Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 284: 284. Promotion of beer

   Chapter 284 284. Promotion of beer

   "In the mansion, everyone knows that Luo Yinhuan is the child I brought back, and it is impossible to be my own. So I simply accepted her as an apprentice, took good care of her, and taught her embroidery."

   "Yinhuan is an ambitious girl. She wants to learn all my embroidery. As a master, my apprentice is eager to learn. I am very happy."

   "But she is too eager for quick success, so I have no choice but to suppress her and let her learn another kind of embroidery when it is stable. Otherwise, the foundation will be unstable and affect each other, and then each kind of embroidery will not be able to learn well."

   "But she misunderstood my intention and thought that I was unwilling to teach her, and her temper became more and more irritable."

   "Just now she came to me again and said that she wanted to learn stitch embroidery, so I asked her if she had learned appliqué embroidery well?"

  "She got angry right away and yelled at me, saying that I was biased. I really broke my heart."

  Chu Qingyue frowned, "Master, have you told her your hard work?"

  Ying Zilan was very sad, "I told her, but she couldn't understand a word. Anyway, she felt that I didn't want to teach her."

   "Why is she like this?" Chu Qingyue was furious when she heard it, she thought for a while and said, "Master, let me help you persuade her?"

  Ying Zilan held back Chu Qingyue, not wanting her to go, "Don't go, Master can't control her now, if you go, she will definitely make things difficult for you."

   "Master, I just went to talk to her, what can she do to me?" Chu Qingyue felt really distressed seeing Ying Zilan weeping silently.

   What if, she said it was just what if, she went for a walk to resolve the grievances between Master and Senior Sister?

  Ying Zilan said helplessly, "Qingyue, you don't understand her, and you lose your temper, and your relatives don't recognize her, which is a headache."

  Chu Qingyue persuaded, "Master, Senior Sister is the child you raised with your own hands. Even if you have a bad temper, you still regard her as a daughter in your heart. How can a mother really care about her daughter? Master, don't be angry."

   "You still listen to what you say." Ying Zilan smiled, "Thinking about it, it is true. How can a mother really care about her daughter? Master is not angry."

  Chu Qingyue smiled and said, "Master, I'm going to find my senior sister, and I'll be back in a while."

  Ying Zilan was a little worried, "If she loses her temper, you should leave quickly and don't confront her head-on."

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "Understood, Master."

  After arguing with Ying Zilan, Luo Yinhuan rushed back to the room and smashed the room all over. The floor was covered with broken teacups, rags, embroidery needles, **** of thread...

  Chu Qingyue came to the door of Luo Yinhuan's room, knocked on the door, "Senior Sister, are you there?"

  Hearing the voice, Luo Yinhuan raised his head and stared at the door of the room bitterly. It was because of Chu Qingyue that the master became more and more unfamiliar with her, and became more and more unwilling to teach her embroidery.

  Thinking of this, her eyes were red with anger, she got up and rushed over, opened the door, and slapped Chu Qingyue on the face.

   "Chu Qingyue, get out of Yunxiufang, and don't come here to block my eyes!"

   This was the first time Chu Qingyue was beaten, and she was stunned by the beating. It took her a while to react, and a wave of anger suddenly arose in her heart, and then she slapped her back with her backhand.


  A crisp sound rang in Luo Yinhuan's ear, her face was slapped aside, and she was also dazed.

  Master has always loved her very much and never beat her. This is the first time she has been beaten.

  The pain slowly spread from the face...

  You hit me first!

  Chu Qingyue was worried that Luo Yinhuan would start again, so she took two steps back to distance herself, and said coldly, "I finally know why Master refuses to teach you embroidery!"

   "You deserve it!"

  These words pierced Luo Yinhuan's heart like a sharp knife, she glared at Chu Qingyue bitterly, she didn't even care about being beaten, her tone was fierce, "What did you say, say it again!"

  Chu Qingyue's personality is no longer as introverted and weak as it was at the beginning. She stared straight into Luo Yinhuan's eyes and repeated what she said just now.

  Luo Yinhuan was furious, and raised his palm to slap Qingyue again.

  Chu Qingyue took precautions this time, grabbed Luo Yinhuan's wrist, and said coldly, "Luo Yinhuan, you will never learn master's embroidery in your lifetime."

   After finishing speaking, she shook off Luo Yinhuan's arm, turned and left.

   Within two steps, the pink-clothed girl and the purple-clothed girl walked towards each other. The two immediately bowed their knees and saluted, not even daring to look directly at Chu Qingyue, "I've seen my auntie."

  Chu Qingyue walked to the position where the two were side by side, and said irritably, "Don't come tomorrow, you two, I think you two are annoying!"

  After speaking, she walked away, her back straightened, and there was a lingering aura all over her body.

  The pink-clothed girl and the purple-clothed girl fell to the ground directly. Today, Chu Qingyue is already different from the past, and she is no longer the person they can frame casually.

  The two of them regretted it in their hearts.

  Chu Qingyue went to find some cold water to compress her red and swollen face. It took a while for the swelling to subside, but the red fingerprints were still very clear.

  Looking at the mirror, Chu Qingyue sighed helplessly, Luo Yinhuan was simply to blame, there was no cure for it, and she would never interfere in the affairs between Master and Luo Yinhuan again.

   Today's slap is a lesson.

  She patted her face and smiled in the mirror, her smile was still so gentle and beautiful.

  Ying Zilan saw the slap print on Chu Qingyue's face, and her heart ached. At this moment, she completely gave up on Luo Yinhuan in her heart.

  In the future, she will redouble her efforts to teach Qingyue, so that Qingyue will inherit her mantle.

   "Qingyue, we don't care about Luo Yinhuan from now on, learn embroidery hard, Master won't let you suffer this slap in vain."

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "Yes, Master."


  Tongzi County.

  The restaurant opened by Chu Yehui is called Yunhui Restaurant.

  Since Yunhui Restaurant started selling zongzi, its business has gradually improved, and it has the strength to rival the other two big restaurants.

  Can sell 2,000 zongzi every day, which is actually not enough to sell every day, but now Chu Qingzhi's family can only make 7,000 zongzi every day, too many can't be made, so they can only sell so much.

  Shen Ruyue is already considering expanding the workshop, and everything has been prepared, just waiting for Chu Qingzhi to agree.

  Chu Xuhua and Li Zhangjie entered the restaurant with a wine jar in their arms.

  The shop waiter saw him, and immediately came over to say hello, "Brother Hua, put the wine at the counter, I'll go find the young master."

  Chu Xuhua nodded, "Tell him, I'll show him something good."

   "Yes." The waiter glanced at the wine jar and ran away.

  Chu Yehui quickly came out of the back room, and when he saw Chu Xuhua, he quickened his pace, "Chu Yi, why are you here?"

  Chu Xuhua patted the wine jar, "I brought beer here for you to taste."

   "Beer?" Chu Yehui was curious, and immediately ordered the waiter to bring a bowl, "Chu Yi, how do you drink beer?"

  Chu Xuhua opened the mud seal of the wine jar, poured out a bowl, "Taste it."

  Chu Yehui picked it up and smelled it first, and then took a sip, "This wine has no alcohol taste, but it is very refreshing after drinking. This taste is very special."

   As soon as he finished speaking, a big man came in. He looked around, and then walked towards the counter, "What are you drinking? Rice wine?"

  Chu Xuhua said enthusiastically, "Brother, this is our home-brewed beer, do you want to try it?"

  His task today is to get as many people as possible to drink beer.

  The big man said heartily, "Okay."

  Chu Xuhua immediately poured a bowl for him, "Brother, please comment after drinking."

  The big man smiled and said, "OK."

  (end of this chapter)

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