Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 294: 294. Little Wolf Cub

  Chapter 294 294. Little Wolf Cub

  Chu Xuhua led Shen Ruyue to the stable...

   Fu Bao and Hou Fu are standing in the stable and sleeping, squinting their eyes, looking very comfortable.

  In front of the stables, Chu Xuhua supported Shen Ruyue's shoulders with both hands, and asked her very seriously, "Ruyue, I want to marry you. I will treat you well for the rest of my life and only you. Will you marry me?"

  Shen Ruyue raised her eyes to look at Chu Xuhua's eyes, those eyes were full of her reflection, filling them up, seeing these, her eyes suddenly became moist.

   "Xuhua, I have been waiting for your words for a long time."

  Chu Xuhua's heart moved, and he hugged Shen Ruyue into his arms, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long, it's my fault."

He softly confided in his heart, "Jiyue, the first time I saw you, I thought you were so beautiful that I didn't dare to look directly at you. After getting to know you, I thought you were so capable, literate, good at reading, and able to help Fifth Sister." Busy, know so many things..."

   "If Wumei is like the moon, you are like the stars next to you, and you are also looked up to."

   "And I am a very ordinary, very ordinary farm boy. Not only was my marriage divorced, but I also don't know a single word. I only know how to farm. Sometimes I despise myself."

   "I'm so worthless, how dare I think about the stars?!"

  Shen Ruyue hugged Chu Xuhua's waist tightly, and dew-like tears overflowed her eyes, "Xuhua, I'm not as good as you think..."

  She told Chu Xuhua about her unjust imprisonment. Others don't need to tell, but Xuhua must tell, she thinks so.

  Chu Xuhua said distressedly, "I don't mind, you were wronged in the first place, and it's that Mrs. Zhang who should be blamed for eating recklessly and biting people like a mad dog. She should be punished."

   "Jiyue, don't tell others about this matter in the future, and don't tell your mother, I have to emphasize that I really don't mind, but if it spreads out, you will definitely suffer criticism and it will be bad for you."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, and responded happily, "No one knows except you and Qing Zhi."

  Chu Xuhua smiled and said, "Ruyue, I'll go tell my mother about our marriage in a while, and let my mother prepare a dowry to propose marriage to you. Besides Brother An and Brother Nie, do you have any relatives?"

  Shen Ruyue shook her head, "Not anymore."

  Chu Xuhua said softly, "Then I'll let my mother propose marriage to you directly, and let Brother An and Brother Nie be witnesses, okay?"

   "Yes." Shen Ruyue leaned on Chu Xuhua's chest, and laughed with tears in her eyes.

  In the future, she will no longer be a duckweed, and a home that will make her stable forever will appear.

  For an orphan girl, owning a home is her greatest wish in this life.


   Killed a lot of chickens just now, Li Qingyu was taking care of the feathers with everyone, when she accidentally saw Chu Xuhua coming over holding Shen Ruyue's hand, she was stunned for a moment.

   What does this mean?

  Seeing the happy faces of the two, she guessed that Chu Xuhua had something to tell her, so she hurriedly washed her hands and tidied up her appearance, "What's wrong?"

  Here at the new house, because of the treat tomorrow, many people gathered here to help...

  Chu Xuhua did it on purpose, he wanted everyone to know about the happy event, "Mom, I have something to tell you."

  Li Qingyu has already guessed half of it, and her mouth is already grinning, "What are you going to say?"

  Actually, Ruyue has already acquiesced in her heart to be her eldest daughter-in-law.

  Chu Xuhua glanced at everyone, and said loudly, "Mother, please prepare a dowry and propose marriage to Ruyue for me."

  Li Qingyu grinned directly to the ears, and readily agreed, "Okay, mother will prepare right away. Three days later, I will formally propose marriage to Ruyue."

  The villagers immediately blessed, "Qingyu, congratulations."

   "Yeah, Xuhua is the child we watched growing up, and he is finally getting married."

   "The children have grown up and got married, Qingyu, your family is full of happy events."

  Li Qingyu accepted all the orders, and said with a smile, "When Xuhua gets married, please come and help me again."

   "Definitely, definitely, we also want to be happy."

  Li Qingyu was proud of herself, "Okay, when the wedding date is set, I will notify you as soon as possible."


  Li Qingyu happily dragged Shen Ruyue into the room...

   "Jiyue, do you have any special requirements? Now that the family has this condition, if it can be satisfied, it must be satisfied. Mother will definitely make your wedding banquet a splendid one."

  Shen Ruyue hugged Li Qingyu tightly, her nose sore, "Auntie, I don't have any requirements, I just want to marry Xuhua smoothly, and we can have a family."

Li Qingyu patted Shen Ruyue's back distressedly, "Mother understands, Xuhua is a good boy, and he will treat you well. When you get married, you will live in a new house, just the two of you. You can eat by yourself, or you can come over to eat with your parents, it's up to you..."

  Shen Ruyue was very moved, such an open-minded and kind mother-in-law is rare, "Thank you, auntie."

  Li Qingyu said gently, "Don't worry, my mother will also prepare for you if other brides have..."

  Li Qingyu treats Shen Ruyue as both her daughter and daughter-in-law, and she really loves her.

  Shen Ruyue couldn't help crying, "Auntie, thank you."

  Tears also appeared in Li Qingyu's eyes, "Ruyue, be good." After all, Shen Ruyue is only seventeen or eighteen years old. She looks mature, but she is still a child.


  At the foot of the mountain.

  An Shanwu looked at the large mountain and was very puzzled, "Miss Chu, you bought such a wide mountain to build a workshop?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Yeah, it's not expensive anyway, it's only twenty or so taels."

  An Shanwu, "..."

  Rich people are capricious!

   "Miss Chu, do you still modify the design drawings?"

  Chu Qingzhi shook her head, "There is no need to modify it."

  Anshan Wudao, "Then I will arrange for my people to start breaking the ground?" Building a workshop is not like a house, and it doesn't depend on the day.

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "OK."

  Then, An Shanwu started to guide with the blueprints, and he called fifteen people over, all of whom were good at work, and quickly dispersed to get busy in an orderly manner.

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and walked to the forest.

  She plans to go to the place where the wolves gather to see if there are any abandoned wolf cubs, pick up a few, give one to Li Qingyin, and use the rest to guard the workshop at the foot of the mountain.

  The places where wolves gather are usually in the deep mountains, near the high mountains...

  After Chu Qingzhi entered the forest, he flew directly to the depths of the forest, and finally landed beside a cypress tree.

  Beside there is a grassland of about ten square meters, where a group of wolves are resting. When they saw Chu Qingzhi coming, they just glanced at her and continued to sleep with their eyes closed.

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the pack of wolves and asked, "Are there any cubs?"

   A wolf with a tuft of black hair on its head ran over, barked at Chu Qingzhi, and then ran in one direction.

  (end of this chapter)

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