Chapter 283 283. A swing

  Chu Qingzhi got up and walked to the window, looked at Tianhe Peak, took a deep breath, felt comfortable...

  Xiao Qingzhi, the Chu Mansion must be in chaos right now, let's watch the excitement in the afternoon.

  I sent you down, you can do whatever you want, they are demons, not adoptive parents, so don't be soft-hearted.

  I will send you one for now, and I will send you the second after a while, so as not to be suspicious.

  The wind blows in slightly, the curtain tassels hanging by the window shake gently, and the bells and wind chimes gently collide with each other, making bursts of crisp sounds, like the laughter of a little girl.


   "Qingzhi, Qingzhi..." Chu Rong's voice suddenly came from downstairs, with a hint of urgency.

  Chu Qingzhi responded, "Father, what's the matter?"

  Chu Rong raised his voice, "Come down and have a look."

   "Here we come." Chu Qingzhi walked out of the room, seeing Chu Rong shouting anxiously, thinking that there was something urgent, she flew down directly.

  The girl's figure is elegant and light, like a dancing butterfly, from top to bottom, immediately attracts envious and admiring eyes.

   "Sister Qingzhi, you are amazing."

   "Sister Qingzhi is the most beautiful."

   "Sister Qingzhi, can you teach us to fly?"

   All the children in the village who were playing nearby were all put down by Chu Qing Zhishuai, holding their faces in both hands, and shouting in admiration.

  Chu Qingzhi landed lightly, smiled like a big star and waved to the children, then walked towards Chu Rong, "Father, what's wrong?"

  Chu Rong was a little embarrassed, "Father made you a swing. I heard that all the girls in the city like it. See if you like it. If you don't like it, Dad will change it for you."

  In the rectangular courtyard, in the lower right corner, a thatched pavilion is built near the bamboo.

  Under the thatched pavilion is a swing made of triangular wood. The position of the swing is like a stool. It is relatively wide and can sit three people at the same time.

  A vine is tied to the rope of the swing. The vine has no leaves, but it can be seen that it is a grape vine.

  The four pillars of the pavilion are also wrapped with vines, which looks very symmetrical.

  The bluestone slabs paved on the ground are paved with cobblestones in a circle, palm-width, and the two colors complement each other, giving a refreshing aesthetic feeling of visual difference.

   These pebbles were brought by Chu Rong to the river with his two eldest sons, and it took him a long time to find so many pebbles.

  A bluestone road is paved from the gate of the house to the gate of the yard. This bluestone road divides into a fork to connect with the thatched pavilion. The two trails are hidden among the flowers and have a unique charm.

  From top to bottom, the whole yard is very beautiful.

   "Father, your skill is amazing, I really like it." Chu Qingzhi really liked it very much, and was very moved.

  In the world of comprehension, many people do things for her to please her, but they are all for profit. Like now, they are purely for her happiness. There are almost none, and if there is none, it will be more precious and rare.

  Chu Rong was very happy to see that Qingzhi liked her.

  He walked to the side of the thatched pavilion, "Qing Zhi, father will place another stone table here, and then put some fruit, books and so on."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and nodded, "Then I will trouble Dad."

  Chu Rong said happily, "No trouble, seeing you happy, Dad's work is not in vain."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Thank you dad."

  The family atmosphere is happy and joyful, but Chu Qingyue, who is learning embroidery at Yunxiufang, has suffered great grievances.

   Speaking of Chu Qingyue, as usual today, she went to learn skills from her master, but she was shocked when she saw the master weeping silently in the room.

   "Master, what's wrong with you?"

  Ying Zilan wiped her tears, her eyes were red, slightly swollen, full of sadness, "Qingyue..."

  Chu Qingyue said distressedly, "Master, what happened, who wronged you, Qingyue is going to vent your anger on you!"

  Ying Zilan touched Chu Qingyue's face lovingly, "You can't afford to mess with her, just learn to embroider obediently, and don't have to go through that muddy water."

  Chu Qingyue insisted, "Master, I am your apprentice, I can't watch you being wronged but do nothing, just tell me?"

  Ying Zilan sighed, pulled Chu Qingyue to sit on the stool next to her, hesitated for a while before speaking.

  The sense of story is full from the moment you open your mouth...

   "Master is a concubine from the Ying family in the capital, and my mother is a famous embroiderer in the capital. I inherited my mother's talent and showed a very high embroidery talent at a very young age."

  "My father saw that I had such a talent, so he invited several famous embroiderers to teach me embroidery together with my mother. I lived up to everyone's expectations and became the number one embroiderer in the capital at the age of fifteen."

  Chu Qingyue was astonished, why is her master so powerful?

   "Master is not lying to you. At that time, one of my embroidered handkerchiefs could be sold for one thousand taels, and the most valuable one was sold for one hundred thousand taels."

   "It was an embroidered picture with only two shrimps embroidered on it. Everyone told me that seeing that embroidered picture was like seeing two shrimps lying on a white silk handkerchief. It was very realistic."

  Chu Qingyue's eyes became more and more admiring, and she didn't know if she could learn one-tenth of her master in the future.

   "Later, I entered the palace and became an embroiderer in the palace. I was responsible for embroidering dragon robes. Master remembered very clearly that I embroidered a total of fifty dragon robes."

   "Dragon robes are not only worn by the emperor when he goes to court, but also for offering sacrifices to the Taimiao. These clothes, casual clothes, and the patterns on them are all embroidered by me."

  Ying Zilan sighed deeply at this point, "Xiu Niang is invincible at my level, but when I was at my best, I was framed by someone."

  Chu Qingyue felt nervous, and asked eagerly, "Master, did you find out the truth later?"

   "The matter is related to the emperor, of course we found out, and Master was also innocent. At this time, I saw through the intrigue in the palace, and decided to leave the palace."

   "After leaving the palace, I married a bodyguard who had been guarding me in the palace, and my life was peaceful and beautiful. During this period, many people came to worship me as master."

   "I thought it would be a pity if my craft was ruined, so I started to accept apprentices."

   "For about ten years, the master has accepted nine apprentices one after another. The first eight apprentices are all very successful, and they are very famous in their locality. There is only this ninth apprentice."

   "Luo Yinhuan is the daughter of Master's handkerchief. Her family was very prosperous when the first emperor was in power, but because she was on the wrong team, she was confiscated and imprisoned. All the women in the family were demoted to official slaves, and the men were sent to the army."

   "After being demoted to be an official slave, Handkerchief Jiao found out that she was pregnant. When I tried my best to find her, she happened to be in labor and gave birth to a daughter."

   "She begged me to take her daughter away from that dirty place, and the master agreed softly. I found out later that she went there that day."

   "In order to avoid trouble, I discussed with my husband not to live in the capital anymore. My husband agreed, and moved to Shuiyun County with my family. I have lived here for more than ten years."

  (end of this chapter)

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