Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 282: 282. Double deposit

  Chapter 282 282. Double the deposit

   "It's useless for you to find him." The old man was speechless, "If you want to serve in the army, you must have military merits, otherwise you will be pulled down if you sit in that position, understand?"

   Tang Shan shook his head, disapproving, "As long as Tang Jinghong has a high position, who would dare to pull Dengping down!"

   Three people, "..."

  This logic is amazing, who told him so?

  If you can’t be soft, you have to be tough. The old man became stricter, "Tangshan, Jinghong is the only official in our village, Guangzong Yaozu, if you dare to destroy, you will be kicked out of the village sooner or later."

  In this era, those who were driven out of the village ended up miserable.

  First of all, on the household registration, the village head will write down the reasons for being expelled from the village, the fields will be confiscated, and renting a house in the county will be hindered.

   Going to live in other villages will also be strongly excluded.

  Just talking about the kind of ordinary people who go to other villages to build houses, but they have not been able to integrate for decades, let alone this kind of people who have been driven out of the village.

  Generally such people can only be beggars.

  A trace of panic flashed in Tang Shan's eyes, "Master, it's not that serious, is it?"

  The old man rolled his eyes, and the coercion naturally came out, "I'm not joking with you, Tangshan, do you know how difficult it is for a village to produce an official? You can't afford the consequences!"

   Tang Shan was very puzzled, "Master, you didn't get any benefits, why are you defending Tang Jinghong like this?"

  This idiot!

  The old man was so angry that his breath became short of breath, "Tang Shan, anyway, remember, you are not allowed to go to Tang Jinghong again."

  Seeing that the old man was angry, Tang Shan immediately turned into an old quail, and hastily agreed, "Understood, Grandpa, don't be angry, don't be angry."

   If Grandpa is so angry, he might really be kicked out of the village.

  The village head and Grandpa Chu were also speechless to Tang Shan, this guy was out of his mind.

   Without saying anything more, Grandpa Chu returned home somewhat disappointed.


  New home.

   "What's the matter with you?" Grandma Chu was very surprised to see Grandpa Chu's unhappy appearance. When she went out just now, she was full of joy.

  Grandpa Chu briefly explained to Grandma Chu, "You talk about Tangshan, hey, don't talk about him, I'm upset."

  Grandma Chu thought about it, and immediately went upstairs to tell Chu Qingzhi about it.

  Chu Qingzhi is looking at the ledger...

  She has made a net profit of 3,500 taels of silver since she left for more than a month, and with the previous earnings, she has a deposit of more than 7,000 taels, which is very good.

  I was very happy, when I heard Grandma Chu's words, I suddenly lost my joy, "Grandma, I understand."

  Grandma Chu patted Chu Qingzhi on the shoulder, and comforted her, "Qingzhi, don't be upset. Grandma told you that she wanted you to tell Jing Hong that there is a preparation, this Tangshan is too much."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Grandma, I will tell Jing Hong."

   "Well, then grandma won't bother you anymore." Grandma Chu left.

  Shen Ruyue said, "Qing Zhi, why did this Tang Shan suddenly follow him like a demon to trouble Brother Jing Hong?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled faintly, and closed the account book, "Tang Shan was just used as a gunman."

  Hearing the words, Shen Ruyue suddenly understood, "All of this must be Zhang Xiuqin's idea, this woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

  Chu Qingzhi lowered her eyes and thought, "We have to find a way to calm this woman down."

  Shen Ruyue agreed, "We can't always let them stab in the back."


  The new kitchen is brand new. At this time, the stove is burning with flames, the pot is covered with a lid, and white mist comes out from the edge of the lid, and it is steaming.

  An old lady in a village was sitting on a fire bench with tongs in her hand and was lighting a fire. The flickering red fire light reflected on her face, dispelling the stagnation on her face, making her look a little more angry.

  The sound of the kitchen knife cutting vegetables echoes rhythmically in the kitchen, and the sound of the knife is very good.

  Li Qingyu has already cut a lot of vegetables. At this time, the large and small dishes on the chopping board are full of meat, seasonings, and vegetables, which look very rich.

  The kitchen is filled with a good smell of meat, which makes the saliva secrete involuntarily.

  Wu Yaqing came to the kitchen with her head poking around, saw a simple peasant woman standing by the stove chopping vegetables, walked in immediately, and called out sweetly, "Auntie."

  Li Qingyu turned her face sideways and said with a smile, "Yaqing, why are you here?"

   "I'm here to help you." Wu Yaqing looked around the kitchen for a week, and she was amazed by the novel kitchen layout. The dishes made in such a beautiful kitchen must be delicious.

   "I'm too busy here, you can go and play with Qing Zhi." The little girl's hands are as white and tender as green onions, and they are not working hands at first glance.

   "She's busy now, don't bother her, auntie, just ask me to help, I don't know anything, just learning." Wu Yaqing is full of novelties about life in the village and always wants to try it.

  Seeing Wu Yaqing's insistence, Li Qingyu looked around, and then handed her a basket containing vegetables, "Then help auntie wash the vegetables."

   "Okay." Wu Ya responded crisply, and then walked towards the pool where the vegetables were washed by the window with a basket in hand.

  After taking two steps, she suddenly came back and stuffed a one hundred tael silver bill into Li Qingyu's lapel, "Auntie, this is my food expenses, you take it."

  Li Qingyu thought of what Chu Qingzhi said to her, so she didn't refuse, "Okay, you can treat this as your own home, don't be restrained."

  Wu Yaqing smiled and said, "I won't be polite."

Standing by the pool washing vegetables, suddenly a magpie flew by the window. Wu Yaqing looked over her head and couldn't help but bend her eyebrows. She really liked the human life in the village. It didn't look like a cold palace at all. This is a real human being. What a day.

  The women in the village who were helping in the kitchen all smiled and looked at Wu Yaqing. I wonder if such a lovely girl is engaged?


  A boy hurried to Chu's Village, and ran directly to the old house.

   It happened that Shen Ruyue came over to arrange the delivery. The servant saw her and quickly stopped her, "Girl, is Miss Qing Zhi there?"

   "What are you looking for with her?" You must say something first, and then decide whether Qing Zhi is there!

  The servant did not go around in circles, and said directly, "Master is dead."

   It turned out that she came to report the funeral, Shen Ruyue nodded, "You go back first, I will tell Qingzhi."

  The little servant hadn't breathed out yet, and immediately ran back to the county seat.

  Shen Ruyue watched the boy leave, then hurried back to look for Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, just now the boy came to report the funeral, your adoptive father passed away."

  Chu Qingzhi brightened up, dead?

   "Kisaragi, I see, you go to work."

   "Yes." Shen Ruyue turned around to leave, but suddenly stopped, "Qing Zhi, don't be too sad,"

  Thinking too much, she won't be unhappy, she can't wait to run to her adoptive father's coffin to tell Xiao Qingzhi the good news, "Riyue, don't worry about me."

  Shen Ruyue patted Chu Qingzhi's shoulder, "Then calm down, I'm going out first."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

  (end of this chapter)

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