jinghong was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to use his internal force to shake the person who was hugging him away, but when he heard the sound, he quickly suppressed his internal force, curled his lips with a smile, "Qingzhi."

  He held Chu Qingzhi's wrist, pulled her in front of him, hugged her tightly, and his heart was beating, "Did you come here to surprise me on purpose?"

   "Yes, are you surprised?" Chu Qingzhi felt Tang Jinghong's strong and fast heartbeat, and frowned.

   "Very pleasantly surprised." Tang Jinghong tightened his arms. At this moment, he really wanted to rub Qing Zhi into his body and take her with him everywhere.

  Chu Qingzhi looked up at Tang Jinghong, "Jinghong, it's getting late, I'll help you comb your hair."

   "Okay." Tang Jinghong's brows and eyes were bright. This was the happiest morning he had lived for so long.

  Chu Qingzhi took the comb and walked behind Tang Jinghong, "I haven't combed my hair with a man before, maybe I can't comb it well. If you don't comb it well after a while, you can comb it again yourself."

   Tang Jinghong sat on the chair, smiled and said, "Okay."

  Tang Jinghong's hair was as black as ink, draped over his shoulders, soft and smooth like a piece of black silk, Chu Qingzhi could gently comb it from head to tail with a comb.

Men in this era have their own unique interpretation of aesthetics. Men under the age of thirty-five will hang part of their hair when they comb their hair, and the rest will be combed to the top of their heads, wearing hair crowns and hairpins. They will all bundle up and wear hair crowns, so that they will have the majesty of the elders.

  Tang Jinghong's lips were always bent, and the thought of Qingzhi combing his hair personally made his heart feel warmer and softer, and he felt that he would do anything for this girl.

  Chu Qingzhi took the mirror and put it in front of Tang Jinghong, "How about my craftsmanship?"

  Tang Jinghong only took a look at himself, and then went to look at the girl behind him, "Excellent, better than my own comb."

  Chu Qingzhi's eyes turned into crescent moons, "Thank you for your compliment, then, is the general satisfied with my hair?"

  Tang Jinghong put the mirror on the table and pulled Chu Qingzhi over, "I am very satisfied. If I say I am not satisfied, it must be because I have no vision."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Having said this proves that you have vision."

  Tang Jinghong stared at Chu Qingzhi, pointing out, "I've always been discerning."

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows, "You really have a good eye."

   Tang Jinghong smiled.

  Fang Zerong came to the tent, "General, I brought you breakfast."

  ... Someone told him that Chu Qingzhi was inside, so he didn't come in directly as usual.

  Tang Jinghong asked, "Did you get two copies?"

  Fang Zerong replied, "Yes."

   Tang Jinghong said, "Come in."

  Fang Zerong entered the tent and saw Chu Qingzhi sitting on a chair and Tang Jinghong standing, feeling inexplicably that his general might be fearful of himself.

   Without looking too much, he put the tray on the table, "General, Miss Chu, please use it slowly."

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Fang Zerong, who was a military doctor who looked like a waiter in the shop, and smiled, "Military doctor Fang is in trouble."

  Fang Zerong, a single dog, couldn't bear the ambiguous atmosphere in the tent, and said eagerly, "You guys eat, I'll go out first."

  Tang Jinghong sat across from Chu Qingzhi and had breakfast with Chu Qingzhi.

  Eating and eating, the atmosphere gradually calmed down, and they were about to separate. Although it was short-lived, they still couldn't be happy.

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but despise herself a little. She used to see her best friend dying for a man, and she even made a sarcasm, but now it's her turn, hey, it's really a turn of events!

  Breakfast is over...

  Tang Jinghong called the soldiers to fetch things.

  Chu Qingzhi took the package she brought to Tang Jinghong, "I prepared the dry food for you. I made it myself. You can eat it on the road."

  Tang Jinghong took the package, and hugged Chu Qingzhi emotionally, "Since I have you, I finally live with warmth."

  Hearing this, Chu Qingzhi felt distressed, "I will always be by your side."

  Tang Jinghong said "Yes", "Let's go, I'll take you back to the village."

   "Huh?" Chu Qingzhi was taken aback for a while, "Then why am I making this trip in vain?"

  Tang Jinghong led Chu Qingzhi out, "There is no rush, I will take you back."

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   Tang Jinghong couldn't hold back, and in the end Chu Qingzhi was sent to the village entrance by Tang Jinghong, and then led the troops to the capital.

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."


  Chu Qingzhi’s family moved to a new house today.

  When moving to a new house, there is a custom in the village to treat guests to dinner.

  The time is set for tomorrow.

  Grandpa Chu went to the village head's house early in the morning, and asked the village head to inform the villagers that some people would be arranged to help their family buy and prepare.

  The reason why Grandpa Chu is so active is because he has his own little thoughts.

He asked Chu Qingyue to sew a very delicate cigarette pouch for him, and hung it on the pipe that Chu Qingzhi bought for him, and then walked on the village road very conspicuously, telling everyone that this pipe was given to him by Qingzhi from the north. Bought in Xinjiang, copper, attracted a lot of envious eyes.

  In this era, ironware is under the control of the imperial court. It is not easy to buy what you want, and it is also very expensive. The copper ones are even more expensive and rare.

   Seeing everyone's envious eyes, Grandpa Chu couldn't help but feel a little elated. He felt that he was several years younger, and even his steps became much lighter.

   "Brother..." Grandpa Chu shouted standing at the gate of the yard.

  The village chief came out of the house, "Chu Tai, what's wrong?"

  Grandpa Chu said beamingly, "My family is going to move, and I will treat the villagers to a meal tomorrow, brother, you can arrange it."

  The village chief readily agreed, "Okay, I will take care of this."

  Grandpa Chu took out the pipe secretly, "Brother, my granddaughter brought it back from northern Xinjiang, do you want to see it?"

  The village chief, “…”

   This guy, ran up to him to show off.

  However, this pipe is indeed exquisitely made, the copper color is neither dark nor bright, just right, there are carvings on it, the lines are clear, and it is a fine product at first glance.

   "Qingzhi is a filial person, you old guy picked up a treasure and came back."

   "What is picking up?" Grandpa Chu quickly retorted, "It belongs to my family."

  The village head realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed his words, "Yes, yes, fortunately, it was brought back. If it belongs to your family, it belongs to your family."

  Qing Zhi is a lucky star. You can see how much our village has changed in less than half a year.

  When it comes to this, Grandpa Chu is not very happy, "There is no way for others to be lucky."

  The village chief patted Grandpa Chu on the shoulder, "Then you should cherish your blessings."

  Grandpa Chu said quickly, "Of course."

  (end of this chapter)

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