Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 298: 298. A wedding dress

   Chapter 298 298. A Wedding Dress

  There are still many villagers watching the fun around the door, looking at the big boxes, the envy in their eyes cannot be hidden.

   "Qingyu has recruited another son-in-law who rides the dragon quickly. With that generous dowry, the family must be rich."

   "I heard that Ning Yuting is a big family from the capital, and he is also the eldest son and grandson, so he can inherit the family business in the future."

   "Is that good?"

   "Yeah, this Qingzhi is also amazing, and saved a second brother-in-law for her family."

   "Haha, it's all fate."

  The village chief and the matchmaker helped to check the betrothal gift list, and they were speechless. Although the betrothal gift was not as generous as Tang Jinghong's, it was not much worse, it was really rich.

Look at that pair of golden face, that jade bracelet, that tea leaf, and the cloth that feels so smooth, the most important thing is that there is still one thousand taels of betrothal money, one thousand taels, that's too much, it's almost worthless. When the silver.

  The matchmaker handed the betrothal gift list to Li Qingyu, and said with a smile, "Qingyu, congratulations on getting another good uncle." This means that the betrothal gift is no problem.

  Li Qingyu was overjoyed, took the betrothal gift form, and hurriedly greeted for tea, "Sit, everyone."

   After ordering the dowry, the next step is to discuss the wedding date.

  The date of marriage is usually decided by the man, and then the woman is asked for her opinion. If the woman has no opinion, the marriage ceremony can be prepared.

  Grandpa Ning took out a red box, which contained three pieces of red paper, and each piece of paper had a date written on it, which was a suitable day for getting married.

  respectively, the ninth day of September, the nineteenth day of September, and the tenth day of October.

   "Future in-laws, which day do you think is more suitable?"

  Li Qingyu wanted to organize the wedding of the eldest son first, and then marry off the second daughter, which would be more satisfactory.

   It would be fine if Chu Xuhua and Shen Ruyue didn't mention the matter of getting married, but now that it's mentioned, as a mother, she wants to take care of her children's lifelong affairs.

   "Mother-in-law, I think September 19th is a good day, so there will be more time, and Qingyue will have more time to prepare."

  Grandpa Ning saw what Ning Yuting meant. After all, it was his grandson getting married. Ning Yuting readily agreed, "Auntie, I will do as you wish, but I have something I want to discuss with you."

  Li Qingyu nodded, "Say it."

Ning Yuting said, "It takes more than four hours for your family to go to the capital, and the journey is a bit long. I want to take you to our family's other courtyard in the capital on the eve of getting married, and let Qingyue get married from the other courtyard. What do you think? "

  Zhan Hongjun suddenly interjected, "Why don't you go to my house?"

  What he thought was that marrying Chu Qingyue from their family would be more face-saving. It was originally the master's family, and he had to take care of the master's family, not to mention the second sister was good to him.

   "Where is your family?" Grandpa Ning looked at Zhan Hongjun and said to himself, this young man has extraordinary appearance, he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

  Zhan Hongjun made a haha, "I'll tell you later."

  Grandpa Ning secretly thought, but he still hides his secrets. This family seems to be more than just as simple as it looks.

  Bao Linjiang was not to be outdone, "You can also marry from my family, my family is no worse than his family."

   "Where is your house again?" Grandpa Ning looked at Bao Linjiang again. The young man didn't look too simple. What's going on?

   Bao Linjiang also made a haha, "I'll tell you later."

  People, "…"

  Why does it feel like a secret?

  Chu Qingzhi had no choice but to speak, "I think this is better, as we also need to prepare a dowry for our second sister, when the time comes, we will go to the capital to buy a house and get married from our own home."

   This is the best solution.

  Chu Tai was the first to raise his hand in agreement, "I agree."

  Qingyue married and went to the capital. She had no one to rely on. Buying a house was considered Qingyue's property, and she was more confident in her husband's family.

  Grandma Chu echoed, "I agree too."

  Chu Rong and Li Qingyu also agreed, "Just do what Qing Zhi said."

  Chu Qingzhi took over the job, "I'll handle this matter, it happens that Jing Hong is in the capital, let him take care of it."

  Li Qingyu thought about it, no one is suitable for this job, and said, "Qing Zhi, then you tell Jing Hong to trouble him."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "I will tell him."

  Chu Qingyue's marriage was settled in this way.


  After dinner, Li Qingyu asked Chu Xuhua and Chu Xujin to take Li Qingyin's family of three home.

  She went to arrange everyone's accommodation. If there were no guests, she would live according to their plan. Now that there are more guests, she needs to re-arrange.

   There are seven rooms in total on the second floor, and Chu Qingzhi lives in one room alone, which remains unchanged.

  The four elders in the family felt that they owed Chu Qingzhi, so they favored her more. In fact, everyone in the family, from old to young, loved her. No matter whether they had money or not, they all wanted to treat her better.

  Chu Xuhua and Chu Xujin went to sleep in the old house, and their room was given up to Grandpa Ning, who only stayed for two days, and he went back after two days.

  Ning Yuting also went to sleep in the old house, he asked for it himself, and the three brothers had company.

  Li Zhangjie also went to live in the old house. He said he wanted to guard the two workshops to prevent theft.

  The guest room is for Wu Yaqing and Ge Lihua.

  Others remain unchanged.

  Chu Qingning came to Chu Qingzhi's room with a bunch of flowers in her arms, followed by several sisters.

  Chu Qingning put the painting on the desk, "Fifth Sister, these are the rose flowers I picked, for decorating your room."

  Chu Qingzhi glanced at the rose flowers, and then looked at the other flowers in the room.

  The flowers Tang Jinghong gave her were still blooming brightly, as if time had been frozen at that moment.

  Now that Chu Qingning is sending her flowers, thinking about others, she can't help but miss Tang Jinghong. This guy should be in the capital, right?

   "Fourth sister, thank you."

  Chu Qingning sat at the table and said with a smile, "Why are you being polite to me?"

   "That's right, my sister, thank you so much." Chu Qingyue took the words, and said mysteriously, "I'll show you something."

  Chu Qingyue is holding a bundle in her hand, which looks like clothes or something from the shape.

  Shen Ruyue urged, "Open it and have a look."

  Wu Yaqing went to sit next to Chu Qingning, and booed, "Guess what it is?"

   "Wedding dress!" Ge Lihua, a tall and cold beauty, suddenly said.

  Chu Qingyue paused, turned around and asked jokingly, "Li Hua, have you seen it?"

  Ge Lihua hooked his lips slightly, "I guess, just now you were so precious carrying the burden, it must be very important to you, and seeing you smiling so happily, it looks like clothes..."

  Chu Qingyue smiled, "You're so smart, it's the wedding dress." As she spoke, she showed the wedding dress to the sisters, "Does it look good?"

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the stool beside the desk, turned around and lay on the back of the chair to watch, "It looks good, Second Sister, when did you finish it?"

  Chu Qingyue said, "It's been done for a long time, and I'll wait for you to come back and show it to you. Now that you say it looks good, I'm relieved."

  Chu Qingzhi praised sincerely, "It's really beautiful!"

  In her mind, the wedding dress is the most beautiful. It is bright red and has the strongest visual stimulation. Of all the colors, red is definitely the most eye-catching at a glance.

  (end of this chapter)

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