Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 453: 453. A matchmaker

   Chapter 453 453. A matchmaker

  After dinner, Chu Qingzhi came to see Jin Yingzi in the counting room of the old house.

  The golden cherry seeds are all packed in a rectangular bamboo basket, which is woven by Chu Rong with bamboo slices, which is ventilated and looks quite delicate.

  Chu Qingzhi opened the lid of the bamboo basket to check the quality of the golden cherry seeds.

  The golden cherry seeds in the bamboo basket are orange-red, big and fresh. They should have been picked. There is no small one. They look very good.

  Chu Qingzhi closed the lid with satisfaction.

  At this time, Du Xiu'e's voice came from the yard, "Qing Zhi, we are here."

  Ten villagers who helped Chu Qingzhi brew beer were waiting at the gate of the courtyard. The beer should enter the next process today. Chu Qingzhi was busy during the day, so she moved the time to night.

  Chu Qingzhi responded with a raised voice, "Here we come."

  She came out to meet everyone and went to the beer workshop together.


  Tang Jinghong's family.

  Mr. Lu rubbed his belly, why didn't he deliver food? Jing Hong actually didn't care about him, why did this brother go?

  Suddenly, footsteps came, and the person who was going to get out of bed to find Tang Jinghong immediately sat back on the bed, and then the door was opened.

  Wu Yaqing walked into the room and put the food box on the table, "It's time to eat, are you feeling better?"

   Get well quickly, this uncle is too difficult to serve!

  San Ye Lu pretended to be weak, and performed a full set of plays. He also used internal force to make his face pale, and said in a cold voice, with a little weakness, "It doesn't feel better, it just hurts more."

  Wu Yaqing walked towards the bed, seeing Sanye Lu's face, her heart sank, this seemed to be getting worse, "I'll call Qing Ning over."

  Mr. Lu said weakly, "Don't bother the doctor, I may be hungry."

  Wu Yaqing felt guilty for a moment, she came here so late on purpose, in order to teach Mr. Lu a lesson, but unexpectedly made him sicker, "Next time I will bring food over earlier."

   When Mr. Lu heard that there was something he didn't understand, the girl in front of him looked innocent, but he didn't expect such a strong desire for revenge, "Let's eat, I can't hold it anymore."

   "Okay." Wu Yaqing hurriedly prepared to feed Mr. Lu.

  After the stomach was not so hungry, Lu Sanye started his performance. He was still cold and his tone was indifferent, "Do you not want to take care of me?"

  The words should have been aggrieved, but from his mouth, they suddenly turned into the feeling of being lectured by the superior.

  Wu Yaqing quickly agreed in her heart, but said quickly, "It's nothing, why do you think so?" A big man, why is his mind so delicate?

  Mr. Lu said lightly, "If you don't want to take care of me, you don't have to come tomorrow."

  Wu Yaqing saw Lu Sanye pretending to be cold and strong, and felt even more guilty, "Don't think about it, it really isn't."

   Lu Sanye glanced at Wu Yaqing and said, "Your thoughts are all written on your face, thank you for your care, I really don't need to come tomorrow."

After hearing these words, Wu Yaqing, a girl who is soft but not tough, secretly thought that she should treat this unlucky man better. Seeing him like this makes people feel uneasy, "Don't lose your temper, it's my fault , I should bring you food earlier, and I will definitely not let you down in the future."

  Mr. Lu said with a cold face, "Thank you."

   This big ice cube actually said thank you to himself, it seems that he is really too much, anyway, he is a seriously injured person, "You are welcome, I should take care of you."

   Just like that, Wu Yaqing was manipulated by Mr. Lu to death.


   Behind the house.

  Tang Jinghong planted four seasons crabapple overnight, and after planting for a while, he called Wen Shaoyuan out, "Did you see that girl?"

  Wen Shaoyuan immediately lowered his head, and said shyly, "I see."

  Tang Jinghong asked while planting begonias, "Qingzhi said to arrange for you to meet, what do you think?"

  Wen Shaoyuan pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer, so he fell silent.

   Tang Jinghong didn't hear the voice, and turned to look at Wen Shaoyuan, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

   "Not the general." Wen Shaoyuan slowly tightened his slender fingers and stammered, "I, the general, will she be willing to be with me? I am so much older than her?"

  At first he was delighted, but after thinking about it calmly, Mr. Hongyu is so beautiful and has a good craft of brewing wine. Do you like him?

  Tang Jinghong smiled, "You'll know if you like it or not."

  Wen Shaoyuan clenched his fists nervously, and said with a bit of concern, "Will meeting me ruin the reputation of the girl's family?"

  Tang Jinghong said, "No fifth person will know about this matter."

  Wen Shaoyuan agreed, "But follow the general's arrangement."


   After Chu Qingzhi finished the next process of beer with everyone, she returned home and came to Hong Yujun's room.

  Jun Hongyu is sitting at the table, studying the recipe for making fruit wine that Chu Qingzhi gave her.

  Sitting beside Hong Yujun, Chu Qingzhi asked with concern, "Are you still used to it?"

  Jun Hongyu nodded, and looked at Chu Qingzhi with bright eyes, with gratitude, "I'm very used to it, Qingzhi, thank you for thinking so much about me."

   "It doesn't matter." Chu Qingzhi changed the subject, "Yu Jun, a friend sent me a letter, asking me to take you to meet someone."

  She said and handed a piece of paper to Mr. Hong Yu, "This is the man's situation, you see, if possible, we will meet, if you don't like it, we will disappear."

  Red Yujun's face turned red, and she became nervous, and it took her a while to read the letter.

  Chu Qingzhi got up and walked to the window, looking at the clump of blue hydrangea outside the window, under the moonlight, the brightly blooming hydrangea seemed to be covered with a layer of silver light, emitting a faint light.

  Her consciousness swept across Tang Jinghong's yard, and she didn't expect to see the scene of Tang Jinghong talking with Wen Shaoyuan.

  Wen Shaoyuan is the kind of man who looks very reliable and has a sense of security, and what Yujun needs most is a sense of security. In addition, the two of them are also quite compatible in appearance, so I feel that they will be very harmonious together.

  There was movement on Hong Yujun's side, she said slightly embarrassed, "I want to see you."

  Chu Qingzhi turned around, "We leave home later, the less people know about this, the better, don't tell others."

  The people in the village are fearful, and she doesn't want dirty water to be poured on Yujun.

  Jun Hongyu pursed his lips and nodded, "Yeah."

  After everyone in the family fell asleep, Chu Qingzhi took Hong Yujun out.

  The place to meet is in the courtyard of the old house, where there are tables, chairs, and a hibiscus tree. The scenery is beautiful and it is a good place to meet.

  There were tea, some pastries, and a lamp on the table. Tang Jinghong and Wen Shaoyuan sat by the table.

   "Jing Hong." Chu Qingzhi led Hong Yujun into the yard.

  Tang Jinghong raised his head, glanced at the two of them with a smile, "Come and sit."

  Chu Qingzhi led Hong Yujun to sit on the two remaining stools by the table.

  Jun Hongyu grew up in a brothel, and he has a bold look at people. His eyes passed by Tang Jinghong and fell on Wen Shaoyuan.

  Wen Shaoyuan was shy, lowered his head, not daring to look at anything, like an ostrich.

  (end of this chapter)

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