Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 289: 289. The Chicken Coop Falls Down

  Chapter 289 289. The Chicken Coop Falls Down

  Spiritual fortune tellers know astronomy and geography in everyone's minds, know trivial things from the bottom, can pinch and count, can break people's fate, and know the future, which is very powerful.

  Chu Junbao looked at the fortune teller curiously, "Sir, can you tell fortunes?"

  Spiritual operator stroked his beard, "Yes."

  Chu Junbao was courageous, and walked up to the magic operator, "Then tell me how old I am?"

  The fortune teller raised his palm, made a counting gesture, and said, "It's almost eight years old."

  Chu Junbao's eyes widened immediately, "Can you really figure it out?"

  Little ghost, looking at you like this, you can guess. The fortune teller pointed to his signboard, "I am a fortune teller, I can calculate anything."

  After hearing this, the group of children were all taken aback, and the figure of the fortune-telling man rose infinitely high...

  Seeing the reactions of the little monkeys, the fortune teller laughed heartily. These children are so much fun, "Chu Junbao, your village has good geomantic omen, and there are even some officials, so I came to see it."

  Chu Junbao came to his senses and looked at the fortune teller miraculously, "Wow, you even figured out my name?"

  The fortune teller stroked his beard and made an inscrutable gesture, "I told you everything, I can calculate anything."

   Then he pointed to a child and said a child's name, which completely frightened children, big and small.

  Chu Junbao yelled at the village with his tweeter, "Here comes the fortune teller!" Then he ran towards the village.

  Other children ran into the village after him, shouting excitedly, "The fortune teller is here!!"

  Shen Suanzi walked calmly at the end, step by step into the village...

  After a while, he was surrounded with three floors inside and three floors outside. All the villagers looked at him as if they were rare objects. Even Li Qingyu and Wu Yaqing came.

   Is it really that magical? Wu Yaqing looked at the fortune teller with some disbelief, "You count me."

  The fortune teller half-closed his eyes, and counted with his fingers a few times, "You don't belong to Daling. Your mother's surname is Wu, so you're named Wu Yaqing, and your father's surname is Yun. You belong to an extremely noble family..."

   "You're talking nonsense, I'm just an ordinary person." Wu Yaqing said this with a guilty conscience, and then retreated to the back of the crowd. She has a little bit of skill and can figure it out.

  The villagers are not blind either. Looking at Wu Yaqing's expression, they know that the fortune teller is right...

  Chu Xuede's mother squeezed in and asked eagerly, "Mr. Magician, can you help me figure out when I will have my grandson?"

  The fortune teller calculated, "Your daughter-in-law is already pregnant, but it's only been a month now, and she hasn't noticed. You can take her to see a doctor."

   "Huh???" Chu Xuede's mother immediately rushed home and found her daughter-in-law. She wanted to take her daughter-in-law to Chu Qingzhi for a pulse check, but Chu Qingzhi didn't come back, so she immediately went to the county seat.

  Everyone heard that the fortune teller was so magical, and they all came to count...

  Finally, after a while, the target of the magic operator... Zhang Xiuqin appeared.

Zhang Xiuqin was in a very bad mood because of Tangshan's repeated failures and was reprimanded by the old man. He looked like an old hen who had failed in the battle. When will your son become an official?"

  Ambition is really big...

  All the villagers looked at Zhang Xiuqin with strange eyes. Now everyone in the village knew that Tang Jinghong served in the army, but they didn't know how big the official position was.

  As soon as Zhang Xiuqin knew that Tang Jinghong was an official, he started jumping up and down, trying to find an official position for Tang Dengping.

  The villagers are a little uncomfortable with this kind of behavior, but their hearts are unavoidable. During this time, everyone seems to have a lemon essence in their hearts.

   Now when Zhang Xiuqin mentioned this again, the lemon essence in my heart started to make trouble again.

  The fortune teller raised his hand and pinched it, then shook his head regretfully, "Your son has no official luck, and it will be difficult to be an official in this life."

  These words made the lemon essence in the hearts of the villagers die down, but Zhang Xiuqin quit, "Liar! Why do you say my son can't be an official?"

The fortune teller said in a calm manner, "First of all, your son doesn't know a single big character, and I'm afraid he can't even write his own name well when he is an official. After leaving the house, it will be difficult to have an official in the family in the future."

  When Zhang Xiuqin heard this, she was completely dumbfounded. It was she who pushed Guan Yun out of the house with her own hands! It's her, it's all her, she immediately felt regret in her heart, the feeling was indescribable.

  She asked eagerly, "God operator, is there any remedy?"

  The fortune teller said seriously, "No, official luck is just like a high-ranking official. Think about it, if you kick a high-ranking official out of the house, can you invite him back?"

  Zhang Xiuqin regretted even more in his heart, and his intestines were almost green with regret.

  The fortune-teller said again, "And the official fortune already loathes your family. If your family provokes it again, it will be bad luck, and this bad luck will fall on your son."

  Zhang Xiuqin asked subconsciously, "Why?"

  The fortune teller said, "Because you are asking for the official luck for your son."

  Zhang Xiuqin staggered two steps. It turned out that she cut off her son's official career. No wonder Tang Shan went to Tang Jinghong so hard.

  Zhang Xiuqin asked unwillingly, "Is there no hope at all?"

  The fortune teller shook his head, "If you go to Tang Jinghong again, Guan Yun will start to take revenge on your family."

   "If you don't believe it, you can try it. As long as you put your mind to it, your chicken coop will collapse immediately."

"If you don't believe it anymore, run to Tang Jinghong, your house will collapse, but be careful, you will be buried in it when the house collapses, and you will never come out again. If you are unlucky, you and your son They will be buried together, and then it will be two lives."

  The more Zhang Xiuqin listened, the more frightened he became, and then subconsciously thought about it before going to Tang Jinghong's thoughts...

   "Boom, boom..." Zhang Xiuqin's chicken coop collapsed.

   The sound was very loud, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention...

  The villagers who were working in the soil behind Zhang Xiuqin’s house shouted, “Zhang Xiuqin, Tangshan, your chicken shed has collapsed.”

  Zhang Xiuqin was so frightened that her lips turned pale, and she didn't dare to move her mind. She ran home in panic.

  The chicken coop fell down, and the arm-thick wood was broken into several sections, and some other small logs were directly broken into **** from the end to the end.

   Zhang Xiuqin looked at this scene and was shocked. Is the revenge of the official movement so severe?

  She looked back at her own house. If it fell down and buried her and her son, they would definitely die.

  In an instant, she was so terrified that she didn't dare to have any thoughts immediately.

  It is good to be an official, but if she dies, everything will be in vain, and if she and her son die, Tang Shan will definitely remarry, so the family fortune she earns now will belong to other women.

  In an instant, she became transparent.

  The Divine Operator looked at this scene, quite satisfied, "Everyone, I'm getting late, I should go."

  The villagers spontaneously said, "Let's see Mr. off."

  The villagers sent the magic operator all the way to the entrance of the village, and watched him go away before dispersing.

  Although the fortune teller has left, the myths left by him have been circulating in the village for a long time.

   For the sake of my hard work, can you please give me a ticket?



  (end of this chapter)

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