Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 484: 484. Counting Money Together

  Chapter 484 484. Counting money together

  Chu Qingzhi thought for a long time, "Go and collect some medicinal materials these few days, and I will teach you how to perform surgery in a few days."

   Bao Linjiang looked over, "Does surgery mean breaking open the skin and treating the disease?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Have you seen Wu Zuo's corpse?"

  The two replied together, "I have."

  Chu Qingzhi said simply, "The operation is similar to that. I mean the technique is similar, but the process needs to be very careful and there are many precautions. I will explain to you in detail when the time comes."

  The two teenagers with the attributes of medical idiots immediately looked forward to hearing this, "Yes, Master."

  In the middle of Xu, the sound of gongs sounded at the gate of Guangxi Garden, and at the same time some people walked into the crowd, shouting, "The garden is closed, the garden is closed!"

  Hearing that the park was closed, everyone went out one after another, and the guys also started to close the stalls one after another.

  Chu Qingzhi’s house is also closing the stall, everything is sold out, just clean it up, there is no need to remove the stall, and it will continue to open tomorrow.

  Everyone clean up together, and it will be done soon.

  After the last person left the Guangxi Theater, Chu Qingzhi went in to check, and found nothing wrong, she locked the door, and everyone went home together.



  Backing back to the inn, Zhou Yunlin hurried to Zhou Xiangfu's room, "Father, I went to talk to Chu Xuhua, guess what?"

  Zhou Xiangfu never thought that Chu Xuhua would not agree.

  What he thought was, they went to find Chu Xuhua, Chu Xuhua must feel extremely lucky, and agreed without hesitation.

   But looking at Zhou Yunlin's expression, it seems that things are not that simple.

   "An accident happened?"

  Zhou Yunlin shook his head, "The accident didn't happen, I was surprised."

   "When talking about business, Chu Xuhua was not very happy. Instead, he said that he had to think about it for some time. Dad, this business is not easy to do. There are experts in the Chu family."

   Zhou Xiangfu became interested, "Let's listen to the details."

  Zhou Yunlin's expression became serious, "I talked to Chu Xuhua at the beginning, and when it came to the key points, he said to go to his fifth sister, who is Chu Qingzhi, and when he came back, he changed."

  Zhou Xiangfu stroked his beard and thought, "You mean, Chu Qingzhi is the real master of the Chu family?"

  Zhou Yunlin nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

  Zhou Xiangfu was silent for a while, then handed a stack of papers to Zhou Yunlin, "Look at it."

Zhou Yunlin quickly browsed through it, "...Chu Qingzhi not only made her own family rich from scratch, but also led the whole village to become rich together... Not only was she awarded by the Mingmin, but she was also rewarded four times by the royal family... and she is also the fiancée of the Great General of Zhenguo ..."

   One by one, Zhou Yunlin almost fainted. This is simply a treasure. As long as you hold it carefully, you can get unlimited benefits.

   "Father, we must negotiate this deal!"

  Chu Qingzhi's value is too great, getting a relationship with her will not only benefit the business, but also benefit endlessly in other aspects.

  Zhou Xiangfu nodded, "Our business is already big enough, but the tree is big enough to attract the wind, so every next step must be done well."

  Zhou Yunlin said solemnly, "Father, I know."

   "You really should go well, otherwise it's not a talisman, but a reminder!" Li Changle's voice broke in from the window, implying a threat.

   The two of them were startled, why was there someone outside the window? Fortunately, nothing confidential was said, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

  Zhou Yunlin looked in the direction of the window, "Who is your Excellency? If you have something to do, please show up and discuss it."

  The window was pushed open, and a person flew in and stood in the middle of the room.

  Li Changle dressed up in disguise, and the two did not recognize her. She took out a token, and when the two saw it, they knelt down, "I have seen Her Royal Highness."

  Li Changle took back the token, and said bluntly, "I don't want your family to cooperate with Chu Qingzhi's family. Chu Qingzhi is my enemy. You cooperate with her and think about the consequences."

   Zhou Yunlin hasn't returned to the capital for a year, and he doesn't know the grievances between the two, "I don't know how Miss Chu offended Her Highness the Princess?"

   Li Changle flicked his sleeves and said angrily, "Are you deliberately exposing Princess Ben's scar?"

  Zhou Yunlin lowered his head, "Princess atones for her sins, the grassroots really don't know."

Li Changle slowed down, and still said that business matters, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you know or not, you just need to remember that this princess doesn't want you to cooperate with Chu Qingzhi! Otherwise, the marriage of the young lady of the Zhou family and the marriage of the eldest son of the Zhou family will be a big deal. The princess will definitely participate."

  Miss Zhou family is the Zhou family's chance to find the strongest backer.

   The eldest son of the Zhou family is the heir of the Zhou family.

  The two are the two lifeblood of the Zhou family.

  Zhou Xiangfu and Zhou Yunlin shuddered in their hearts, and they both replied helplessly, "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

  Li Changle achieved his goal and left happily.

   She was happy, but Zhou's father and son were sad. They looked at each other and sighed together.

  The mood of the two is as if they just dug up a treasure and were about to make a fortune, but they were told that they could not move.

  I don’t know how to describe that feeling!

  Zhou Yunlin helped Zhou Xiangfu up and sat on the stool, "Father, what should we do now?"

  Jiang is still old and hot, Zhou Xiangfu said with deep eyes, "The way to deal with the stumbling block is naturally to remove the stumbling block."

  Zhou Yunlin hesitated, "What does dad mean?"

   Zhou Xiangfu, the kind of human being, has no difficulty in dealing with a person. "Isn't the princess so fond of touching other people's marriages? Isn't she not married yet?"

  Zhou Yunlin stared at his father, swallowed nervously, "Father, what do you want to do?"

   "Didn't the Mobei Kingdom send the eldest prince to Da Ling to ask for marriage? I think the princess is not bad." Married far away, let's see how she manages other people's family affairs!

  Zhou Yunlin offered tea respectfully, "Father, this is a great move!"

  The old **** Zhou Xiangfu is here, and he can't see at all that he is about to plot against others, "Small, let's deal with it carefully, this matter is almost inseparable."

  Zhou Yunlin raised his eyebrows and smiled, and learned another trick.


  Chu Family Village.

  After returning home, everyone gathered in the main room, took out the ledger, money jar, and orders, put them on the table, and counted the money.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at the order, Shen Ruyue looked at the account book, and the others counted the money.

  Li Qingyu poured out the money in the money jar, and piled up a hill on the table, making a sputtering sound, very pleasant to the ear.

  Chu Xuyao ​​picked up a handful and exaggeratedly said, "A lot of money!"

  Chu Xuyuan turned to him and said, "Quickly count, it's already late, and I have to go to school tomorrow."


   There are a total of 220 orders, and there are all kinds of orders. The value of the order is close to 80,000 taels. The next month or two will be very, very busy.

  According to the records in the ledger, it can be sold for seven hundred and thirty taels of silver today.

   Everyone counted the money and it was exactly seven hundred and thirty taels, which is right.

  Chu Xuyao ​​moved the money jar in front of Li Qingyu, "Mother, keep the money."

  Li Qingyu kept the family money all the time.

   "Yes." Li Qingyu was elated.

  (end of this chapter)

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