Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 404: 404. The Ancient Family

  Chapter 404 404. Ancient Family

   Is this Lu Ziming?

  Lu Ziming has been looking for Mrs. Xin since he came to the capital, why is he here again now?

  In the room, Mrs. Xin seduced her for a while, Lu Ziming couldn't hold back, and quickly surrendered.

  Afterwards, Lu Ziming hugged Mrs. Xin and couldn't help but want the map, "Madam, when are you going to give me something?"

  Ms. Xin lay beside Lu Ziming on her side, her fingers slowly walking on his chest, "I can give you something, but you have to tell me, what are you doing with it?"

  Since she has come into contact with it, it would be too bad for her if she didn't ask clearly.

  A glint of light flashed in Lu Ziming's eyes. Over the years, people have changed, "It won't do you any good to know, are you sure you want to listen?"

  Ms. Xin shuddered slightly, she remained calm on the surface, and acted as if she didn't care, "It's good or bad, I just want to know the truth."

  Lu Ziming was silent for a moment, grabbed Mrs. Xin's hand, and said in a more serious tone, "Since you want to know, then I will tell you, but you will bear the consequences."

  Ms. Xin paused, but still acted indifferently, "Oh, what are you talking about, what are you talking about?"

  Lu Ziming looked sideways at Mrs. Xin, and said slowly, "I want to go into the palace to find something."

  Mrs. Xin met Lu Ziming's eyes, and her heart was raised, "What are you looking for?"

  Lu Ziming withdrew his eyes and stared at the void in front of him, "There is half a book called "Qizhilu" in the library of the imperial palace, and a huge secret is hidden in the book..."

   Speaking of this, he paused, "More than three hundred years ago, there was an ancient family in Dongling that was destroyed overnight by the earthquake."

   "This ancient family has been passed down for more than seven hundred years, and there are countless treasures in the family. It is said that the specific location of this family is recorded in "Qi Zhi Lu."

  Madam Xin opened her mouth wide, in disbelief, "Where did you hear this news?"

   Lu Ziming suppressed madness and greed in his eyes, "I got the other half of "Qizhilu", which is the guide for me."

  Mrs. Xin is greedy, but this matter is too illusory, "It happened more than three hundred years ago, so it is likely to be fake?"

   "Believe it or not." Lu Ziming didn't care what Mrs. Xin thought, he just wanted to get the map to enter the palace, "Can you give me the map now?"

  Mrs. Xin thought for a while, she already knew the secret, and if he didn't give Ziming the map, he might be in a hurry, "Wait, I'll get it for you."

   As she spoke, she put on her clothes and got out of bed, and brought the map to Lu Ziming, "Here you are."

  Lu Ziming took the map, trembling with excitement, he unfolded the map with trembling hands, "Finally got the map, finally got it..."

  In agitation, he pulled Mrs. Xin over, pinned her on the bed, robbed her roughly, and then... strangled her to death.

  Mrs. Xin lost her breath in pain in joy.

  Qu Xinwei just listened to the movement and didn't go to see the scene in the room, but he was the first to know about Mrs. Xin's murder.

  Mrs. Xin is a concubine of Prince Rui's mansion, but she steals people at night. She is not a good person, and there is no need to save her. She will die when she dies. It just happens to clean up the palace, so as not to bring the little prince into trouble.

  As for Lu Ziming, he is not in the way now, so don't worry about him.

   To tell the truth, she is quite interested in that ancient family. Lu Ziming is trying his best to find it now, so let him look for it and find more clues, which will save him trouble.

  So Qu Xinwei planned to turn a blind eye to this matter.

  Lu Ziming disguised Mrs. Xin as if she had hanged herself, cleaned up the scene, and left the same way.

   Soon after, Tang Jinghong came to Qu Xinwei's room.

   Now that Qu Xinwei has changed people, the defense of the mansion has also changed accordingly. Qu Xinwei panicked that he was trying to recruit Tang Jinghong into his gang, and those subordinates were all cheered and cheered, and all expressed their support, so much so that they now turn a blind eye to Tang Jinghong.

   Regarding this, Qu Xinwei just wanted to say one thing, he is so stupid, even if Tang Jinghong died, he would not do anything that would harm the country and society. It would be whimsical to bring him into the gang, but everyone believed it.

  Tang Jinghong spoke with concern, "Qingzhi, have you eaten the meal I sent you?"

  As soon as Tang Jinghong came, Chu Qingzhi returned to her original appearance, "Eat, finish eating, it's very delicious, thank you Jinghong."

  Tang Jinghong touched Chu Qingzhi's head with a gentle voice, "I will give you all your meals from now on."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Okay."

  Tang Jinghong asked, "What are your plans for tonight? I have made arrangements for my affairs, and I can act with you tonight."

   "Go to the black market..." Chu Qingzhi told Tang Jinghong about her capture to the West Special Envoy and hearing about the ancient family.

It took Tang Jinghong five seconds to digest what Chu Qingzhi said. He kept the matter of the ancient family in his heart. I feel ashamed to get so much news after a day."

  Chu Qingzhi explained, "You don't need to compare with me, after all, I know some things you don't know."

   Tang Jinghong still admired, "Then let's go."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "OK."


  The Household Department has ten storehouses in the capital, where most of the cloth, money and food in the Daling treasury are stored.

  Among the ten warehouses, there are three places where gold and silver treasures are stored.

The national treasury is Daling's treasury, all major expenses are taken from here, and all the wealth and treasures paid to the imperial court in the world will also gather here. It is very important. Inventory to ensure the treasury is intact.

   What Cao Changsheng emptied was the treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

  He works in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Of course, the evacuation of a treasury requires collusion from inside and outside, but no matter what, the treasury was evacuated.

   At this time, the emperor led the ministers of the Ministry of Household Affairs to secretly open the treasury. He wanted to see if Cao Changsheng was really so bold as to dare to touch the foundation of Da Ling!

  The emperor did not say that the treasury had been emptied, he only said that he wanted to see if the money had increased after he had been on the throne for three years.

  When the first emperor passed away, he left him seven million taels of silver. The treasury was not empty, but it was not necessarily full.

  The national treasury is underground, like a secret room, locked layer by layer, looking very tight.

  Seeing those locks, the emperor didn't want to believe that something happened to the treasury. After all, something happened to the lifeline, and he, the emperor, was to blame.

  As the doors were opened, the emperor entered the innermost layer where the silver was placed.

  Here, the large boxes are placed one on top of the other, neatly, and they don’t look like they have been moved, but if you look closely, you will find the problem.

  The ash on those boxes has been sealed for a long time in the warehouse. The ash on it should be spread evenly and thickly, but the boxes not only have very little dust, but also have traces of movement on them.

  (end of this chapter)

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