Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 490: 490. Homicide occurred

  Chapter 490 490. A homicide occurred

  Rong Shiyu glanced at Fan Yuru and said, "The other party took a big advantage, but that person was sad just now."

   "Indeed." Fan Yuru didn't say anything more, it was true.

After walking the entire distance, Chu Qingzhi bid farewell to the two daughters, and went back to the backstage room to draw a picture. The red paper used was very eye-catching. It said "Golden Bracelet Exchange". When the person with the gold bracelet sees the painting, he will take it back and exchange it.

  She asked someone to put the exhibition painting at the gate.

  People who came in and out went to see the exhibition, but after seeing it, they were very confused and didn't understand what "gold bracelet exchange" meant.

  Chu Xuhua asked a question, and Chu Qingzhi answered "fishing", but everyone didn't understand.

  I don’t want people to think I’m too stupid, so no one will ask me later.

  The food festival went smoothly, without wind or waves, and the time slowly came to the afternoon.

  A burly man approached Chu Qingzhi, with a somewhat disturbed expression, "I'll exchange it for a gold bracelet."

  He gave Chu Qingzhi the gold bracelet in his hand.

  Chu Qingzhi looked at it, there was a carved peony on it, it was the one lost by the young man in Tsing Yi.

  She gave the big man the gold bracelet that the young man in Tsing Yi put on her, "Please run for a while."

The big man took the gold bracelet and left. He thought to himself, if it’s not his own, it’s not his own after all. Ever since he saw the exhibition, he’s been in a state of anxiety and panic. Now that he’s exchanged it, um, he’s refreshed. .

  Chu Qingzhi asked Chu Xujin to send the gold bracelet to the young man in Tsing Yi, and the matter was over.


   Something happened at home!

  Li Zhangjie panicked and ran to Guangxi Garden to look for Chu Qingzhi, "Sister Qingzhi, Zhou Da is dead!!"

  In the backstage room, Chu Qingzhi, who had just sat down to rest, looked serious, "How did he die? When did it happen?"

  Li Zhangjie hurriedly said, "I don't know how he died. Before I came, people from the Zhou family carried Zhou Da to the house. I didn't know what to do, so I ran to find you immediately."

  Chu Qingzhi got up and came to the gate, whispered a few words to Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua, and they left immediately with serious expressions.

  She can't get away here, let the third brother and Li Hua deal with it first, just to exercise.

   Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Chu Qingyue quickly asked, "Fifth Sister, what happened?"

   Not wanting to make matters worse at the food festival, Chu Qingzhi said in a relaxed tone, "Something happened to the yamen, they will go back and deal with it."

  Chu Qingyue nodded, "The yamen is full of things."

  As soon as the two left, they were a little busy, so Tang Jinghong and Mr. Lu came over to take their places.

  Chu Qingzhi sat aside, it was impossible for Zhou Da to die from his injuries, how could he die?


  Chu Xuhua and Ge Lihua went back to the yamen to report the case, and then rushed home with the assistant and the police.

  Zhou Da was carried on a stretcher and placed at the gate of the Chu family's courtyard. Zhou Da's daughter-in-law, parents, and son were crying so hard that many villagers from Zhou's and Chu's villages surrounded him.

   "My son, you died at such a young age, what do you call your parents?"

   "Daddy, Daddy, wake up."

   "Zhou Da, you are a murderer, you just left our mother and child and left, how can you feel at ease?"


   Village Chief Chu and Village Chief Zhou looked at each other with dissatisfaction.

  The head of Chu village said angrily, "If you are dead, just bury it. How can you bring it to our village? Bad luck!"

Village Chief Zhou's tone was also very bad, "You think we want to come? Your village Chu Qingzhi said that if Zhou Da died within three days, she would pay a hundred taels of silver. We came to her to exchange it. "

   "One hundred taels of silver! Could it be that you killed him?" Village head Chu looked at Zhou Da. His body was very strong, but he had some injuries on his legs. How could he die?

  Village Chief Zhou suddenly raised his voice and argued, "Are we so mad? Zhou Da died of a leg injury, which has nothing to do with us."

  The village chief Chu snorted coldly, "You might say, one hundred taels of silver."

   Village Chief Zhou's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, "Don't talk nonsense, Zhou Da died because the wound was not treated well."

  The village chief Chu asked, "Who treated the wound?"

  Village Chief Zhou said unhappily, "How do I know, I didn't send it for treatment."

  At this time, a large number of yamen servants surrounded them. Seeing this, the villagers quickly backed away and stood far away.

  Chu Xujin said with a cold face, "We have reported this matter, and now the government will take over."

   Zhou Da’s daughter-in-law immediately yelled, “What case did you report? We didn’t report the case! You paid the silver taels, and the matter is over.”

  Chu Xujin said in a business-like manner, "We reported the case, and you want to compensate our family, so we must not find out the truth of the matter?"

  Ms. Zhou was very opposed to reporting the case, and Lai Pi said, "I don't care, anyway, it's not your government's turn to deal with it, so don't touch my husband."

   "Then you carry the man back and don't leave it at my door." Chu Xujin looked at Mrs. Zhou. This woman seemed to only want money, and she didn't seem to care about Zhou Da's death, which was weird.

   "Come on, pull them away."

  The yamen servant immediately stepped forward and pulled the crying people around Zhou Da to the side one by one. Mrs. Zhou reacted violently, and it took two yamen servants to hold her back.

   "Don't touch my husband, don't touch him!"

   "Why do you feel uneasy about letting him go?"

   "My husband..."

  Chu Xujin said politely to Wu, "Mr. please check the cause of Zhou Da's death."

   Zuo Zuo brought a young apprentice, who helped him carry the toolbox, and the two went forward to check it together.

  After some inspections, Wu Zuo wrote the autopsy results on paper and handed it to Chu Xujin, "This is the cause of Zhou Da's death."

  Chu Xujin took a quick look, and then looked at Zhou Da in surprise, who was actually suffocated to death, "Come here, people from the Zhou family are suspected of murder. Take all these people into the Yamen, and send Zhou Da to Lianfang."


  The people in the Chu family village quickly took a step back, "Murder? Murder your own husband?"

  Ms. Zhou struggled and shouted, "Nonsense, Zhou Da died from his wounds, how could it be murder?"

   "Stupid officials, stupid officials, you turned black and white in order to get rid of your own crimes! You will be struck by lightning!"

   "Let go of me, I didn't murder Zhou Da, it was a lie he deliberately made up. If they refused to pay the one hundred taels, they framed good people."

  No matter what Mrs. Zhou said, the group was still escorted into the Yamen.

  When the county magistrate heard that there was a murder case, he immediately attached great importance to it and ordered Chu Xujin to solve the case as soon as possible.

  Chu Xujin looked at the autopsy results again, then left the yamen, came to the Guangxi Theater to find Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth sister, Zhou Da died in the middle of last night, from suffocation."

   Choking? Chu Qingzhi frowned, "What is the crime tool? Motivation? Purpose? Is there any accomplice? Has the investigation been clear?"

  Chu Xujin shook his head, "I'll check right away."

  Chu Qingzhi warned, "When you go to investigate, you have to pay attention to the items on the scene, footprints, etc., and don't let go of any doubts."

  Chu Xujin nodded, "I see."

  (end of this chapter)

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