Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 485: lesson princess

  Chapter 485 485. Lesson the princess

  Chu Qingyue cleaned up her accounts, and sold five hundred taels of silver a day today, which almost sold out all the stock in the store.

  She still has ten cloth orders, and the weaving workshop that Ning Yuting bought from Shen Shi is handed over to Chu Qingyue to take care of.

  Today she tried to sell a few bolts of newly woven cloth from the weaving workshop, but she did not expect to get an order.

   "If only I could earn as much tomorrow as I do today."

  Chu Qingzhi took a box, put all the orders in it, gave it to Shen Ruyue, and then turned around to talk to Chu Qingyue.

   "Today is the golden period, business is the best, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will not be too bad, and business is uncertain, just treat it with a normal mind."

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "I look forward to better business tomorrow."



  After Li Changle returned to the inn, he consciously won Chu Qingzhi's head, feeling very proud and happy.

  She took out a brazier, took out the proposal from Chu Qingzhi, tore off the cover, lit it and threw it into the brazier.

  The tongue of fire quickly licked a page clean, and the constantly flashing fire light distorted Li Changle's face slightly.

   "Chu Qingzhi, it's not over between us!"

  Li Changle tore off another page and threw it into the brazier, and the flame that was about to extinguish was rekindled.

   One piece of paper after another plan was torn off, and under Li Changle's relieved gaze, they were thrown into the brazier, where they were engulfed by clusters of flames and turned into ashes.

  Fire light jumped into Li Changle's dark pupils, reflecting her undisguised disgust.

   "Is the princess so leisurely? It's too much of a fuss to come to this small county town to burn a useless proposal?"

  Chu Qing Zhiqing's faint voice circulated in the air, without ridicule, but to the ears, it made people think that you were a clown.

   Li Changle's heart trembled, Chu Qingzhi recognized her as expected, she quickly calmed down, "Since you're here, don't hide your head and show your tail!"

  The next second, Chu Qingzhi appeared in front of Li Changle, stretched out her hand to grab Li Changle's neck, and slowly lifted her up.

  Li Changle grasped Chu Qingzhi's hand clasping her neck with both hands, her feet gradually lifted off the ground, and the suffocation hit her consciousness.

  She had a feeling that Chu Qingzhi would really kill her.

  At this moment, she finally realized how terrifying Chu Qingzhi was. It was so easy for the other party to kill her, but she had no power to resist.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at Li Changle's blushing face, and said coldly, "If you weren't a princess, you would have died eight hundred times in my hands!"

  Li Changle kicked her legs, her face turned purple, she was really about to suffocate.

  Chu Qingzhi threw Li Changle out, and smashed the chair to pieces with a "bang", Li Changle was in so much pain that he didn't move for a long time.

  Xia Wei next door was startled by the voice just now, and reflexively wanted to see the princess, but she retracted her hand just as she was about to touch the door panel, so she pretended not to hear it.

  In the room, Chu Qingzhi looked at the ashes in the brazier, "As a princess, I only do some sneaky things, this is going to spread..."

  She pointed to the princess's face, "I'm afraid this face is gone?"

  When she doesn't want to fight openly? It's just that her ability is limited, there is nothing she can do, otherwise she would have killed you early.

  Li Changle's face was reddened with sarcasm, looking at Chu Qingzhi as if she was looking at an insurmountable mountain, the powerlessness in her heart slowly swallowed her up, she was so shocked that she felt ashamed.

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and sat on the chair, her posture was graceful, her gestures were elegant and dignified, "You are enmity with me because of Jing Hong, but do you know why Jing Hong doesn't like you?"

   This is the biggest thorn in Li Changle's heart, she suddenly raised her head, "Why? Obviously I met Jing Hong first, why did he turn a blind eye to me?"

   "What else do you have besides being a princess?" Chu Qingzhi didn't know why Tang Jinghong didn't like the princess, she just wanted to persuade the princess to let go.

  Princess can't be killed, can't get sick.

  If the princess died for no reason, the emperor would pursue it to the end out of face considerations, and in the end this matter would definitely fall to Tang Jinghong.

  The ministers of the court are worried that they won't be able to catch him. If they can't find out the cause of the princess' death, they will be impeached or something.

  If the princess is sick, the emperor will definitely ask her to be treated in the end. At that time, whether she can be cured or not is another question. If she is treated, it will be too difficult.

  Li Changle opened her mouth to think of a way, but found that she was speechless to refute.

  Yeah, besides being a princess, what else does she have?

   "Li Changle, no man likes to be bullied by women, especially capable men, and such men especially don't like to rely on women. What they want is women who rely on them, or women who stand side by side with them."

   "The former can get the care and love of men, while the latter can not only get care and love, but also respect."

   "Which one do you belong to?"

  Li Changle was in a daze, she was neither.

   "Li Changle, go back to the palace, let go of Tang Jinghong, and find the one who belongs to you." If you still don't listen to the persuasion, then you can only marry far away to end the matter.

   After finishing speaking, Chu Qingzhi left in a flash.

  Li Changle fell to the ground and began to cry. The high and low crying echoed in the room, sounding very sad.

   After liking Jinghong for five years, can I just let it go?


  Chu Family Village.

   "Qing Zhi." Tang Jinghong sat on the roof, watching the distant figure flash by.

   "What are you doing here?" Chu Qingzhi flew over.

  Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand to hold Chu Qingzhi's hand, and asked her to sit beside her, "The roof has a good vision, and I can see you as soon as you come back."

  Chu Qingzhi relaxed and leaned against Tang Jinghong's generous chest, looking at the sky and starry sky, "Is there anything you can do for me?"

  Tang Jinghong brought over the wine jar beside him, and before it was unsealed, there was a pleasant smell, "My friend sent me a few bottles of peach blossom brewed in spring, and I want to give you a taste."

  Chu Qingzhi took the wine jar into her hands and looked at it, "Drink the wine later, I want to tell you something."

"What's up?"

  Chu Qingzhi turned her face to look at Tang Jinghong, her sharp jaw line imprinted in her eyes, she thought to herself, Jing Hong is really a handsome guy with 360 degrees and no dead ends, "I just went to see the princess."

   "Meet the princess?" Tang Jinghong was surprised, "Has the princess come to Shuiyun County?"

   "Come on, and you even shot at me. If you don't teach her a lesson, you will feel uncomfortable."

   Tang Jinghong laughed, "Why did she come?"

  Chu Qingzhi reached out and touched Tang Jinghong's face, "Of course it's for you. It's also for stealing my proposal and arranging for human traffickers to ruin the reputation of the food festival. It took great pains."

  A dark light flashed in Tang Jinghong's eyes, "I will find a way to get her back, and try not to appear in front of you in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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