Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 281: 281. Jump up and down

  Chapter 281 281. Jump up and down

  Tang Shan looked around in the distance, saw that Grandpa Chu was also at the door of the village chief’s house, and immediately ran over, “Village chief, Uncle Tai, are you all there?”

  The two heard the voice and looked at him together.

  The village chief looked down on Tang Shan a little, and when he saw him, his expression turned cold, "Why did you come here so early in the morning?"

  Tangshan was immersed in his beautiful fantasy, and did not notice the change in the attitude of the village chief, "Of course I have something to ask the village chief, and it happens that Uncle Tai is here, so I can be a witness."

  Grandpa Chu looked at the excited Tang Shan, and secretly thought, he didn't hold back his fart just by looking at this guy, let's listen to what's going on, if he dares to say or do excessive things, he doesn't mind going overboard and exercising the rights of the elders.

   "I see you are so happy, but what is the happy event?"

   "How can there be any happy event?" Tang Shan's face gradually became ugly, and he said sadly, "Village chief, that unfilial son Tang Jinghong doesn't recognize me as a father!"

  Disobedience is a felony in Daling, even the emperor dare not be disobedient, the village head immediately took it seriously, "Why do you say that?"

   Tang Shan said sadly, "Yesterday I was going to call Tang Jinghong home for dinner, but instead of calling me dad, he flew away directly. Tell me, is there any son who does this?"

  The village chief and Grandpa Chu looked at each other...

  Grandpa Chu opened his mouth, piercing his heart, "Didn't you already drive Jing Hong out of the house? Since you no longer treat him as your son, it's normal not to call him your father."

  Tang Shan gave Grandpa Chu a sneaky look. Now that Tang Jinghong is Chu Qingzhi's fiancé, you must have helped out, "Even if I drive him away, we are still father and son!"

  Grandfather Chu asked, "Then if your father drives you away from home because of your stepmother and stepson, will you still call him father?"

   Tang Shan was severely stalked and speechless.

  The village head felt that he should say something, "Tangshan, be kind to your heart, you are good to Jing Hong, can he not be good to your father?"

   Tang Shan snorted coldly, "You don't know, he thinks I killed his mother, and he's mad at me for this!"

Grandpa Chu made up his mind, "You were the one who killed people, yes, you didn't do anything, but your daughter-in-law was sick, and you didn't care about it, and you still had ambiguities with that. This is not driving people to a dead end. ?"

  Tang Shan was not convinced, "Why should I blame me? She is sick, but I am a man, a man with a strong blood, shouldn't I find a woman? You are all men, you should understand how men feel!"

   Two people, "…"

   They were defeated by this divine logic.

  It is true that the blood is strong, but it is still very hard for the daughter-in-law to wash, cook and take care of the children and the elderly every day. How can you **** off the sick daughter-in-law for your own selfishness?

  The village chief was speechless, "Tangshan, you go back, catching thieves is dirty, catching **** and catching couples, this matter cannot be decided by you alone, if you really want to reason, you should bring Jing Hong along with you."

  Tang Shan was very upset, and his tone was a bit aggressive, "Village Chief, I am his father, so I can't be his master?"

   "Tang Shan, I think you are very strange." Grandpa Chu couldn't help but said again, "Others are trying their best to defend their sons, but you are good. Do you have no conscience?"

   Tang Shan glared at Grandpa Chu, "Uncle Tai, you have nothing to do here, stop talking."

   "What do you mean it's nothing to do with me?" Grandpa Chu got a little angry, "Jing Hong is the fiancé of my girl Qingzhi, and you are slandering my granddaughter's fiancé now. You say I can let you do whatever you want?"

   "What are you talking about?" The old man happily walked over with a cane, "It's so lively?"

   Tang Shan saw the old man's eyes lit up. The old man valued etiquette the most, and he will definitely uphold justice.

  So Tang Shan walked towards the old man with a bit of obsequiousness, "Master, come and sit down."

  The village chief went and brought out a stool.

  The old man sat on the stool, put his hands on the crutches, and glanced sideways at the three of them, "What were you talking about just now?"

  Tang Shan said first, "Master, now only you can punish Tang Jinghong's unfilial son, you must help me."

  The old man's face darkened when he heard the words, "Jing Hong is quite good, why did he become an unfilial son?"

  Tang Shan hurriedly told the old man what happened yesterday, and of course he didn't say a word if it was not good for him, "Master, you must punish Tang Jinghong."

  The old man is almost eighty years old, and he has never seen anything. It must be because Tang Jinghong did not agree to his request, and now he is here to smear the black people!

   "Jing Hong has a grudge against you?"

   Tang Shan was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what the old man meant, "No enmity!"

  The old man looked at Tang Shan, and looked down on such a person from the bottom of his heart, "If there is no hatred, why do you want to punish him to death?"

  Tang Shan was even more confused, "Grandfather, how did I punish him to death?"

  The old man glanced at Tang Shan, "You know that Jing Hong has served in the army, right? Do you want Jing Hong to help you put Tang Dengping in? Jing Hong refuses, so you say he is not filial?"

  Tang Shan nodded subconsciously, and when he realized it, he shook his head hastily, "No, no..."

  The old man didn't listen to him, "Whether it's a military position or an official position, once you bear the reputation of being unfilial, you will never be able to be an official, do you know that?"

   Tang Shan's face changed slightly, "Is it so serious?"

  The old man's tone was low, "It's that serious, and Jing Hong is an official, the punishment will only be more serious, what are you doing to kill him?"

  Tang Shan only wanted Tang Jinghong to succumb. He never thought about the consequences, and immediately became afraid. If Tang Jinghong lost his official position, all his dreams would come to naught.

   "Master, I..."

"Tang Shan, we have all seen what you have done for more than a year, which is very disappointing." The old man said, "Now your family also relies on Qingzhi to eat white rice? Jinghong is Qingzhi now. The girl's fiancé, do you feel sorry for Qingzhi girl by hurting him like this?"

   Tang Shan couldn't help feeling ashamed, "I..."

  The old man sighed and said, "Tang Shan, you are a man, you can't listen to women in everything, you want your son to have a good future, we all understand, but the things obtained by such tricks will not last long in the end."

   Tang Shan lowered his head, "Master, but Jing Hong has already ignored me."

  You deserve it right, you know?

  The three cursed in their hearts at the same time.

It was the father and son he watched growing up, and the old man didn't want to see Jing Hong behind him with a father who jumped up and down every day and wanted to help Tang Jinghong solve his future troubles, "Tang Shan, the only thing you can do now is not to disturb Jing Hong ,Understand?"

   If you can’t bother Tang Jinghong, then his goal will never be achieved. Tang Shan is not reconciled, "But he is my son!"

  (end of this chapter)

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