Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 491: 491. Cousin Cousin

   Chapter 491 491. Cousin Cousin

   Tang Jinghong saw that Chu Qingzhi seemed to be worried, so he asked, "Did something happen?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Zhou Da is dead."

  Tang Jinghong thought for a second, "While building the road, the one whose leg was hit by a stone?"

  Chu Qingzhi nodded, "Yes."

   "How did he die?"


  Tang Jinghong raised his eyebrows, "It's so strange that he died of suffocation with a leg injury."

   After a moment of silence, Chu Qingzhi said, "No one in the Zhou family has the ability to suffocate Zhou Da to death, and there are others involved."

   "Has Xu Jin's analysis reached this point?"

   "I didn't ask him. He's gone to Zhoujia Village to investigate now. We'll talk about it when he comes back."

   "Let him exercise more."


  A homicide occurred in the village, causing an uproar. Many people gathered around Zhou's house, pointing and discussing.

  Chu Xujin brought a few yamen servants to Zhoujia Village, glanced at the people around, and walked towards an old man, "Old man, has anyone visited Zhou family these few days?"

  The old man raised his face and thought for a while, "Xu San has been in and out of everyone Zhou frequently these days."

  Chu Xujin ordered the two yamen servants, "Go to Xujia Village and bring Xu San here." He leaned into the ear of one of the yamen servants and said, "When you go to find Xu San, carefully observe his expression."

  The yamen servant nodded, "Yes, my lord."

  Chu Xujin patted the yamen servant on the shoulder, "Go, come back as soon as possible."

  Chu Xujin asked the old man again, "What kind of person is Zhou Da? Is the relationship between Zhou Da and his wife good?"

  The old man said, "Zhou Da is a bit of a loafer, but he still helps the family with the work when the farming is busy. He likes to drink a little wine and has many wine and meat friends."

   "The relationship with his daughter-in-law, in the eyes of us outsiders, is neither good nor bad. Sometimes I can hear his wife complaining about Zhou Da, and the two of them will quarrel, small quarrels, not very intense."

  Chu Xujin secretly thought, this character is not so bad that it makes people want to kill, "Has he had any enemies recently?"

  The old man waved his hand, and said cautiously, "No, Zhou Da was working at home during the busy farming season, and when he was free, he went to help build roads. During this time, he was very busy and had no time to make enemies with others."

  Hearing this, Chu Xujin had a guess. The other party killed Zhou Da probably for a hundred taels of silver, "Thank you, old man."

  Chu Xujin walked towards Zhou Da's neighbor's house, "Did you hear any unusual sounds in the middle of the night yesterday?"

  The neighbor shook his head, "I've been busy with the autumn harvest recently, and I'm very tired. I slept through the night and didn't hear anything."

  Ask the neighbor on the other side and said the same thing.

  Thank you, Chu Xujin went to Zhou's house.

  The house has been tidied up, and there are so many people going back and forth, and any clues are blurred.

  Chu Xujin frowned slightly, looking carefully at everything in the room, looking for tools for the crime.

   Didn't strangle someone's neck, didn't hang himself, how did he suffocate?

   Zhou has inconvenient legs and feet, and has been moving around in the room recently. He walked to the bed and touched the quilt. The weather turned cold at night, and the quilt was a bit thick...

  He lay down on the bed, covered his face with a clean veil, then pulled the quilt over his face, covering it tightly.

   After a while, he lifted the quilt and sat up, his face flushed, which could smother a person to death.

  The yamen servant who followed him in suddenly said, "My lord, Zhou Da died at night. If someone killed Zhou Da like you, Zhou Da's family should not have that strength, right?"

   These words reminded Chu Xujin, "That's right, members of the Zhou family are not qualified to kill, and they died in the middle of the night, so the Zhou family can be ruled out from murder."

  He continued to analyze, "At this time, the door of the house should be closed, only someone let the murderer in, and this person is someone the accomplice knew."

  The yamen servant said, "My lord, if this is the case, the other party may have premeditated."

  Chu Xujin nodded, "If Zhou Da's parents let the murderer in, and Zhou's wife slept with Zhou Da, they would definitely stop him, but the result is not like this, so Zhou Da's parents and children can be excluded."

  The two said in unison, "The accomplice can only be Mrs. Zhou."

   "If it's Mrs. Zhou, then everything makes sense." Chu Xujin thought for a moment, and ordered, "Go and investigate the man who is close to Mrs. Zhou."

   "Yes, my lord."

   After all, it was speculation just now, and evidence had to be found. Chu Xujin continued to search carefully in the room.

  Suddenly, he saw a very complete footprint at the foot of the bed. He made a gesture with his hand, and then took Zhou Da's shoes for comparison. They were about the same size, but the patterns on the soles did not match.

   This footprint is most likely left by the murderer.

  Ge Lihua walked in, "What did you find?"

  Seeing Ge Lihua, Chu Xujin immediately showed a smile on his serious face, "I guessed something, let me tell you..."

  Ge Lihua nodded, listening carefully.

   Not long after, Xu San was arrested by the yamen servant, "My lord, I didn't kill the man, and it's none of my business. You can't arrest people randomly."

  Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua walked out together after hearing the voice.

  Xu San was very scared. After seeing Chu Xujin, he immediately called Qu again, "Chu Xujin, it's none of my business. I don't know anything."

  Chu Xujin pointed at Xu San's feet, "Take off his shoes."

  The yamen servant immediately took off Xu San's shoe and gave it to Chu Xujin. Chu Xujin took it to the bedside for comparison. It was just right. Xu San was escorted by the yamen servant to watch. Seeing this scene, he panicked even more.

   "It's not me, it's not me. Those footprints were left by me to see Zhou Da. I didn't kill Zhou Da."

  Chu Xujin did not make a judgment, "Let me ask you, where were you at midnight last night?"

  Xu San was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and said hastily, "I sleep at home, and my family can prove it."

  Chu Xujin vetoed, "The confessions of family members cannot be counted. Think about whether there is anyone else who can prove it."

  Xu San felt weak all over, with a frightened expression on his face, "My lord, everyone is sleeping in the middle of the night, who can prove it to me?"

   After finishing speaking, he suddenly broke out and struggled to say, "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. Are you looking for a scapegoat to solve the case as soon as possible?"

  Chu Xujin glanced at Xu San, "I really want to find a scapegoat, and now I will arrest you and take you to the Yamen for conviction."

  Xu San was terrified, "My lord, I really didn't kill anyone, you believe me."

  Chu Xujin asked casually, "Then who do you think killed him?"

  Xu San suddenly named a person, and vowed, "Sister-in-law Zhou's cousin must be him."

  Chu Xujin was surprised, "Why did you say it was him?"

  Xu San said eagerly, "I have seen him having ambiguities with Mrs. Zhou several times. He must have killed Mrs. Zhou so that he can marry Mrs. Zhou."

  Chu Xujin was puzzled, "Cousin should get to know his cousin first, since he wants to marry his cousin, why did his cousin marry someone else?"

"Zhou Da said that my cousin was going to marry his cousin at that time, but Zhou Da took someone to **** the cousin back, and gave more gifts than the cousin, so the cousin's parents married the cousin to Zhou Da .”

  This incident is the most proud thing in Zhou Daping's life. Anyone who is close to him knows that,

  (end of this chapter)

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