Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 291: twenty taels of silver

   Chapter 291 291. Twenty taels of silver

  Chu Qingzhi was silent for a moment and asked, "How do they know that you are rich?"

  After thinking about it, Li Qingyin guessed, "It should be that I bought some white noodles and brought them home that day, and they knew that your family was rich, so they thought you were helping me..."

  Chu Qingzhi didn't speak any more, and remained silent all the way to Chu's Village.

  Li Qingyu was shocked when she saw Xu Wenlin's head was covered with blood, and quickly took the child from Chu Qingzhi's hands, "Qingyin, what's going on?"

  Seeing her sister, Li Qingyin burst into tears again, "Third sister, I..."

  Li Qingyu said distressedly, "Qingyin, don't cry, take the baby to my room first, let's talk in the room."

  Li Qingyin wiped her tears with her sleeve, "Yes."

  Li Qingyu carried Xu Wenlin to her and Chu Rong's room, followed by all the Chu family...

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and went into the woods.

  The Zongye forest grows very lush, and the ones that have been carefully managed are different. Now the Zongye leaves are big and tender, and the new ones are sprouting one after another. It is tender green and comfortable to look at.

  Chu Laipi saw Chu Qingzhi, and hurriedly called the other three to run towards Chu Qingzhi, "Sister Qingzhi, what are your orders?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the four people and said, "My aunt was robbed just now."

   "Rooting? This is not bad!" Chu Laipi excitedly said, "Sister Qingzhi, tell me, what should we do?"

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the large zongye forest, and said slowly, "They robbed my aunt of twenty taels of silver, you go and help me get it back."

  Chu Laipi looked filled with righteous indignation, "No problem, this matter is on us." He waved at the three of them, "Go, let's go to Xujia Village right away."

  Chu Qingzhi warned, "The people who robbed my aunt are their eldest brother and sister-in-law, Xu Fangjun and Chen Ruifeng, don't kill anyone, or you will embarrass Xu Jin."

  Chu Laipi looked confident, "Sister Qing Zhi, don't worry, we have been punks for so many years, we are very experienced, and we won't do anything bad."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Okay, let's go."

  Watching the few hooligans leave, Chu Qingzhi returned home with a calm expression, as if nothing had happened.


  Xujia Village.

  The four people, headed by Chu Laipi, walked into Xujia Village in a dawdling manner.

  Chu Laipi was fierce and looking for revenge, he grabbed the skirt of a passing man and asked, "How can I get to Xu Fangjun's house?"

  The man was an honest village man, seeing Chu Laipi's fierce look, he immediately pointed Chu Laipi in a direction, "Over there."

  Chu Laipi still drove away, and waved, "Let's go."

   It is said that Xu Fangjun and Chen Ruifeng robbed five taels of silver, and they were in a happy mood. After cleaning up, they were planning to go to the county town to buy something, and they had a big meal. As soon as they went out, they saw four hooligans coming over.

Originally, Chu Laipi's life was not very good, and his body was very thin, but in the past six months, he worked diligently, made money, his living conditions improved, and his flesh grew a lot, so he looked very tall and strong. It's frightening, let alone four...

  The faces of Xu Fangjun and Chen Ruifeng changed immediately. Chen Ruifeng timidly hid behind Xu Fangjun. This was completely different from the way she robbed the money just now. It seemed that she was a bully.

  Xu Fangjun pointed at the four of them sternly, "What are you doing?"

   "You stole twenty taels of silver from Li Qingyin, return it quickly, or you will be beaten all over the place." Chu Laipi pulled out the dagger from his waist as he said.

  As soon as Chen Ruifeng heard it, he couldn't hold back and roared, "It's obvious that there are only five taels, but how can there be twenty taels? Don't spit blood on people."

  Chu Laipi chewed a piece of horsetail grass in his mouth, and looked at the special hooligan, "Anyway, I remember that it is twenty taels, so you can say whether you will give it today?"

  Chen Ruifeng yelled, "We don't have that much money..."

  Chu Laipi waved to the three people behind him, "Brothers, catch Xu Fangjun and beat him up first!"

  Chu Bapi, Zhang Laizi, and Xu Xialiu surrounded him with a sinister smile.

  Xu Fangjun was so panicked when he saw the other party coming for real, he quickly stepped back and shouted, "We have no money, even if you beat me to death, I will have no money."

   "Ah—" Chen Ruifeng ran into the house in fright and hid.

   "I don't have money, I don't have money..." Xu Fangjun looked at the three people who were getting closer in fear, his body trembling slightly, and a layer of cold sweat broke out.

   Naturally, he couldn't resist the three of them by himself, so he was caught directly, followed by a fat beating, and Xu Fangjun screamed.

  Chu Laipi kicked Xu Fangjun's lower abdomen, and asked viciously, "Are you still paying the money?"

  Xu Fangjun quickly took out the five taels of silver from his skirt, and said tremblingly, "That's all."

  Chu Laipi took the purse over and looked at it, "It's still fifteen taels short, brothers, go search the house."

  The three of them broke into the house immediately and searched through boxes and chests. The old people and children in the house were so frightened that they all crouched in the corner, trembling.

  Finally, the room of Xu Fangjun and Chen Ruifeng was found, the door of the room was closed...

   Xu Liu kicked open the wooden door, which was not very useful. The moment he kicked it open, the house shook three times.

  Chen Ruifeng was in the room, holding a stool, staring at the door in fear and panic, but she didn't expect the other party to break in so quickly, and before she could react, the stool in her hand was snatched away!

   "Give me the money!" Xu snarled loudly, "If you don't give me any more money, I'll drag you and your daughter to sell."

  Chen Ruifeng was already terrified. After being threatened like this, she immediately panicked, "No, don't sell me, don't sell my daughter, I'll give you money, I'll give you money..."

   After finishing speaking, he went to look for money everywhere, and finally took out all the money, "Here you are, here you are..."

  Xu Xiangliu grabbed the money bag over, "It would be nice to be so obedient earlier, and to suffer so much less flesh and blood."

  Chen Ruifeng was so frightened that she was so weak that she fell to the ground. It was all the savings of the family, and now it was gone. It was gone. After a while, she couldn't help crying.

  Xu Fangjun was beaten up by Fatty, and he was still curled up in the yard like a shrimp at this moment, not relieved from the pain...

  Chu Laipi came out, stepped on Xu Fangjun's head, and warned viciously, "I'm telling you, Xu Fangjun, if you go after Li Qingyin again, I will destroy your family!"

   Xu Fangjun still went to find Li Qingyin, but it was only five taels of silver, but he was said to be twenty taels. Now that all the money at home is gone, his heart hurts more than being beaten.

   "Don't dare, don't dare..."

  Chu Laipi kicked Xu Fangjun again, "Let's go."

  The four of them drifted away...

  The villagers of Xujia Village slowly gathered...

   "It's true that evil comes with evil. I usually bully Li Qingyin's family a lot, but now I'm finally dealt with."

   "Yes, not long ago I saw Li Qingyin running towards the county with her daughter in her arms. Xu Wenlin's head was covered in blood. Now it seems that they were the ones who beat her."

   "Such a young child can do it. The little girl helped me put rabbit grass in the past. She was very obedient, but now her life and death are unknown. God **** it..."

   "I think it should be a little bit worse..."

  Not to mention how much the villagers in Xujia Village hate Xu Fangjun's family, the four of Chu Laipi here have successfully completed the task and gave Chu Qingzhi twenty taels of silver.

  Chu Qingzhi held the silver and praised, "Good job, let's go get some ice cream to eat later, if you like rice dumplings, you can also get rice dumplings as a reward."

  The four of them were happy for a while, "Okay."

  (end of this chapter)

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