Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 454: 454. Unexpected

   Chapter 454 454. Unexpected

  The man in black robe that imprinted into Jun Hongyu's eyes, his facial features were tough and handsome, with a somewhat mysterious and powerful feeling, just one glance, she felt like her heartstrings were being gently plucked.

  Red Yujun poured four cups of tea, one for each person, and finally she brought it to Wen Shaoyuan, "I am Hongyu Jun, I am easy to get along with, don't be nervous."

  Her voice is melodious and crisp, very pleasant to hear. Just listening to the voice, Wen Shaoyuan has a feeling that she can't refuse.

  He slowly raised his head and looked at the girl sitting beside him.

  Jun Hongyu is wearing a rose-red dress, with a slender figure and a beautiful face, exuding a natural temperament.

  She is so beautiful! This is Wen Shaoyuan's first impression, more beautiful than expected!

  He said softly, "Wen Shaoyuan."

  Jun Hongyu smiled slightly, smiling like a spring flower shining on the moon, "Let's drink tea."

  Wen Shaoyuan immediately drank the tea in front of him without any hesitation.

  Jun Hongyu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wen Shaoyuan, "Isn't it hot?"

   "I didn't feel it." Wen Shaoyuan realized that it was a little hot, but his face was as usual, and he didn't show it at all, and he didn't even frown.


  Jun Hongyu pursed his lips and smiled, feeling very fond of the shy man in front of him.

  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong looked at each other, Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand and patted Wen Shaoyuan's shoulder, "I have something to do with Qingzhi, let's leave first, you two talk slowly."

  Wen Shaoyuan turned his head and looked at Tang Jinghong pleadingly, General, don't leave, he can't handle it alone.

  Tang Jinghong didn't hear his heartfelt voice, so he took Chu Qingzhi and left.

  Jun Hongyu poured another cup of tea for Wen Shaoyuan, and asked softly, "What does Mr. Wen usually like to do?"

  Wen Shaoyuan tried to relax himself, and secretly thought that the other party was just a girl, not a scourge, so what to be afraid of, "I usually protect the general, and in my free time, I grow vegetables and so on."

  Jun Hongyu smiled unexpectedly, "Do you like growing vegetables?"

  Wen Shaoyuan saw Hong Yujun's smile, and couldn't help but open his heart, "My idea all along is to build a house in the village, raise a dog, a cat, plant a few acres of land, and live a relaxed and leisurely life..."

  The atmosphere was beautiful, and the two chatted slowly.


  Chu Qingzhi and Tang Jinghong went to the medicine garden.

  Chu Qingning said that the herbs she planted were going to die, so Chu Qingzhi came to see why.

  The medicine garden is lush and green, and occasionally there is a vacancy. In the vacancy, there are herbal seedlings that have been replanted after picking herbs, drooping listlessly on the ground.

  Spiritual herbs are all territorial. Spiritual herbs with the same strength cannot crowd out each other, but they can crowd out those ordinary herbs, so there is the current phenomenon.

  Chu Qingzhi cast a spell on the newly planted herb seedlings, and after the spiritual light flew over to nourish them for a while, they became energetic.

   In the realm of comprehension, the weak prey on the strong, even spiritual grasses plunder each other, and the strong occupy more resources.

  Tang Jinghong stood at the gate of the medicine garden, watching the changes, and was amazed in his heart that Qingzhi's ability actually had an effect on plants, and it became more and more miraculous.

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and walked towards Tang Jinghong. Will Jinghong ask her this time?

   As a result, Tang Jinghong didn't ask.

  Chu Qingzhi’s autobiographical story has been written for one-fifth. When the Chinese New Year comes, Jing Hong will read it slowly.

   Half an hour later, the two came to the old house, and what impresses their eyes is the appearance of the two talking happily.

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Yujun, it's time for us to go back."

  Jun Hongyu got up and blessed Wen Shaoyuan, "Mr. Wen is leaving." After speaking, he turned around and took Chu Qingzhi away quickly.

  Tang Jinghong and Wen Shaoyuan were left in the yard, Tang Jinghong smiled lightly, "How are you, Shaoyuan?"

  Wen Shaoyuan's ears were a little red, and he lowered his eyes slightly, "Jun Yu is fine."

   Tang Jinghong asked, "Then what do you think?"

  Wen Shaoyuan thought for a while, "General, can houses be built in the village? I want to build a small courtyard with small buildings in the village."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Okay, I'll go and tell the village chief, but why did you think of building a house?"

  Wen Shaoyuan hesitated, "I just want to build a house."

  Tang Jinghong glanced at Wen Shaoyuan, and had a vague guess in his heart, "Look at where you want to build it, and I'll tell the village chief."

  Wen Shaoyuan said gratefully, "Thank you, General."


  Chu Qingzhi's family.

  Jun Hongyu dragged Chu Qingzhi into the room together.

  Chu Qingzhi asked, "How is it?"

  Jun Hongyu sat by the bed, nodded to Chu Qingzhi, her beautiful eyes were very bright, "Mr. Wen is very good."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Then I'll help you find out tomorrow and see what Wen Shaoyuan thinks of you."

  Jun Hongyu was looking forward to it, "Qing Zhi, please."

   "You're welcome, rest early, there will definitely be good news."



   Shen's weaving workshop.

  Chu Qingyue and Ning Yuting came to Shen's weaving workshop on foot. They came early enough, but more people came earlier than them.

   "It seems that everyone is very interested in this weaving workshop." Ning Yuting guarded Chu Qingyue by his side. There were many people coming and going, and everyone walked so fast that they would bump into people if they didn't pay attention.

   "A lot of people came yesterday." Chu Qingyue was a little worried, "There are so many people and the competition is high, will it be difficult to buy in a while?"

   "It doesn't matter, I'm here."

  Chu Qingyue smiled softly, "Yes."

   This scene happened to be seen by Li Shengfeng who came from behind. He stared closely at the two people in front. What's the relationship between them? Why does it seem so close?

Li Shengfeng is the man who abandoned Chu Qingyue and married Lord Qianhu's daughter. Lord Qianhu's family is also in the weaving business. The Shen family's workshop is a piece of fat, and his family is also eyeing it. No, Li Shengfeng was arranged He came to buy a workshop, but he didn't expect to meet Chu Qingyue.

  He was very puzzled, Chu Qingyue was only a clothes maker, what did she come here for?

  He thought for a while, then chased after him, "Qingyue."

  When Chu Qingyue heard the name, she subconsciously looked at it, and her joyful expression immediately faded away. She pretended not to know Li Shengfeng, and dragged Ning Yuting into the workshop quickly.

  However, Li Shengfeng chased after him, "Qingyue, Chu Qingyue!"

  He shouted so loudly that everyone around heard it, Chu Qingyue couldn't pretend to be confused anymore, she turned her head and said coldly, "What's the matter with you?"

  Seeing that Chu Qingyue was so indifferent to him, Li Shengfeng felt dissatisfied, "Why? Climb to a high branch?"

   While speaking, he glanced at Ning Yuting.

  Wearing a low-key blue and white shirt, Ning Yuting looked elegant and handsome, as warm as a spring breeze. His eyes were as black as ink, and he looked at Li Shengfeng.

  Li Shengfeng is much inferior in comparison, his facial features can only be described as correct, but his temperament is tough and powerful.


  Ning Yuting recognized Li Shengfeng's identity at a glance, and he asked Chu Qingyue, "Who is he?"

  Chu Qingyue was a little flustered, her heart was up and down, if Yu Ting knew about her past, would she still marry her?

   "He was a neighbor of my grandmother's house. Later, he married the commander's daughter. After getting rich, he moved to the county town. I met my grandmother when I was a child."

  (end of this chapter)

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