Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 296: 296. Arrival of distinguished guests

  Chapter 296 296. The arrival of distinguished guests

   Zhang Ziyang grimaced and snorted, "What are you doing killing him, it's fun to be alive."

  Looking at Zhang Ziyang's expression, Lu Tianlan felt inexplicably creepy, "Master, what are you going to do?"

  Zhang Ziyang glanced at Lu Tianlan coldly, "You will know when it's time for you."

  Lu Tianlan didn't dare to ask again, "The servant girl has stepped back first."

  Zhang Ziyang waved his hand, "Yes."


  Shuiyun County.

   Ning Yuting lifted the curtain of the car to show Grandpa Ning, "Grandpa, does Shuiyun County look good?"

  Grandpa Ning nodded with a smile, "The people live and work in peace and contentment, which is really good."

  The carriage drove forward until it reached the entrance of Qingwan Women's Clothing Store.

  Ning Yuting pointed to a good shop on the street and said, "Grandpa, this is Qingyue's shop. It specializes in making skirts for girls. I want to take her back with me."

  Grandpa Ning smiled and glanced at his grandson, "Now Qingyue is talking about it."

   Ning Yuting said helplessly, "Grandpa, didn't you teach me to take good care of my wife?"

  Grandpa Ning laughed, "Okay, okay, grandpa will go down with you, and have a look at the shop opened by my granddaughter-in-law."

  Ning Yuting got out of the carriage first, and then helped Grandpa Ning down. After hesitating for a moment, Ning Yuting whispered, "Grandpa, Qingyue is timid, don't scare her."

  Grandpa Ning glanced at Ning Yuting, his eyes were dark, Ning Yuting hurriedly stood aside, "You wait here, I will go in alone."

  Ning Yuting was unwilling, "Grandpa."

   Grandpa Ning insisted, "Wait here."

  Ning Yuting reluctantly agreed, "Grandpa, come out quickly."

  Grandpa Ning ignored Ning Yuting, walked in with his hands behind his back, with the elegance of an old man.

  When he entered, he attracted attention...

  The people who come and go here are girls' houses, and it's the first time for an old man to come in, so the man hurried in to report to Chu Qingyue.

  After hearing this, Chu Qingyue also felt strange, and immediately walked out from the inner room.

  The old man looks like he is in his fifties or sixties, he is covered in high-quality clothes, and his temperament is very similar to that of an outsider. He is not an ordinary person at first glance.

  However, Chu Qingyue treated all the customers equally, walked up to Grandpa Ning while sizing up Grandpa Ning, "Old man, our store only sells girls' skirts..."

  Grandpa Ning secretly looked at Chu Qingyue, the girl was eighteen or nineteen years old, she wore a moon-colored dress, her skin was white and rosy, her eyebrows were gentle and graceful, she spoke in a soft voice, gentle and pleasant.

   "Are you Chu Qingyue?"

  Chu Qingyue was somewhat stunned, "The old man knows me?"

   "I'll tell you later..." Grandpa Ning glanced at the shop, it was clean and tidy, and the clothes were sorted into categories, looking very comfortable.

  The little girl treats people politely, without that kind of snobbish feeling, she dresses fresh and natural, she is a good girl.

   "Very good, very good..."

   Then he walked out.

  Chu Qingyue was stunned, what's going on?

   "Qingyue!" Ning Yuting walked in quickly, following his steps, the bluish-white sleeves fluttered, looking very chic.

  When Chu Qingyue saw Ning Yuting, she couldn't care about anything, and walked towards him quickly, "Yuting."

  As soon as Ning Yuting approached Chu Qingyue, his eyes immediately sank, and he asked distressedly, "What's the matter with your face?"

Chu Qingyue subconsciously covered half of her slapped face. She was slapped in the morning. Although the swelling subsided, there were still some red marks. The backlight was not obvious just now, but now her face was exposed to the sun. to those imprints.

   Ning Yuting was a little anxious, and asked again, "Qingyue, don't hide anything, tell me the truth."

  Chu Qingyue didn't want to hide it. The fifth sister said that husbands and wives are most afraid of concealment. They should explain everything clearly. If they even hide the truth from the closest person, what do they want the other party to do?

  Sometimes you think it’s for the other person’s good to hide it, but you don’t know how uncomfortable the other person is, which is comparable to torture.

"Today in Yunxiufang, I saw my senior sister making Master cry so sadly, and I wanted to resolve the grievances between Master and Senior Sister, but I didn't expect that Senior Sister's temper was more irritable than I imagined. Before I spoke, she Just slap me..."

  I didn't feel wronged before, but in front of the person I love, it seems that I can't be strong anymore. After Chu Qingyue said this, the circles of her eyes were slightly red.

  Ning Yuting was very distressed, took out a handkerchief and wiped Chu Qingyue's eyes, "Don't cry, I won't let you suffer this grievance for nothing."

  After hearing this, Chu Qingyue suddenly became stronger again, "It's okay, I won't take care of their business anymore, this slap is my bad luck."

  Ning Yuting lightly stroked Chu Qingyue's face with his fingertips, his eyes loving, "Then what should I do next time she hits you again?"

  Chu Qingyue smiled, "I don't owe her anything, if she dares to hit me again, I will hit her too."

  Ning Yuting was amused, "I support you, it doesn't matter if you are killed, I will take care of the aftermath for you, with me here, I will not let anyone bully you."

  Chu Qingyue laughed, "If you beat him to death, you will go to jail."

  Ning Yuting said very naturally, "Don't be afraid, I will sit for you."

  “We don’t do things that violate the law, but it’s okay to teach them a lesson.”

   "Okay, listen to you."

  Ning Yuting pulled Chu Qingzhi out of the shop, "Qingyue, let me introduce someone to you."

  Chu Qingyue was curious, "Who is it?"

   "You will know when you come out." Ning Yuting pulled Chu Qingyue to the front of the carriage, and then Chu Qingyue was stunned, "This is not..."

   Ning Yuting introduced, "Qingyue, he is my grandfather."

  Chu Qingyue hurriedly saluted, "I have met Mr. Ning."

  Grandpa Ning was informal, and had a good impression of the girl in front of him, so he said, "That's too polite, just call me Grandpa."

  Chu Qingyue was a little embarrassed, "Could it be..."

  Ning Yuting laughed, "Grandpa likes you very much, and he already treats you as a granddaughter-in-law. It's okay to call you grandpa."

  Chu Qingyue blushed, and after thinking for a while, she whispered, "Grandpa."

   "Good boy." Grandpa Ning laughed heartily.

   "Yu Ting, help grandpa get into the carriage, it's getting late, I'll explain to the people in the store, and go back with you."



  Chu Family Village.

  With the unremitting efforts of everyone, the foundation of the beer workshop has been built.

  Chu Qingzhi worked as a supervisor at the side, and when the sun was about to set, she asked everyone to go back first.

  An Shanwu and Nie Huiyang walked on the way back as usual, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on their backs, as if they were carrying harvested fruits.

   "Huiyang, sister Ruyue is getting married." An Shanwu said suddenly.

   "Really?" Nie Huiyang was pleasantly surprised.

   "Sister Ruyue came to tell me in person before, you go to make it convenient, she asked me to tell you." An Shanwu smiled, and the little girl was finally getting married.

   "That's a good thing, are you marrying Chu Xuhua?" Nie Huiyang said, "Chu Xuhua is very responsible and reliable. Miss Ruyue will be happy if she marries him."

   "I also think, let's go to the jewelry store in the county and buy some jewelry to add makeup to my little sister." An Shanwu said happily.

   "Okay, I'll go too." Nie Huiyang smiled heartily.

  (end of this chapter)

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