Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 799: 799. Entrusted with important tasks

   Chapter 799 799. Entrusted with important tasks

  After the stele is erected, a small shop-like room will be built next to it. At that time, Chu Qingzhi will ask two people to be on duty to accept inquiries from customers and lead the way.

  Almost every day, new guests come to Chu Family Village. Sometimes the village is busy and there is no one to ask, and the guests themselves cannot find Chu Qingzhi, so they have no choice but to leave.

  Who knows if it is a big client who left, so Chu Qingzhi thought of building a duty booth to solve this problem.

  Qin Yuming and Xia Zongxian stood there watching for a while, and then walked into the village.

  The two of them thought at the same time, this stone tablet must have dozens of taels of silver, and this village is too rich!

  The two of them walked to the door of Chu Qingzhi's house, and it happened that Wang Yuanping and Wang Yuanlin also arrived, but they didn't know each other, they only exchanged glances, and then they stood there waiting.

  Chu Xuhua came out of the house, called Li Zhangjie, and went to Sunjia Village to buy pigs.

  Chu Qingzhi stepped out and said to the four of them, "Wait a minute, I'll arrange their affairs before I arrange you."

  The four responded, "Yes."

  Chu Qingzhi walked towards Chu Qingshuang and the others.

  Chu Qingshuang didn’t have to go to the porcelain kiln these days, she rested at home, but the hardworking girl couldn’t take it easy, and she wanted to help the house anyway, so Chu Qingzhi asked her to handle the spices for marinating pork.

  Chu Qingshuang couldn't do so much work by herself, so she went to the village to find some girls and boys to help, there were about ten of them.

  At this moment, they stood together, chatting and laughing, and waited for Chu Qingzhi to come out by the way.

  Chu Xiafeng's eyes suddenly burst into a beautiful figure, "Sister Qingzhi is here!"

  Chu Xiafeng is the grandson of Chu Lianghong.

  Everyone dispersed quickly when they heard what Chu Xiafeng said, and shouted in unison, "Sister Qingzhi, good morning."

  Chu Qingzhi nodded to them, "Have you had breakfast? Is it cold?"

   "I've eaten it, it's not cold." Chu Xiafeng said, "Everyone has money to buy cotton this year. Mother stuffed a lot of clothes for us. It's soft and warm, and it's not cold at all."

   "That's good." Chu Qingzhi went straight to the point, "There is someone waiting for me next to me. Let me make a long story short. What I need you to do is very simple, just grind the spices into powder."

  Chu Qingzhi said to Chu Qingshuang, "The spices are stored in the warehouse behind the old house, and the names are written on the bags. There are seven kinds in total. You take them there."

  Chu Qingshuang responded, "Yes, Fifth Sister."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The tools and containers are all ready, you just grind them directly. If you encounter any problems, you can ask me anytime."


  Led by Chu Qingshuang, a group of people headed for the old house.

  Chu Qingzhi turned around and walked towards Wang Yuanping and the others.

   On the way, she took a look at a few people.

  Brothers Wang Yuanping and Wang Yuanlin are impeccably dressed, which shows that they attach great importance to this matter.

  Qin Yuming's clothes are also in line with his status, and he takes this matter seriously, but he doesn't take it seriously.

   Looking at Xia Zongxian again, he smelled like steamed stuffed buns, his hands were stained with oil, and he was holding his saber casually. This man came to deal with things.

very good…

   Facing Chu Qingzhi's gaze, the Wang family brothers and Qin Yuming were very calm. Only Xia Zongxian was a little guilty. He couldn't help standing up straight, and his spirit was slightly tense, but he still comforted himself in his heart, a little girl, why are you afraid of her? !

   "Follow me first." Chu Qingzhi led the four of them to Feng Wei.

  The bamboo house is still under construction. Father Li is really a real person. The workers haven't come yet, but he has already started to work.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "This is called Feng Wei, and it will be the place where you will work in the future. One room per person, and the other rooms have their own uses. Let's talk about it later."

  The other three listened carefully, but Xia Zongxian was a little absent-minded.

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The house hasn't been built yet, and now your place of business is tentatively scheduled to be in the house I rented."

  She took several people to the house she rented.

  The house she rented was where Yu Wanwan lived. Yu Wanwan had already left, but all the things in the house remained.

   "There is a room in the house. If you are tired, you can take a nap in the room. There is also a kitchen, a hut, and a bathroom. If you have money, you can ask the aunt in the village to help you cook. In short, everything is there."

   Came to the house, Chu Qingzhi showed a few people around.

  Yu Wanwan and Zhuang Ziqian have lived here for more than three months. The two are of extraordinary status and are not short of money. They have arranged the place inside and out, and they have grown some vegetables in the yard.

  Chu Qingzhi asked several people, "Did you all hear what I told you just now?"

  The four nodded.

  Chu Qingzhi continued, "Now let's talk about your treatment."

   "Feng Wei only has the four of you now, and the workload will be relatively heavy. I will give you a higher salary."

   "Yuan Ping and Yuan Lin were hired by me. Their salary is ten taels of silver per month. There will be bonuses for good work. They have four days off every month."

   "Yu Ming and Zong Xian are here to pay off their debts, three taels a month, no bonus, if they don't do well, I will prolong your working hours until you pay off your debts."

  Xia Zongxian quit, "Why are they ten taels and we are only three taels, and there is no bonus yet?"

   "I told you, because you are here to repay the debt." Chu Qingzhi hugged her arms, her face slightly cold, "You don't have to do it if you don't want to, just pay back the money right away."

  Xia Zongxian's arrogance weakened. If he had money, he would have paid it back a long time ago. Why come to be angry with a little girl, "You explain, I'll listen."

   "When you are resting, you can't rest at the same time. There must be two people in Feng Weili every day, so if you want to rest, you should discuss it in advance."

   "Specifically, Yu Ming is in charge of the population, Yuan Lin is in charge of the fields, Yuan Ping is in charge of taxation, and Zong Xian is in charge of the security issues in our fief."

  She wants to train the brothers of the Wang family to be confidantes, and the people of her own fiefdom are more credible.

  The other two are tentatively here to make up the numbers!

Chu Qingzhi pointed to the box in the house, "Here are the population records, field records, and tax records in my fiefdom. You have two tasks in the next three days, one is to verify the population, fields, and taxation records, and the other is to verify the population, land, and tax records. If you are familiar with the distribution of my fief, even if it is a tree, you must know it clearly."

  The brothers of the Wang family did not expect to be entrusted with important tasks by Chu Qingzhi, and they were secretly grateful in their hearts, and cupped their hands, "Yes, Miss Chu."

  Qin Yuming didn't say anything. His current mentality is also based on the mentality of paying back the money, but he also intends to complete the task seriously, "Yes, Miss Chu."

  Xia Zongxian dawdled around, reluctantly replied, "Yes, Miss Chu."

  Chu Qingzhi ignored him, "I will take the exam in three days. If I am not satisfied, I will deduct the money. If it is serious, you don't have to use it."

  The fief is not very big, so giving them three days is considered very tolerant. If they still can't do well, she will consider replacing them.

  (end of this chapter)

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