Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 406: Addiction episode

  Chapter 406 406. Drug addiction attack

  Li Fei looked at the emperor worriedly, "Little genius doctor, is there something wrong with the aromatherapy? Why can't you order it?"

  Zhan Hongjun pulled Li Fei over, and whispered to Li Fei about the aromatherapy.

  Li Fei has taken care of the emperor since he was a child, and has been taking care of the emperor for 21 years. If he wanted to harm the emperor, the emperor would have been reincarnated for 800 years. He is a trustworthy person.

After hearing this, Li Fei's face changed greatly, and he was very annoyed, "Who is so bold?!" Realizing that now is not the time to pursue the matter, he quickly said, "Little genius doctor, you can't use aromatherapy, then quickly think of a way to relieve the emperor's pain." pain."

  When the emperor handles political affairs, he usually waits in the outer hall, otherwise he will also be poisoned.

  He actually thought, Zhan Hongjun couldn't help it, "Only my master can solve this matter."

  Li Fei was astonished. When did the famous Daling little genius doctor become a teacher?

  Responding, he hurriedly said, "Please the little genius doctor to invite your master and the old man into the palace immediately, the emperor can't wait."

  Hearing the word "old man", a strange look flashed across Zhan Hongjun's face, "Don't worry, father-in-law, I will invite you right away."

  He took out a whistle from his sleeve pocket and went to the eaves to blow it. Not long after, an eagle circled and flew down.

  Li Fei was taken aback for a while.

  Zhan Hongjun stretched out his arms to catch the eagle, turned around and walked into the house, wrote a note and tied it to the eagle's leg, "Little Yingying, please send the note to Master."

  The eagle looked at Zhan Hongjun with some annoyance, then spread its wings and flew out.

  Li Fei chased it out, looked at the eagle flying into the night sky, and thought to himself, who is the master who can feed an eagle to send him a letter? Amazing, amazing!

  Zhan Hongjun thought Li Fei was worried, so he comforted, "My master will be here soon."

  Li Fei looked at the sky and nodded, feeling even more curious about the master of the little miracle doctor.


  After getting the list, Tang Jinghong immediately arranged for someone to investigate secretly. Chu Qingzhi went to the inn after leisure.

  Ge Lihua went to Fengxin County to see off the little girl and has not come back yet.

  Chu Xujin is eating supper with everyone, so he can't come to the capital for nothing. Anyway, he has nothing to do, so he can simply eat some special food in the capital.

   At this time, the lobby of the inn is very lively.

  Chu Qingzhi is really dazzling, as soon as she entered the inn, everyone noticed her.

  Chu Xujin hurriedly put down the bowls and chopsticks and walked towards Chu Qingzhi, and asked with concern, "Fifth sister, are you hungry? There is still a lot to eat, do you want to eat some too?"

  Chu Qingzhi thought that Chu Xujin was going to ask about the power of Yun, but she didn't expect that she was concerned about her stomach, she was a good brother, "Okay, I just happened to be hungry."

   "Come, come and sit." Chu Xujin took Chu Qingzhi back to her seat, and took Chu Qingzhi's supper, taking care of her very well.

  Chu Qingzhi ate the same thing.

  Golden shredded **** forks, honey twists that resemble ears, focal rings that look like bracelets, and the noodle tea that doesn’t look very good, but is very delicious.

  Chu Xujin saw that Chu Qingzhi ate some, and then asked about the business, "Fifth sister, how are things going?"

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "No big problem."

  Chu Xujin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

  Chu Qingzhi ate some of everything, and packed some for Tang Jinghong after eating, "Third brother, the capital is not peaceful recently, so be careful when you go in and out."

   "Don't worry, fifth sister, we will be careful." Chu Xujin was quite self-aware, and if he couldn't help, he tried not to make trouble.

  Chu Qingzhi noticed that there was one person missing, "Third brother, where is Li Hua?"

  Chu Xujin's eyes showed a bit of worry and longing, "She sent Miss Lin back to Fengxin County."

  Chu Qingzhi was surprised, "The little girl is from Fengxin County?"

  Chu Xujin nodded, "Yes, she said she is the daughter of the second room of the Lin family."

   "The second room of the Lin family, it's a coincidence." Chu Qingzhi's curiosity was not strong, and now that the matter was properly resolved, she didn't talk about this topic any more, "Third brother, why didn't you follow?"

  The third brother longed to be Li Hua's little tail, so far away, did not follow, could it be that there was a conflict?

  Chu Xujin said frankly, "I want to follow, but Li Hua asked me to stay here, in case something happened to you, let me take care of you."

  So that was the case, Chu Qingzhi smiled, "Third Brother, I promise, we will return to Chu Family Village in four days."

  Chu Xujin was very pleasantly surprised, "Can I go back in four days? Great!"

  Chu Qingzhi said helplessly, "In order not to let the eldest brother postpone the wedding, there is no other way."

  Chu Xujin laughed, "Yeah, big brother's marriage has twists and turns, so we can't delay it any longer."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded and said, "If the third brother is bored, you can go buy some gifts for your parents. Yu Ting is also in the capital, so you can come and pay a visit."

  Chu Xujin's heart ached, Fifth Sister was already so busy, and she still found time to care about him, "Fifth Sister, I understand."

  Chu Qingzhi changed the subject, "Those who came with us can go back to Chu Family Village, Third Brother will make arrangements tomorrow."

  Chu Xujin said seriously, "Don't worry, fifth sister, I will make arrangements."

   "Yeah." Chu Qingzhi put down her chopsticks after finishing supper, "Third brother, I'm leaving first, there are still some things to do."

  Chu Xujin stood up, "I'll see you off."


  After Chu Qingzhi left the inn, she planned to find Bao Linjiang.

  She has already given the poison list to Bao Linjiang. Now Zhan Hongjun is in charge of checking the poisoned incense in the palace, and Bao Linjiang is in charge of checking the minister's house.

  As a result, as soon as she walked to the street, she saw an eagle flying towards her.

  She stretched out her arms and took the eagle.

  The eagle bowed his head and pecked up the letter to Chu Qingzhi. It seemed that his head was very smart.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and touched the eagle's head, took the letter and read it, "It's so fast, I'm already addicted."

  As soon as the letter was raised, it turned into ashes, Chu Qingzhi told Tang Jinghong, and then rushed to the palace.

  Eunuch Li Fei was too worried about the emperor, so he and Zhan Hongjun came to the gate of the palace to wait for Zhan Hongjun's master, the old man.

  When he saw a beautiful young girl approaching, he asked the guards at the gate of the palace to stop Chu Qingzhi without thinking, "This is the palace, the idlers are waiting, back away quickly."

  Zhan Hongjun turned his head to look at Eunuch Li Fei, and smiled awkwardly, "Eunuch, she is my master."

  Eunuch Li Fei is petrified to the naked eye.

  In his mind, Zhan Hongjun's master should be dressed in a white shirt, with all kinds of fairy demeanor. This girl with bright eyes and bright teeth looks about the same age as Zhan Hongjun. How can she be a master?

  Chu Qingzhi ignored Li Fei and went straight to Zhan Hongjun, "Let's go."

  Zhan Hongjun said respectfully, "Master please."

  Chu Qingzhi walked towards the palace.

  Eunuch Li Fei took a while to catch up, but he still couldn’t accept that the master of the little miracle doctor was a little girl.

   However, as an old man who has cultivated in the palace for more than 30 years, he didn't say anything, but just observed silently.

  The little genius doctor is not a fool, and it is impossible to worship a little girl as a teacher for no reason. This girl must have something extraordinary, let's see.

  (end of this chapter)

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