Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 290: 290. Being Bullied

  Chapter 290 290. Being Bullied

  Xujia Village.

  Li Qingyin's sons and daughters Xu Songnian and Xu Wenlin sold the zong leaves as usual and went home happily.

  Just walked to the door, there was a loud noise...

  Xu Fangjun's voice was fierce, threatening, "Li Qingyin, hand over the money, or I won't break your leg!"

  Li Qingyin said loudly, "We have already separated, and there has never been a family that has separated and handed over the money to the eldest brother and sister-in-law."

  Xu Fangjun's mother-in-law Chen Ruifeng said impatiently, "Li Qingyin, you can't say that. Although the family is separated, now our parents live with us, shouldn't you contribute?"

  Li Qingyin argued hard, "I can pay to support my parents, but you force me to give all the money. Let me tell you, it is absolutely impossible!"

  Xu Fangjun said lightly, "It's only ten taels of silver, how come it's all there is, Li Qingyin, your third sister is very rich, if you don't want to give it to her, you can ask her for it, and she will definitely give it to you."

  Li Qingyin stared at Xu Fangjun, "Even if my third sister has money, they earned it so hard, why give it to me? Get the **** out of my house, or I'll hack you to death with a knife."

  Life has turned her into a shrew, and now she dares to touch her money, she will do her best.

  Xu Fangjun looked like a rascal, "Okay, you chop, you chop me, I chop your son, believe it or not?"

  Chen Ruifeng snorted coldly and threatened, "Li Qingyin, we will ask you for some money to support the elderly. If you don't give it, you will be unfilial. If you are unfilial, you will be kicked out of the village!"

  Li Qingyin was very straightforward, "Okay, then go to the village chief for a review."

  Xu Fangjun didn't expect that Li Qingyin wasn't afraid. If that's the case, he's too soft, so he will be tough.

  He gave Chen Ruifeng a wink, and then Chen Ruifeng ran to hug Li Qingyin, while Xu Fangjun ran to rummage through boxes and chests to find money.

   Really, exactly like the bandits.

  Li Qingyin struggled violently and shouted, "Xu Fangjun, stop, stop!"

  Xu Fangjun turned a deaf ear and kept rummaging in the room...

   "Stop!" Xu Songnian rushed in, holding a sickle in his hand, showing a fierce face, "Let go of my mother, or I will cut you off!"

  Xu Wenlin rushed over and grabbed Chen Ruifeng's arm with both hands, biting hard...

   "Hiss..." Chen Ruifeng was in pain, furious, and kicked Xu Wenlin's heart, kicking the little girl aside, her temple hit the edge of the stool, and she passed out.

   "Wen Lin, Wen Lin..." Li Qingyin was about to go crazy seeing this scene, she punched and kicked, and finally bit Chen Ruifeng's hand...

  Chen Ruifeng finally let go, "Bitch!"

  Li Qingyin broke away from the bondage, rushed to Xu Wenlin immediately, hugged her daughter in her arms, "Wenlin..."

   "Sister, sister..." Xu Songnian shouted.

  Chen Ruifeng relieved the pain in his arm, picked up the stool beside him with a distorted expression, walked towards Li Qingyin, and then slammed it heavily on Li Qingyin's back.

   "Mom!!" Seeing this scene, Xu Songnian's eyes widened suddenly, terrified, and conditioned reflex threw the sickle in his hand at Chen Ruifeng.

  When Chen Ruifeng saw the sickle, the bench didn't fall down, so he swung it over to block the sickle, "You little bastard, how dare you throw me with the sickle." Immediately, he rushed over and slapped Xu Songnian across the face.

  At the same time, Xu Fangjun rushed over and grabbed Xu Songnian by the neck, "Li Qingyin, hand over the money, or I will strangle him to death."

  He really pinched down, and soon Xu Songnian's face turned red, and he was very suffocated.

   Li Qingyin held her daughter with blood on her head in her arms, and looked back at her son who was about to die of strangulation, as angry as a mad lion.

  She put her daughter down, stood up and stared at Xu Fangjun bitterly, "Let go of Songnian, let go of him!!"

  It's just a woman, he doesn't believe that he can't subdue it, Xu Fangjun grabbed Xu Songnian's neck even harder, "Unexpectedly, Li Qingyin, money is the most important thing in your heart."

  Li Qingyin looked at her purple-faced son, and finally compromised. If Xu Fangjun really strangled her son to death, no amount of money would be able to make up for it.

  Xu Fangjun snorted and said, "It would be great if I knew this earlier!"

  Li Qingyin went and knelt down on the ground, shedding tears, struggling physically and mentally to throw away the mud in the corner and take out the five taels of silver inside...

  Xu Fangjun grabbed the purse, pushed Xu Songnian to Li Qingyin, and walked away with Chen Ruifeng laughing.

  Li Qingyin caught Xu Songnian, "Songnian, how are you doing?"

   "Cough, cough..." Xu Songnian coughed violently, and it took him a while to recover, leaving a purple scar on his neck, which made Li Qingyin cry uncontrollably.

  Xu Songnian quickly comforted Li Qingyin, "Mom, I'm fine, my sister is injured, let's take her to see a doctor."

  Li Qingyin hurriedly knelt and crawled over, picked up her daughter, tears in her eyes, "Song Nian, lock the door, let's see the doctor."

  Xu Songnian hurriedly responded, "Yes, mother."


  Chu Qingzhi took off her fortune-telling attire, and when she came out of the dense forest, she saw Li Qingyin, mother and son hurrying to the county seat.

   "Auntie, what are you doing?"

  Chu Qingzhi's gaze swept across the three mother and son, and she was in a panic.

  Li Qingyin had tears in her eyes, and her body was covered with mud, especially on her knees. Xu Songnian's neck was covered with pinch marks, while Xu Wenlin's forehead was bruised.

   "Qingzhi." Li Qingyin was stunned when she saw Chu Qingzhi, and then she seemed to have opened a gap, and burst into tears. As soon as she cried, her arm lost strength, and Xu Wenlin was about to fall...

  Li Qingyin directly knelt down with both legs to reduce the height of Xu Wenlin's fall.

  At the same time, Chu Qingzhi moved over and caught Xu Wenlin.

  Xu Songnian knelt in front of Chu Qingzhi, "Cousin, please save my sister, she is bleeding a lot."

  Chu Qingzhi has already seen it, "Don't worry, there are herbs here to stop bleeding, I'll go pick some and apply it on her."

   As she spoke, she put Xu Wenlin on the grass and went to gather herbs around.

   After walking a few steps, she saw a clump of cattail, which is a good medicine to stop bleeding, so she quickly picked some.

  The little girl is ugly when she loses her appearance. When Chu Qingzhi applied the medicine to the little girl, she left a ray of spiritual energy to nourish her, so that there would be no scars after she recovered.

  Seeing that Xu Wenlin had stopped bleeding, Li Qingyin and Xu Songnian were greatly relieved, but Li Qingyin still couldn't stop crying.

  Chu Qingzhi hugged Xu Wenlin and said, "Auntie, Songnian, let's talk while walking."

   "Thank you, cousin." Xu Songnian helped Li Qingyin up, then followed Chu Qingzhi, and walked towards Chu's Village.

  After walking for a while, Chu Qingzhi felt that Li Qingyin was calmer, and asked, "Auntie, what happened?"

  Li Qingyin didn't hide a single word, she told Chu Qingzhi in detail, shedding tears while talking.

   Xu Songnian gritted his teeth with hatred, "Cousin, Xu Fangjun and his wife are animals!"

   Orphans and widows, please ask for some tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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