Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 463: 463. Free clinic team

  Chapter 463 463. Free Clinic Team

   Zhan Hongjun inquired about her preferences, what would he do?

  She and Zhan Hongjun only met a few times at palace banquets, and never met in private.

  In her impression, Zhan Hongjun was a little miraculous doctor who traveled around and had excellent medical skills, but she didn't have much impression of others.

   "I'm a girl, and I don't know him very well, how can I find him?"

"I can help you find it." Fan Jingxu made the condition, "The premise is that you give me the dagger that the elder sister gave you." There are countless people.

  Fan Yuru pinched Fan Jingxu's arm, "You are here waiting for me with love!"

   "Anyway, this is my condition, it depends on whether you want to go."

   "Are you sure?"

   "Don't underestimate me, as long as I get involved, this matter will definitely be accomplished."

   "You went to find him, what do you say?" Fan Yuru had the intention of compromising, as long as she could leave the capital, she could make a little sacrifice.

  A cunning flashed in Fan Jingxu's eyes, "Second Sister, if Zhan Hongjun goes to Shuiyun County in the name of a free clinic, you can not only follow him openly, but also gain a good reputation."

  Da Ling highly respects doing good deeds. As Fan Yuru, participating in the free clinic, everyone will say that she can let go of her status and serve the country and the people with integrity.

   "That's right, why didn't I think of it." Fan Yuru urged, "Then you go, the food festival is about to start in two days, time is tight."

   "The dagger..."

   "I will give it to you after it is done."

   "Deal." Fan Jingxu happily went to Zhan Hongjun.


   Zhan Mansion.

  Zhan Hongjun originally planned to rush back to attend Chu Xuhua's wedding, but his grandfather forbade him to leave, and he was not allowed to leave Beijing until the marriage was finalized.

  His parents also stood up to agree with his grandfather's idea, so he was restricted from traveling.

  Speaking of marriage, he thought of what Chu Qingzhi had said to him, so he decided to get to know Fan Yuru side by side, which was why Fan Jingxu said that Zhan Hongjun inquired about Fan Yuru's preferences.

   But it’s one thing to know what you like, but if you haven’t personally touched it, what if it’s not suitable?

  For people like them, once they get married, it is basically impossible to break the engagement...

   "Hey..." Zhan Hongjun has sighed ninety-nine times. He doesn't dislike getting married, but he dislikes marrying a woman he doesn't know. What should I do?

  The little maid came over, Fushen said, "Master Hongjun, Master Jingxu is here."

  Zhan Hongjun pursed his lips and thought for a while, "Please invite him in."


  Zhan Hongjun and Fan Jingxu were classmates when they were young, and they grew up together. When they grow up, they have their own ambitions, but they can always see each other several times a year, and their relationship is not bad.

  Led by the little maid, Fan Jingxu came to Zhan Hongjun, "Master Jingxu, please sit down."

  Zhan Hongjun waved to the little maid, "Go down first."


  Fan Jingxu also didn't come out, and sat in front of Zhan Hongjun, "Looking at your frowning face, what's going on?"

   "Hey..." Zhan Hongjun poured tea for Fan Jingxu, "I encountered the same thing as you."

  Fan Jingxu regained his energy, "Then are you going to compromise? Or fight to the end?"

  Zhan Hongjun was lying on the table, playing with the lid of the pot, listlessly, "I don't know."

  Fan Jingxu raised his chin, "How about I give you an idea?"

  Zhan Hongjun raised his eyes and looked at Fan Jingxu. This guy escaped General Fan's life-threatening urge to marry him. Maybe there is a way. "What good idea do you have?"

Fan Jingxu looked around and whispered, "You go out of Beijing in the name of free clinic and bring my second sister with you. Didn't you say that you don't want to marry a girl you don't know? My second sister will go with you, so you can get to know each other The other party?"

  Zhan Hongjun's eyes lit up. This is a good idea. It can be used in close contact without affecting Fan Yuru's reputation. "Does your second sister agree to this?"

  Fan Jingxu drank the tea in one gulp, "She asked me to come."

   This girl's behavior is very bold! Zhan Hongjun had a good impression, he thought for a while, "I will arrange this matter."


   Tai Hospital issued a notice, "The emperor is sympathetic to the common people, especially led by Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang, organized free clinics to go to various places to treat poor people. Since it is a free clinic, all participants are voluntary, and both men and women can sign up..."

   When he went to ask for orders, Zhan Hongjun specially called Bao Linjiang, and the two of them went to say that it was more likely that the emperor would agree.

  Fan Yuru was the first to sign up. After she signed up, she thought about it and included Rong Shiyu.

  They are rivals to each other, but they are the people who understand each other best. Rong Shiyu must also want to leave Beijing.

  If Rong Shiyu doesn't want to go, find a reason not to go. If the registration is full, there will be no chance.

  Rong Shiyu was very excited when he heard about this, and immediately treated Fan Yuru to a big meal.

  Since the reconciliation of the two daughters, the noble ladies in the capital have been extremely harmonious.

  But the registration of the two was strongly opposed by General Fan and the Prime Minister. The reason was that the girl's family should stay in the deep boudoir and go out to run around.

  The second daughter also has a way to move the queen out.

  The queen even went to the battlefield back then, and she was a role model for all the women in Daling.

  After a series of difficulties, the free clinic team finally left Beijing.

  The free clinic team is headed by Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang. Others include four new imperial physicians from the imperial hospital, four girls, four folk men who are good at and fond of medical skills, and some drug boys and guards.

   After leaving the capital, he went straight to Shuiyun County.


  Guang Opera Park.

  The people at the station sent a letter to Chu Qingzhi.

  Chu Qingzhi unfolded the letter, and after reading it, she couldn't help smiling. These two young apprentices were quite smart, and they abducted the heads of the two noble ladies in the capital just like that.

  She showed the letter to Tang Jinghong.

  After Tang Jinghong saw it, he couldn't help but smile, and he could imagine how ugly the faces of General Fan and the Prime Minister were.

   Then Tang Jinghong also received a letter from General Fan, asking him to watch over Fan Yuru more and stop being bullied.

   Ouch, the old father's heart is about to break.

  Rong Shiyu is the prime minister's old daughter, who is usually very spoiled. Now that she is leaving Beijing, the prime minister can't sleep well. She has arranged many people to protect her secretly, preventing even a mosquito from biting her.

  Anyway, in the evening, the free clinic team arrived in Shuiyun County.

  The county magistrate also received the news, he had already arranged for someone to prepare a residence for the free clinic team, and he personally came to greet him at the city gate.

   came out for business, Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang were not willful, and took people to the residence arranged by the county magistrate.

  The county magistrate arranged to live in the mansion next to the yamen. This is the mansion of a rich family, and the inside is very luxurious.

   "Where are you going?" Fan Yuru came out to familiarize herself with the environment, but she did not expect to see Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang walking outside.

  (end of this chapter)

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