Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 466: 466. Lose money to me

  Chapter 466 466. Lose money to me

  After leaving Chu Xiaotang's house, Chu Qingyan went home and put the box away, and quickly ran to the bakery, shouting excitedly while running, "Mother, mother, I made a lot of money..."

  After hearing this, Li Qingyu walked out of the workshop, "What do you earn?"

  Chu Qingyan took out the silver and put it in Li Qingyu's hands, and said excitedly, "I'll go and put on the bride's makeup for Sister Xiaotang, this is her reward for me."

  Li Qingyu looked at the bank and couldn't believe it. It's too easy to make money. The key is that the little ones in the family can make money!

   "I gave you so much money for the last makeup?"

  Chu Qingyan lifted her chin, and said in a snarky voice, "Mother, makeup is very expensive, and I think it's a cheap price."

  Li Qingyu rubbed her daughter's head, feeling relieved, "Little Ba has grown up too."

   "Hey, mother, am I amazing?"

   "It's amazing, even my mother's daughter is amazing."

  Chu Qingyan smiled happily.

  At this time, a villager came over, "Qingyu, someone is looking for your family, go back and have a look."

   "Thank you." Li Qingyu hurried back home with Chu Qingyan.

  Wang Ximing has been waiting for Chu Qingzhi to come back and talk about taking Chu Qingyan as his disciple, but Chu Qingzhi is busy with many things and has no free time, so he had no choice but to pay a visit in person.

   "Master!" Chu Qingyan ran over happily when she saw Wang Ximing.

  Wang Ximing loved Chu Qingyan, a talented and hard-working prospective apprentice, very much, "Qingyan, did you tell your fifth sister about the apprenticeship?"

   "Ah!" Chu Qingyan finally realized, "Master, I forgot to mention."

  Wang Ximing laughed, "Little Misty, I'm still waiting for your reply?"

  Chu Qingyan scratched her hair and said apologetically, "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

  Wang Ximing smiled, "It's okay, is your Fifth Sister at home? You can say it now."

  Chu Qingyan shook her head, "She's not here, she's preparing for a food festival in the county town, and she won't be back until evening."

evening? Wang Ximing lowered his head and thought for a while, "Then I'll come back in the evening."

  Chu Qingyan waved to Wang Ximing, "Master, go slowly."

  Li Qingyu said, "Master Wang, walk slowly."

  She didn't know Wang Ximing very well, so she didn't talk much.

  Wang Ximing nodded to Li Qingyu, turned and left.


  The road outside the village.


   Zhou Da let out a loud cry of pain, visible to the naked eye, his calf soon oozes blood, which looks a little scary.

   "Chu Rong, Chu Rong..." The villagers of Chujia Village shouted to Chu Rong who was working ahead, "Someone is injured."

  Chu Rong's expression changed, and he immediately dropped the tool in his hand, ran over and carried the man on his back and ran towards the county seat, "Persevere, we will arrive at the county seat soon."

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning are both in the county seat today, so they can only go to the county seat to find a doctor.

  When I arrived at the county seat, I learned that there was a free clinic, and immediately came to the location of the free clinic with someone on my back, "Doctor, he has a broken leg, please treat him."

  Fan Yuru and Rong Shiyu stepped forward to help, helping him to sit on the stool next to him.

  Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang saw that it was Chu Rong, and immediately walked over, "Uncle Chu."

   "Are you here?" Chu Rong was pleasantly surprised, acquaintances are easy to handle, "Hongjun, Lin Jiang, his leg was hit by a bluestone slab, show him."

  The drug boy immediately fetched the medicine box.

  Zhan Hongjun squatted down to check the other party's injuries...

  Fan Yuru and Rong Shiyu took a look and walked away. The wound was full of blood, which was not very pretty.

  Chu Rong asked with concern, "Is his leg serious?"

   "There are some fractures in the bones, which are not in the way. They can grow back." Zhan Hongjun treated the wound with white wine.

  Zhou Dashuang reached out and wiped off the sweat on his head with his sleeve, thinking to himself, it's finally over, it's too painful.

   "Thank you all." Chu Rong quickly thanked.

  Bao Linjiang brought a stool to Chu Rong, "Uncle Chu, you rest here for a while, I have already sent someone to inform Master, she will come soon."

   "I'm sorry to bother you." Now that the wound has been dealt with, Chu Rong didn't know how to deal with the next thing, so he happened to ask Qing Zhi.

  Chu Qingzhi quickly rushed over, "Father."

  Chu Rong took Chu Qingzhi aside, and said in a low voice, "The man's leg was injured by the bluestone slab when he was building the road. Now that the wound is bandaged, what should we do next?"

  When doing heavy work, injuries are very common. Chu Qingzhi has no doubts about him, "Send him back to recuperate, give him two taels of silver to repair his body, and tell him to come home to change his medicine in two days, and don't worry about the rest."

  Chu Rong nodded, "I see."

   After explaining, Chu Qingzhi rushed back to the Guangxi Theater. Today, everything about the Guangxi Theater needs to be prepared, and tomorrow is the opening ceremony.

  Chu Rong bid farewell to Zhan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang, carried Zhou Da to Zhoujia Village, and sent him home.

  Chu Rong didn’t bring any silver, so he went back home to get the silver, “This is the silver taels for your health, come back to change your medicine in two days, I have something to do at home, so I’ll go back first.”

  Zhou Da looked at the two taels of silver and couldn't believe it, "Chu Rong, did you give the wrong tael?"

  Chu Rong turned around, not knowing why, "No, just two liang."

   Zhou Da refused to accept it, "Others pay fifty taels, how come I only pay two taels?"

  Chu Rong explained, "The two taels are not for compensation, but for your health. As for the compensation of fifty taels, they were injured while working for our family, and the injuries were particularly serious."

   Zhou said angrily, "I didn't work for your family? Why don't you pay me?"

  Chu Rong argued, "Our family doesn't make any money from building roads, and it's beneficial to everyone. Why should we lose money?"

   What Zhou Dawei wants is money, and he will not give up this opportunity easily, "The road was proposed by your family. Now that something happens to me, your family will have to lose money."

  Chu Rong changed his face, "It is because our family built the road, so our family is responsible for treating your injuries and giving you money to repair your body, otherwise we will not care."

  Zhou Da did not give an inch, "No matter what I do, your family must pay me fifty taels of silver!"

  Chu Rong also insisted, "Impossible."

   Zhou Da’s family came back from the field, saw Zhou Da was injured, immediately refused to let him go, and wanted Chu Rong to pay money just like Zhou Da.

  Chu Rong really won’t pay if he says he won’t pay. Whatever you say, it won’t work.

   Zhou Da's wife said, "Let's go, let's go to the head of the Chu Family Village, we can't just forget about it."

  People from the Zhou family made a fuss in front of the head of the Chu family village.

   Zhou Da's wife said, "Village chief, why don't the Chu family pay for it? The guy in my family broke his leg, but it will affect his whole life, and their family is so rich, what's the point of paying a little money?"

  The village chief understood the ins and outs of the matter and said, "The road construction is for everyone, not for the Chu family. It's fine if the injury is treated, and there is no need to pay money."

  (end of this chapter)

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