Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 462: 462. Let's Talk

   Chapter 462 462. Let's talk

  Yan Yanrong looked at the dirty mud, reluctantly, "I don't want to squeeze it today, you can squeeze it yourself."

"Wait!" This Yan Yanrong was always making trouble for her, and she had put up with her once or twice, and Chu Qingshuang's attitude became tough, "Didn't you say you wanted to help me? Why? You don't want to help me because you think it's dirty? "

  Yan Yanrong became arrogant, "I just don't want to help, what?"

  Chu Qingshuang did not back down, "Today you have to help if you want to help, or if you don't help, you have to help, otherwise I will tell Master that you don't really want to help."

   "You!" Yan Yanrong didn't expect that Chu Qingshuang would fight her this time, and it was hard to get off, "Chu Qingshuang, do you know what the consequences of offending me are?"

  Anyway, she has already been offended, Chu Qingshuang said indifferently, "I don't care what the consequences are now, if you promised to come to help but didn't help, I will definitely tell Master."

  Master trusted Chu Qingshuang the most. If Chu Qingshuang really said something, Master would not turn to her anymore. Yan Yanrong gritted her teeth and compromised, "Okay, I will pinch."

  She sat beside Chu Qingshuang, broke off a large piece of mud into her hands, and squeezed it as if venting her anger.

  Chu Qingshuang, I can't stop talking to you!

   "Qingshuang..." Li Shaoliang's voice came from outside the porcelain kiln.

  Yan Yanrong handed the porcelain embryo to Chu Qingshuang, and pretended to ask, "Qingshuang, how do you think my porcelain embryo is doing?"

  Chu Qingshuang didn't know, so she turned her head to look.

  The next second, Yan Yanrong let go, and the porcelain embryo fell to the ground, wrinkled into a ball and ruined.

  Yan Yanrong complained, "Chu Qingshuang, I know you don't like me, but how could you smash the porcelain embryo I made to the ground?"

  Chu Qingshuang, "..."

  At the same time, Li Shaoliang's figure appeared in the porcelain kiln, "Qingshuang..."

  Yan Yanrong got up and ran towards Li Shaoliang, her eyes were red, "Cousin, Chu Qingshuang targeted me everywhere, she smashed the porcelain embryo I made."

Chu Qingshuang looked down at the piece of mud, rolled her eyes, glanced at the two people, picked up the mud when they didn't notice, kneaded it, and mixed it with the mud next to it, "Destroy corpses and wipe out traces" up.

   "Shaoliang, don't listen to Yan Yanrong's nonsense, I'm not such a petite person."

  Yan Yanrong turned her head and pointed, "Cousin, look, that is my porcelain embryo. It was made with great difficulty, but it was smashed by Chu Qingshuang and completely destroyed."

  Li Shaoliang looked, "Where is the porcelain embryo?"

  Porcelain embryos disappeared, Yan Yanrong couldn't cry anymore, she pointed to Chu Qingshuang, "Where did you take the porcelain embryos?"

  Chu Qingshuang spread her hands, with an innocent face, "You didn't make porcelain embryos at all just now, don't wrong me, okay?"

  Yan Yanrong, "..."

  As a straight steel man, Li Shaoliang didn't see the porcelain embryo, so he decided in his heart that Yan Yanrong wronged Chu Qingshuang, and he was wronged in the first place.

   "Yan Rong, instead of spending your mind on this, you should study hard. It's really annoying that you wrong people like this, you know?"

  Yan Yanrong's face paled slightly, she was afraid that Li Shaoliang would hate him, and she lacked confidence, "Cousin, that's not the case."

   "I'm too lazy to tell you." Li Shaoliang waved to Chu Qingshuang, "Let's go to Guangxi Theater and help your Fifth Sister."

  Chu Qingshuang wanted to go to Guangxi Theater very much, "Is it left here?"

   "Our china is all ready, out of the way."

  Chu Qingshuang laughed, "Then let's go."

  The two left happily, leaving Yan Yanrong alone there in a panic.


  Guang Opera Park.

  Chu Qingzhi is still painting under the shade of the tree. So far, one-third of the exhibition has been prepared, and the painting will be almost finished tomorrow.

  The layout of the venue is in full swing, and it will be completed tomorrow.

   Stock up the next day.

  The day after tomorrow, the food festival officially opened.

  Tang Jinghong walked up to Chu Qingzhi, looked at the painting, and praised, "After seeing your painting, everyone will definitely remember the name of this shop."

   "This is the effect I want." Chu Qingzhi colored the painting, and the painting was a painting boat. The owner's family sells painting boats, and the business is very big.

   "What to draw next?"

  Chu Qingzhi pointed to the plan put aside, "Rouge gouache."

   "How to draw this?"

   "First draw an ugly girl who is crying, and then draw a beautiful woman after using rouge and gouache. The comparison will make people impressive."

  Tang Jinghong was silent, "The paint is gone, shall I prepare some paint for you?"

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head and pointed to a room, "The Paint Shop sponsored some paint, and it's in that room."

   "This is also sponsored?"

   "Yes, there is everything, the house is full."

  Tang Jinghong, "..."

  Tang Jinghong went to open the room. The room was full of things like a warehouse, but they were neatly arranged by category. He took out the paint and gave it to Chu Qingzhi.

   "Shouldn't things run out?"

   "The unused ones will be returned to the shopkeeper at the food festival and sold at the stalls. There will be no leftovers here."



  The news about the food festival has spread to the capital.

  After hearing the news, Fan Yuru immediately expressed that she wanted to join in the fun. She was tired of staying in the capital.

  In the gazebo.

  Fan Yuru approached Fan Jingxu, "Jingxu, let's talk."

  Fan Jingxu is the third son of General Fan. He is 14 or 15 years old. Like Fan Yuru, he wants to travel the rivers and lakes.

  Did she dare to say it? She is fifteen years old. When she said it, didn't she get angry?

   "Can you tell me next time?"

  Fan Jingxu glanced at Fan Yuru, "Can I believe what you say?" He paused, "Forget it, since you are my second sister, let me hear something first."

  Fan Yuru poked Fan Jingxu with her finger, "I want to go to Shuiyun County, go and talk to Dad."

  Fan Jingxu objected, "You are a girl, what are you doing so far away?"

  Fan Yuru was not convinced, "The girl's house can't go that far away? Who made the rule?!" She suddenly changed the subject, "How about we go together?"

  Fan Jingxu was a little moved. He hasn't gone out for a long time.

  Fan Yuru said, "Go and tell Dad that you are going to see Brother Tang, and I will go with you to see and see."

  The intelligence network of the General's Mansion is connected with Tang Jinghong's intelligence network, which is very powerful, and Fan Yuru has no way to escape.

  Fan Jingxu said, "Father will not allow you to leave the capital."

  Fan Yuru kept his head down and begged, "Go and try."

  Fan Jingxu knew General Fan quite well, and he would never agree with Fan Yuru leaving the capital, "I can't help you, why don't you ask yourself?"

  If he dared to speak out, he would definitely be scolded.

  Fan Yuru also knows her father quite well, otherwise she wouldn't have come back to find Fan Jingxu, "Then help me find a way."

   "Why don't you go to Zhan Hongjun?"


   "Before he asked me about your preferences, I thought he might be interested in you."

  Fan Yuru, "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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