Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 405: 405. One Pot

  Chapter 405 405. It's all in one pot

  The emperor watched all this silently, feeling extremely annoyed in his heart, took a deep breath, and tried to pretend to be calm, "Open all the boxes for me."

  The officials of the household department did not dare to delay, and immediately opened the box.

  There are fifty taels of silver in the box, stacked neatly, reflecting silvery white light under the light, which dazzles the eyes.

  The emperor picked up one and handed it to Hubu Shangshu, "Try to see if it's true or not."

  Shangshu Hubu bit his teeth directly, and said after biting, "Your Majesty, it's true."

  The emperor was relieved, and ordered, "Take out the box of silver in the farthest corner and inspect it. Others should not be in a daze. Check the silver in the treasury overnight, and you will make up for it if there is less."

  The Minister of Household Affairs didn't know what medicine the emperor bought in the gourd, the only thing he could do was to follow the orders, and soon everyone was busy counting the money.

  Li Fei brought a stool, "Your Majesty, sit down."

  The emperor sat on the chair and supervised himself.

  Li Fei served the emperor a cup of tea, then backed out, guarding the outside gate and not letting anyone in.


  Black market.

  The black market is brightly lit, with "ghosts" walking on the streets, still as lively as ever.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong also entered the black market like ghosts. After entering, they looked around and looked for the iconic ten large boxes.

   It went well, the two found it in a corner, and those people were still waiting there.

   The two found a corner and watched secretly.

   After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, a group of people came over. They used the same joint method as Chu Qingzhi, and the two joined hands. Then the group of people who came over carried the box and left.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "Jing Hong, have your people followed?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "Follow up."

   Now there is nothing to worry about, Chu Qingzhi said, "Let's go and find "Yuan"."

  Chu Qingzhi transformed Tang Jinghong into "Nine" and herself into "Special Envoy of the West" with a trick. Although she was wearing a cloak, it was still just in case.

  Chu Qingzhi came out from the corner and went straight to the second floor of the casino. That group of people came out of the casino just now.

  However, the two of them were surprised. There was no one on the second floor of the casino!

  Chu Qingzhi immediately reflected on where there was a flaw, and suddenly, she remembered one thing.

  Emissary West came out to issue orders, and she must go back to report afterwards, but she ignored this and didn't show up until now.

   Too bad, the other party must have woken up.

  Chu Qingzhi secretly had a bad idea, and hurriedly said, "Jing Hong, come with me, and I will explain to you on the way."


  Chu Qingzhi's guess is correct. Master Yuan and the four special envoys are in two-way communication. They have a secret base, which is in Yixiangyuan, where people come and go.

  Yixiangyuan, there is no doubt about the brothel.

  At this time, in an unremarkable room in Yixiangyuan, a middle-aged man was sitting at the table, and three special envoys stood aside, the atmosphere was a little tense.

  East Special Envoy said, "Master, is something wrong with West Special Envoy?"

   They never had an accident, which made Master Yuan unsure, "Wait a little longer, if he doesn't come back before midnight, our plan will be suspended, and everyone will go to sleep first."

  Be careful sailing for thousands of years, things have reached the most critical time, and there must be no mistakes.

  The other two special envoys did not speak in silence after hearing this.

   After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, and the four people in the room became alert.

   There was a knock on the door, followed by the words of Special Envoy Xi, "Master."

  Everyone identified it and confirmed that it was the voice of Special Envoy Xi, so they relaxed.

  The middle-aged man said, "Come in."

  The West envoy walked into the room, looked around the room without any trace, secretly thought, they were all masked, too cautious, but it happened to be all here, all in one pot.

  Chu Qingzhi closed the door, and when she turned around, she held a bell in her hand and shook it heavily.

  The rippling ringing of the white light spread, and the four people in the room were all deprived of their senses, and remained motionless in a daze.

  Chu Qingzhi shook the bell again to consolidate their state, and then opened the door to let Tang Jinghong in.

  Tang Jinghong couldn't help but feel happy when he saw everything in the room. After controlling them, the Yun forces were basically in their hands, "Qingzhi, you have made great contributions again!"

  Chu Qingzhi doesn't care about credit, she just wants to help Tang Jinghong, "Jinghong, start working."

   There are still four days left. Looking at it now, it should be possible to uproot this force.

   Tang Jinghong said, "Okay."

  After questioning, Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong learned that Master Yun had a list of his subordinates, and the list was here, with the guidance of "Yuan", it was easy to find it.

  This list only has the names of ten people, who are his ten direct subordinates.

  The code name, name, identity, and address are all clearly stated.

Chu Qingzhi gave the list to Tang Jinghong, "According to this method, arrest people secretly, and after arresting them, torture their downlines, arrest people layer by layer, tell me if you need help, and try to complete it within four days, yes , the poppies must be taken over and destroyed..."

  Tang Jinghong agreed one by one, "I will listen to you."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "There is only one question right now." She paused and said, "Who is sending the message to "Yuan"?"

   "Yuan" must have listened to Master Yun, so who did Master Yun send to deliver the news to him?

  If you know this person, maybe you can follow the clues to find Dongling.

  The root of this matter lies in Dongling, even if all the forces here are wiped out, they can still make a copy of it intact, and this is the troublesome part.

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a while, gave up, and didn't think about the long-term for the time being, let's get over the current crisis.



  The emperor suddenly had a headache, his whole body felt like an ant bite, and soon his whole body was dripping with cold sweat. A thought came to his mind, he wanted to inhale incense.

  The minister next to him was startled when he saw the emperor was uncomfortable, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

  The emperor knew very well that he was influenced by A Furong. Tang Jinghong had already told him, "Li Fei, Li Fei..."

  Li Fei rushed over upon hearing the news, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

  The emperor stood up with difficulty, dizzy, nauseated, very uncomfortable, "Go back to the palace."

  Seeing this, Li Fei didn't dare to say anything, went outside, carried the emperor who was already struggling to walk, and carried him back to the palace.

  After returning to the palace, Li Fei immediately went to find Zhan Hongjun.

  Zhan Hongjun was secretly investigating the matter of poisonous aromatherapy in the palace. When he heard that the emperor was not feeling well, he secretly thought something was wrong, so he hurried to the emperor's bedroom.

  Take a pulse, he really has a drug addiction, he just heard about it from his master, and he has never been cured of such a disease, what should he do?

  At this time, the emperor curled up, his clothes and hair were soaked in cold sweat, with a painful expression on his face, "Quickly light the aromatherapy for me."

  Li Fei didn't know about the poisonous aromatherapy, so he wanted to order it.

  Zhan Hongjun hurriedly stopped, "Don't order it, otherwise it will definitely aggravate the emperor's condition!"

  (end of this chapter)

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