Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 297: Send a gift

  Chapter 297 297. Send a meeting gift

  In the kitchen, Li Qingyin went straight to Li Qingyu, wiped her hands, and whispered, "Third Sister, Wen Lin is fine, we should go back."

  Li Qingyu turned her head and looked over, "What are you going back for now? I'll go back after dinner."

  Li Qingyin said with a bit of embarrassment, "Third sister, your family has helped us too much, I, I am too embarrassed."

  Li Qingyu patted Li Qingyin on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "You are my sister, so it doesn't matter if you help me, don't feel burdened."

   "Third Sister..." Li Qingyin lowered her head, her nose sore, and she cried.

Li Qingyu quickly hugged Li Qingyin with one hand and stroked her back, "Qingyin, don't cry, it's okay, the hard times will pass, I'll ask Qingzhi later to see if she can give you some advice, Let you earn more money, too."

  Li Qingyin was very happy, but still refused, "Third Sister, don't bother Qing Zhi, she has helped me a lot, and I haven't done anything for her."

  Li Qingyu consoled, "She is your niece, so it's okay to help."

  Li Qingyin cried even harder, "Third Sister..."

  In these years, only the third sister helped her, and her parents only cared about Li Qinghu and Li Qingwu. If it weren't for the third sister, she really didn't know how to live this day.

  Li Qingyu comforted, "Okay, at this age, you are still crying in front of my sister. Everyone will laugh at you when you see it."

  Li Qingyin smiled through her tears, and coquettishly said, "They are jealous, jealous that I have a sister."

  Li Qingyu wiped Li Qingyin's tears with a smile, "Go to the old house and help my sister get some firewood, it's almost burnt out."

  Diverting my sister's attention, watching her cry, her heart ached.

  Li Qingyin replied simply, "I'll go right away."


  Yunfei Academy.

  As soon as school is over, there will be a steady stream of scholars going out at the gate of the academy.

  Scholars were all wearing uniform white scholar uniforms. The scene looked so spectacular that almost everyone yearned for it.

  There are two locust trees planted at the entrance of the academy. It is said that they were planted when the academy was built. The trees are very lush and tall, with dense branches and leaves. Looking at the green, just looking at these two trees, you can feel that the academy is extraordinary.

  Jiang Zhaoyong, the champion of martial arts, chased after him with long arms and legs, "Chu Xuyuan, Chu Xuyao."

  The two were walking in the square, when they heard the sound, they turned around...

  Jiang Zhaoyong, in his early twenties, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, tall and thin body, wearing a black robe... This man is very smug, he thinks black is the most powerful, so he likes to wear black.

   "Brother, what's the matter?" Chu Xuyuan had a more cheerful personality. When the two brothers were together, it was usually Chu Xuyuan who spoke, while Chu Xuyao ​​cherished words like gold.

  Jiang Zhaoyong stuffed a box into Chu Xuyuan's hand, "Take this back to your fourth sister."

  Chu Xuyuan quickly put the box back into Jiang Zhaoyong's hand, and asked puzzledly, "Why didn't you go in person?"

  Jiang Zhaoyong, the old man, suddenly twitched, "Am I not free?"

  Chu Xuyuan mercilessly exposed Jiang Zhaoyong's clumsy excuse, "You are the most idle in the whole academy."

  Jiang Zhaoyong made a condition, "If you deliver things for me, I will teach you two martial arts."

  Chu Xuyuan was about to say something, but was stopped by Chu Xuyao, "Okay, we agree."

  Learning martial arts, not only can you protect yourself, but you can also fly around like Fifth Sister, how majestic.

  Chu Xuyuan unexpectedly turned to look at Chu Xuyao.

  Chu Xuyao ​​calmed down and spread his hands at Jiang Zhaoyong, "Give me the things."

  Jiang Zhaoyong hurriedly put the box into Chu Xuyao's hands with both hands. After putting it away, he suddenly realized that he was actually being manipulated by a seven-year-old child.

  Chu Xuyao ​​took the box and continued walking in the direction of Fubao.

  Chu Xuyuan hurried to catch up.

  Jiang Zhaoyong rubbed his chin, looked at Chu Xuyao's little back, thoughtfully.


  The two little guys returned home, and the house was full of excitement.

  The Chu family gathered in the main room, as well as the old man, the village head, and the Chu matchmaker.

   "Grandpa, grandma, parents..." Chu Xuyuan rushed into the new house like a gust of wind, and Chu Xuyao ​​followed step by step. His small body was very straight, as if drawn with a ruler, showing the embryonic form of a gentleman.

  Li Qingyu took the school bags of the two children and put them in the room, and then introduced someone to the two children.

   "Xu Yuan, Xu Yao, he is your brother Yu Ting's grandfather, you call him Grandpa Ning."

  The two children shouted obediently, "Grandpa Ning."

  Grandpa Ning couldn't help laughing when he saw the two children moving and stilling. They are really blessed with many children. "Good boy, are they called Xu Yuan and Xu Yao?"

  The two said in unison, "Yes."

   "Grandpa Ning will bring you a meeting gift." Grandpa Ning took out two long boxes from the box and said, "For you." Everyone else has already given the meeting gifts.

  The two children did not answer, but looked at Li Qingyu, who nodded to them.

   Seeing this scene, Grandpa Ning was even more satisfied. Not only did he have many children, but he also taught him very well, "Take it, little things, not expensive, and I will practice calligraphy for you."

  The two children took the things over, "Thank you, Grandpa Ning."

  Grandpa Ning gave brushes, three kinds of brushes of different styles, all of which were the best ones, and the two children fell in love with them immediately.

  Li Qingyu patted the shoulders of the two children, "You two go outside to play, adults have something to talk about."

  The two children shook their heads in unison, "No, we have to listen too." It is about the lifelong happiness of the second sister, how can they stay out of it.

  Li Qingyu looked around, "Then you go and sit on the stools."

"No, we'll sit next to Grandpa Ning." Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​went to sit next to Grandpa Ning, one on the left and one on the right. They had to see if Grandpa Ning really liked Second Sister. I like it, the second sister will definitely be wronged when she marries.

  Grandpa Ning didn't think much about it, but felt that the children were close to him, and the family hadn't had a baby for a long time, so he was very happy, "Okay, listen to it too, you will also marry a wife in the future."

  The two children already felt ashamed. After hearing this, they immediately felt embarrassed. Chu Xuyuan muttered, "We are still young."

  Grandpa Ning laughed loudly, "It's not too young, you can do it in another ten years."

  Chu Xuyuan tugged on the sleeve of Grandpa Ning next to him, "Grandpa Ning, let's talk about Brother Yu Ting, let's talk about Brother Yu Ting."

  Grandpa Ning smiled even more heartily, this child is really funny, "Okay, let's talk about the big ones first, and we will talk about you little ones later."

   Seeing that the topic was finally pulled back, the two children couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Marrying a wife or something, um, is still far away.

  Grandpa Ning let out a low cough, and straightened his face, "Brother Chutai, sister-in-law, Chu Rong, Qingyu, and the dowry gift are all in the box. Let's open it and have a look. If we are not satisfied, we will add more."

  Chu Tai said politely, "Brother Ning prepared it, we can rest assured."

  Grandpa Ning gave Ning Yuting a wink, and Ning Yuting went to open the box.

  The dowry was prepared according to the dowry standard given by Tang Jinghong. He didn't go over it, otherwise he wouldn't give Tang Jinghong face, and there was no need to offend his future brother-in-law. If he wanted to give Qingyue something, there would be more opportunities.

  (end of this chapter)

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