Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 295: 295. A Wonderful Flower

   Chapter 295 295. A Wonderful Flower

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows and followed.

   Turning, turning again, crossing a stream, and then there is a sound of "whoop whoop"...

  Chu Qingzhi didn't stop, and flew over following the sound.

  It was a thicket of fern and chicken grass, and there was a nest like a chicken coop in the grass. A dead female wolf lay beside the nest, and three wolf cubs were dying of starvation in the nest.

  Wolf cubs are all white and look like dogs, except that their mouths are slightly longer and more aggressive.

  Chu Qingzhi stretched out her index finger and tapped the foreheads of the three little wolf cubs, then cast a spell on the dead female wolf and buried the female wolf.

  Withdrawing the technique, she grabbed the three little wolf cubs one by one and put them on her arms, lined up, and walked out of the mountain with them.

  ... Luckily, I found three little wolf cubs.

  An Shanwu casually glanced to the side, and then saw Chu Qingzhi walking out with the three little wolf cubs in his arms, his eyes straightened.

  An Shanwu, "..."

  Wolves live in groups, and they are the most protective. You took out their wolf cubs, and they didn't fight you desperately?

  He couldn't help but take another look at Chu Qingzhi, she didn't look embarrassed, on the contrary she was calm and composed, this a god.

   "Miss Chu, this wolf cub..."

  Chu Qingzhi said relaxedly, "I picked it up in the woods."

  Chu Qingzhi gradually walked away, and received admiring gazes.


  Wu Yaqing sat on the swing and played, seeing Chu Qingzhi carrying the wolf cub home, she immediately ran over excitedly, "Ah! Qingzhi, where did you pick up the puppy?"

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at Wu Yaqing, "Yaqing, have you seen a wolf?"

   "I've seen it before, but..." Wu Yaqing came to her senses and shouted excitedly, "Ah!! Qing Zhi, what you're hugging is a wolf?"

  These words attracted the attention of everyone around. Qing Zhi is really strong, even wolf cubs dare to pick it up, but Qing Zhi knows martial arts, so picking out a few wolf cubs is nothing.

  Well, the villagers are quite superstitious about Chu Qingzhi now, no matter what unexpected things she does, everyone takes it for granted.

  Li Qingyu looked around, pointed to the empty chicken nest in the corner, "Qingzhi, you can put them in the nest."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi walked over and put the three wolf cubs into the chicken coop. As soon as they put them down, they started to "woooooooooooooooooooooooo"

  A villager said, "Are you hungry?"

   "It should be." A villager said quickly, "Qing Zhi, wait a minute, I'll go home and squeeze some goat milk, and you can feed them."

  Chu Qingzhi thanked, "Auntie, thank you."

  Auntie waved her hands and walked out of the yard, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

  Chu Qingzhi waved to Xu Songnian who was standing at the door, "Songnian, come here."

  Xu Songnian hurried over, "Fifth Cousin." Respectfully, looking up.

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the little wolf cubs, "You can feed them in a while, and when you can raise them alone, you can take one home to see the nursing home, so that no one will dare to go to your house to make trouble in the future."

  Xu Songnian's eyes lit up, full of gratitude, "Thank you Fifth Cousin."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Xu Songnian on the shoulder, "The little wolf cub brought back must be taken good care of, and must not be abused, you know?"

  Xu Songnian hurriedly said, "My fifth cousin, I don't know how to do it, it's too late for me to like it."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "OK."

  Aunt quickly brought over the goat milk, "Qing Zhi, it's still warm, feed it."

  Xu Songnian took the bowl, "Thank you, auntie, my fifth cousin said I'll feed the wolf cubs."

   "Then be careful."


  Xu Songnian put the bowl on the ground, and then took out the three little wolf cubs one by one and put them next to the bowl.

  The three little wolf cubs smelled the milk, probably very hungry, poked their heads out, and hurriedly drank.

  At this time Shen Ruyue came over, her fair face blushed like a peach blossom in March, she said shyly, "Qingzhi, I have something good to tell you."

  Chu Qingzhi looked over and asked curiously, "What good thing?"

  Shen Ruyue whispered shyly, "Xuhua is going to propose marriage to me."

  A surprise flashed in Chu Qingzhi's eyes, and she asked with a smile, "Why did my elder brother suddenly become enlightened?"

  Shen Ruyue pointed in the direction of the old house, "Just now, Zhang Ziyang said he would take me away, and then Xuhua..."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "It seems that there are some things that need to be stimulated."

  Shen Ruyue didn't know whether to agree or not...

  Chu Qingzhi suddenly said solemnly, "I must urge my brother to prepare all the dowry gifts, so that my sister-in-law cannot be wronged in the slightest."

  Shen Ruyue coquettishly said, "I haven't passed the door yet."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Sooner or later."

  Shen Ruyue blushed even more, stomped her feet, and ran away shyly.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Shen Ruyue's back and laughed, the little girl looked so shy and cute.


  Zhang Mansion.

  Zhang Ziyang angrily pushed the door and entered the room, the two doors slammed into the wall, and the limestone on the wall fell down, "I will not let Chu Xuhua go, definitely not!"

  Lu Tianlan followed him into the room, "Master, don't act rashly."

  Zhang Ziyang was strongly unwilling, "Shen Ruyue is so beautiful, how could he be able to take advantage of such rough people, only I am worthy of Ruyue."

Lu Tianlan didn't take it seriously in her heart. In fact, she thought that Chu Xuhua was not bad, and she would stand in front of Ruyue. She looked quite responsible, and Chu Xuhua had a powerful younger sister who was proclaimed a servant by the emperor. Give some face, not an ordinary farmer.

  As a servant girl, if she can marry into such a family as a regular wife, she is also willing.

  But she wouldn't say that, "Master, since Kisaragi already has her own heart, why don't you let her go?"

   "Let her go?" Zhang Ziyang said sternly, "It's absolutely impossible, Ruyue can only marry me, and only I am worthy of her."

   Is this too big a word? A normal girl would not be willing to be a concubine, not to mention, it seems that Chu Xuhua's family's conditions are not bad, "Master, you are already married."

  Zhang Ziyang thinks it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, and he regards his behavior of not giving up on Shen Ruyue as an expression of his affection, "So what if we are married, she will be my concubine, and I will pamper her."

  Lu Tianlan, "..."

  She couldn't bear to listen to it anymore. Isn't this young master lacking in understanding in reading?

   "Master, do you really like Kisaragi?"

  Zhang Ziyang said without hesitation, "Of course, if I don't like it, will I go to her? If I don't like her, I will bring her back to make her a roommate, not a concubine!"

  Lu Tianlan, "..."

   Being a concubine is not much more expensive than being a housekeeper, is it?

   "Master, what are you going to do?"

  Zhang Ziyang clenched his fists and said bitterly, "As long as Chu Xuhua is gone, Shen Ruyue won't be able to marry."

  Lu Tianlan's heart skipped a beat, "Master, you won't kill Chu Xuhua, will you?"

  (end of this chapter)

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