Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 292: 292. The Old Man Finds

  Chapter 292 292. The old man is here

  Chu Qingzhi took the silver and came to Li Qingyu's room...

  Everyone gathered in the room, the whole room looked dark, and the atmosphere was still gloomy and dignified.

  Chu Qingzhi put the silver in Li Qingyin's hands, "Auntie, I'll send someone to help you get the silver back, and they won't dare to bully you anymore."

  Li Qingyin was surprised while holding the overweight silver taels, "Qingzhi, this... I don't have so many silver taels."

  Chu Qingzhi pressed Li Qingyin's shoulder, "It's more for my little cousin's medical expenses, take it."

  Li Qingyin asked worriedly, "Qing Zhi, why did you ask someone to ask for the silver taels? Are you injured? Xu Fangjun's family is very reckless, how did they compromise?"

  Chu Qingzhi said in a comforting tone, "Evil people have their own troubles. The people I send are very reliable, don't worry."

  Li Qingyin believed in Chu Qingzhi, and slowly let go of her heart, "Qingzhi, thank you, auntie, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "It's okay, you are mother's younger sister, we should take care of you."

  Xu Songnian came over and knelt down in front of Chu Qingzhi, and kowtowed to Chu Qingzhi, "Thank you cousin, I will protect you when I grow up and never let anyone bully you."

  Chu Qingzhi helped the little boy up, and encouraged him, "Okay, I hope you will grow into a man soon."

  Xu Songnian nodded heavily, "Yes."

  Chu Qingzhi turned her face to Li Qingyu, "Mother, I still have things to do, so take good care of my aunt and the others."

  Li Qingyu nodded, "Mother knows."

  Chu Qingzhi walked out of the new house and walked to the side.

  Chu Xuhua's house is being built next to the new house, and the tiles will be ready in two days.

  Chu Xujin's house is laying the foundation. After finishing Chu Xuhua's house in two days, we will start building Chu Xujin's house vigorously. Everything is booming.

  An Shanwu saw Chu Qingzhi approaching, immediately stopped what he was doing and came over to say hello, "Miss Chu, what's the matter?"

   "It's a little something." Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I want to build a beer workshop, the design has been drawn, can you send some people here?"

  An Shanwu didn't dare to make the patron unhappy, so he hurriedly said, "It's ok, Miss Chu wants to build it in a few days?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while and said, "Three days."

  An Shanwu thought for a while, "No problem, it's just that the manpower is transferred, and the construction of houses here will be slower."

   "Brother is not in a hurry to live." I don't know what's going on, but the elder brother and Shen Ruyue are still not warm, which makes people anxious.

  An Shanwu nodded and said, "Then I'll arrange the manpower right away, please give me the design drawing, Miss Chu."

   "I'll go get it right away, and we'll meet up at the land I just bought later."


  Chu Qingzhi was busy building a workshop. At the same time, a man and a woman came to Chu Family Village in a carriage.

   Zhang Ziyang, dressed in brocade clothes, got off the carriage, looked around, and frowned slightly. Life in this village is too hard, and there are still people living in thatched huts. "Are you sure Ruyue is in this village?"

  When Shen Ruyue was a maidservant in the Shen Mansion, she once took the blame for her master and was imprisoned unjustly.

   It was Mrs. Zhang who was poisoned at that time, and this Zhang Ziyang was Mrs. Zhang's son.

  Lu Tianlan nodded affirmatively, "I met Ruyue once in the county before, and Ruyue told me personally."

  Lu Tianlan is Shen Ruyue's good friend, only when she was a maid, and now she basically has no contact with her.

   "There are so many people in this village, which family does Ruyue live in?" Zhang Ziyang thought to himself, Shen Ruyue has already married, right?

  Lu Tianlan glanced at the village, "We'll find out if we go and ask. Ruyue is so beautiful, and she's a foreigner, so the villagers must know."

  Zhang Ziyang had no other choice, "Go and ask."

  At this time, a group of innocent children came running...

  Lu Tianlan brought a plate of snacks, and called the children in front of her, "I'll ask you something, if you tell me, I'll give you this snack."

  Chu Junbao squeezed to the front, "Big sister, what do you want to ask?"

   Lu Tianlan put on a friendly face and asked, "Is there a beautiful girl named Shen Ruyue in your village?"

  Chu Junbao nodded, "Yes, she is the housekeeper of Sister Qing Zhi's house, she is amazing, what do you want her for?"

  After hearing this, Lu Tianlan and Zhang Ziyang looked at each other. Judging from the child's tone, it seemed that Ruyue was doing well.

  Lu Tianlan asked with a smile, "Son, can you take us to find her?"

  Chu Junbao didn't respond to Lu Tianlan's words, but pointed to the snack in her hand.

  Lu Tianlan put all the snacks in Chu Junbao's hands, "Can you take us to find someone now?"

  Chu Junbao waved, "Come with me."

  A group of children led the way, Lu Tianlan and Zhang Ziyang followed, and finally came to the old house.

  Chu Junbao still knew that strangers should not be brought into Chu Qingzhi's home casually, "Sister Ruyue is inside, wait a moment, I'll call her."

  When Zhang Ziyang saw the dilapidated thatched cottage, his brows frowned even deeper. Ruyue lived in such a place, it was too embarrassing.

   And what’s the situation? There are so many people coming in and out of such a dilapidated place, and there are boxes being lifted out of it. What’s the matter? You won't do anything against the law, will you?

  The more he thought about it, the more worried Zhang Ziyang became, and the more he wanted to take Kisaragi away.

  When Lu Tianlan saw such a dilapidated thatched hut, she also murmured in her heart, Ruyue is the lady's personal maid after all, and the food and clothing costs are similar to that of the young lady, so it's too miserable right now.

  When Shen Ruyue heard that Chu Junbao said that someone was looking for her, she thought it was a customer who was looking for her for business, so she hurried out.

  Sorbets and rice dumplings are usually ordered by many servants from rich families to order a small portion for their own consumption or for entertaining guests. The small business has always been very good.

  Shen Ruyue was stunned when she saw the two of them.

  Lu Tianlan rushed to meet her, took Shen Ruyue's hand, and said distressedly, "Ruyue, you've lost weight."

  Shen Ruyue thought to herself, she lived so full and busy every day, and it was summer, how could she not lose weight, "Why are you here?"

  Lu Tianlan said excitedly, "We came here specially to find you."

  Zhang Ziyang looked at Shen Ruyue greedily. In his impression, Shen Ruyue wore a long light yellow dress all the year round, behaved well, and even the handkerchief was a bit rigid.

  However, at this moment, Shen Ruyue is still wearing a light yellow long dress, thinner, and her skin is still so fair and soft, but there is a little more light in her eyes, like a lighted lamp, it can be said to be radiant, and the more she looks, the more charming she becomes.

   "Kisaragi, do you remember me?"

  Shen Ruyue looked at Zhang Ziyang, but after more than half a year, she felt as if she had passed away, "Master Zhang, why are you here?"

   "I came here specially to find you." Seeing that Shen Ruyue didn't pull her hair up, Zhang Ziyang felt relieved.

  Girls in this era, when they are not married, wear their hair. Once they are married, all their hair will be combed on their heads, which means they are married.

  (end of this chapter)

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