Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 465: 465. A Bet

  Chapter 465 465. A bet

In the woods.

  Two big men were whispering there.

  Xu San whispered, "I heard that the Chu family is very rich, and the family paid for the bluestone slabs."

   Zhou Da was surprised, "It costs a lot of money, right?"

  Xu San said enviously, "Anyway, dozens of taels are indispensable. If only I had this much money."

   "Who doesn't want to say that!" Zhou Da thought for a while and said, "Is there any way to get some money to spend?"

  Xu Sanyi was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

  Zhou Da lowered his voice, "I heard that someone helped the Chu family transport apples before. The car rolled over and the waist was broken. They paid fifty taels of silver."

   Xu San couldn't help raising his voice in shock, "Fifty taels?"

   Zhou Da nodded affirmatively, "If you have fifty taels, you won't have to worry about food and clothing for ten years."

  Xu San couldn't help thinking about the picture of not worrying about food and clothing, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about such a life, "Yeah, it's great to have food while lying at home."

  Zhou Da took Xu San and walked a few steps deep into the woods, "The Chu family is so rich, it would be a pity to let it go."

   Xu San's heart trembled, and he couldn't help asking, "What do you mean by that?"

  Zhou Da hugged Xu San's shoulders, and pointedly said, "Listen to my brother, how about it?"

  Xu Sanpo nodded submissively, "Say it."

  The next words were spoken by the two very quietly and could not be heard. After finishing speaking, the two returned to the road and continued to work.


  Shuiyun County.

  A big sign for free clinic was placed next to the county government office.

  In order to promote the food festival to my master, a big red flag was hung next to it, fluttering in the wind, very eye-catching.

  Four tables and chairs were placed on the side of the street for the four imperial physicians to sit on. Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang did not set up consultation seats, and the imperial physicians would not see diseases for them.

  The four men beat up the four imperial doctors, and the four girls changed into the clothes of medical women to maintain order, and they also beat up.

  Medicine boys maneuver.

  The guards maintain the overall order of the scene.

  The county magistrate knew that these were big men, so he dispatched all the arresters from the county government, and he didn't dare to neglect them at all.

  After a period of time, the free clinic stand was set up.

  Yaotong went to the street and yelled, "Free clinic, free clinic, free medical treatment, free medical treatment..."

  No matter when, everyone can't escape the word "free", and a large number of people will gather soon...

  Fan Yuru and Rong Shiyu wore the clothes of the medical girl, they looked a lot more plain, but the extravagance and temperament could not be concealed, which was very eye-catching.

  However, both of them have relatively good personalities. As a daughter of a thousand gold, they don't have that kind of superior arrogance, so it's easy to make people feel good about them.

  After the number of people increased, the two daughters patiently arranged for mediation, and they seemed to be quite conscientious.

  Zhan Hongjun bumped into Bao Linjiang lightly, and glanced at the two girls, "What do you think of them?"

  Bao Linjiang said to the point, "There is nothing to say about the appearance, but the personality seems to be good at present." He looked at Zhan Hongjun, "What do you want to say?"

  Zhan Hongjun asked tentatively, "Master let us seize the opportunity, what do you think?"

  Bao Linjiang didn't even think about it, "Of course I listened to Master. Anyway, I have to marry a wife. Now I have the opportunity to find out in advance, isn't it good?"

  Zhan Hongjun hesitated and said, "Then let's compare."

  Bao Linjiang aimed at Zhan Hongjun, "Compared to what?"

  Zhan Hongjun said, "Whoever gets married before us, we can't play tricks, both parties are willing."

   Bao Linjiang said readily, "Yes."

  Zhan Hongjun shifted his eyes to Fan Yuru, "I prefer Fan Yuru who has a brighter personality, what about the other one?"

  Bao Linjiang shrugged, "Exactly, I like those who are not so advanced in martial arts, and I don't want to be beaten."

  Zhan Hongjun was not convinced, and retorted, "My martial arts are better than Fan Yuru, okay?"

   Bao Linjiang glanced at Zhan Hongjun and gave him a look that you can understand.

  Zhan Hongjun, "..."

  The two had a good idea, but they didn't figure it out. They are not the second daughter's food.

  It's sad...


  Chu Family Village.

  There is a girl in the village who is getting married today, Chu Qingyan took her makeup box and went to the bride's house.

  Since Chu Qingyan learned makeup, she has been showing off in the village every day. Everyone knows that she can do makeup. No, the bride feels that she can't paint well, so she asks Chu Qingyan to help her paint.

  On the road, several buddies ran over one after another.

   "Qingyan, you have to be careful when painting, don't paint like me, and there will be white powder." The best friend teased.

  Chu Qingyan said seriously, "Don't worry, it was a mistake last time, not my technique, and I will never make a mistake this time."

  After a few days of practice, her technique has improved a lot.

  Chu Hongxiu smiled and said, "Can I go in and have a look later?"

   "You guys should wait outside. I'll let you in to see after I finish putting on the bride's makeup."


  Chu Qingyan carried a heavy box and walked into the bride's room, "Bride..."

  Chu Xiaotang was sitting in front of the dressing table wearing a red wedding gown, her hair was combed, and she was just waiting for makeup, "Qingyan, please excuse me."

   "No trouble." The bride said that she would give her money. For the first time she made money, Chu Qingyan was indescribably excited, "I will definitely give you the most beautiful makeup."

  Chu Xiaotang nodded expectantly, "OK."

  After some preparations, Chu Qingyan started to do it.

  Take the eyebrow trimming knife to trim the bride's eyebrows...

  After starting to put on makeup, Chu Qingyan's eyes became very serious, her movements were not fast, but very steady, giving people a feeling of reassurance step by step.

  The tools in his hands were constantly changing, which made Chu Xiaotang a little dazzled, "I didn't expect makeup to be so complicated!"

   "It's not complicated to apply makeup, but it needs to be more complicated if you want to paint well."

   "Very particular."

   "It's very particular." Chu Qingyan's eyes now look as if she has been wearing makeup for a long time, "After a while, you will see the effect, and you will know that you should be particular about it."

  Chu Xiaotang said, "I'm looking forward to it."

   Half an hour later, Chu Qingyan finished her makeup, she took out her clearer mirror and showed the bride's face, "Look at the effect."

  Chu Xiaotang held the mirror in her hand, and at a glance, she couldn't even recognize herself in the mirror.

  The girl in the mirror is wearing a delicate but not charming, beautiful but not gaudy makeup, all the blemishes on her face are covered, and she looks beautiful and perfect.

   "Qingyan, the painting is so beautiful." Chu Xiaotang said excitedly.

  Chu Qingyan was proud, "Of course."

   "Thank you, Qingyan, for making me the most beautiful bride."

   "You're welcome, I'm a beautician, and I'm supposed to do this."

  Chu Xiaotang took out a penny from the drawer and gave it to Chu Qingyan, "It's troublesome."

  Chu Qingyan collected the money, then packed the tools one by one, and put them into boxes by categories, "Bride, Hongxiu and the others want to see your makeup, can you?"

   "Okay, let them in."

  Chu Hongxiu and the others saw Chu Xiaotang's face, and felt that it was as beautiful as a different face, "It's so pretty, isn't it?"

  Chu Xiaotang looked at herself in the mirror, reluctant to look away, "Thank you."

  Chu Qingyan waved to her buddies, "Let's go."


  (end of this chapter)

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