Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 802: 802. Windfall

   Chapter 802 802. Windfall

   These two pig butchers are not treacherous and evil, and it is unlikely that they will use anesthetics to harm people. Chu Qingzhi said, "It can be sold, but it is a bit expensive."

  The pig butcher really wanted to, "Please tell me, girl."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "The anesthetic can only be used together with the hollow needle. If you want to buy it, you need to buy the two things together. I will give you a cheaper price, and it will cost three taels of silver a set, and the anesthetic is still in a small bottle."

  A small bottle is only one or two, very little.

  The pig butcher thought for a while and asked, "How many pigs can be stunned by a bottle of anesthetic?"

  Chu Qingzhi conservatively said, "A hundred heads is not a problem."

  The pig butcher has made a calculation in his mind, he kills a pig for five qian, and he can earn three taels of silver for killing six. Every year he kills about a hundred pigs.

  Thinking of this, the pig butcher said bluntly, "Okay, girl, I bought it."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, she didn't expect this to be a deal, "Wait a minute, I'll get it."

   "Girl, wait a minute." Another pig butcher also took aim at Chu Qingzhi's anesthetic, and had been eavesdropping just now.

  Chu Qingzhi turned her head, "You want too."

   Not hiding it anymore, the second butcher nodded, "I want a small bottle too, and a hollow needle."

   "Okay." Chu Qingzhi went to the medicine house and took two bottles of anesthetics and two hollow needles, and put them in two small boxes respectively, "You can buy them later when you run out."

   "Thank you, girl, we got it." The two pig butchers put away their things carefully.

  Chu Qingzhi warned, "The concentration of the anesthetic is very high, don't let children touch it, otherwise it is very likely to be life-threatening."

  The first pig butcher tentatively asked, "What if I accidentally touch it?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Then come to me for help when you still have a stick of incense."

  These words made the hearts of the two butchers sink. It seems that a good thing must be used in the right place, otherwise it will be dangerous. "Girl, we know."

   "Yeah." Chu Qingzhi nodded to the two of them, and then went on to work.


  Chu Yehui came over, smiled and patted Chu Xuhua's shoulder lightly.

  Chu Xuhua was collecting pig hair, he was startled by the sudden touch, and looked back, "Why are you back?"

  Chu Yehui looked like a rich young master, but he didn't show off, and said with a smile, "I'll come back to buy things from you, no matter what, you have to give me some."

  Chu Xuhua was puzzled, he gave him everything he had at home and what could be sold in restaurants, "What?"

  Chu Yehui said a little excitedly, "Mushroom and bamboo shoot soy sauce, do you know that there has been an endless stream of people buying these two sauces recently, and the stocks are all sold out."

   These are two kinds of soy sauce that were newly launched recently. I didn’t expect Chu Yehui to ask for the goods. Chu Xuhua was very surprised, "Is it selling so well?"

  Chu Yehui nodded, "The guest said that the children like to eat it, especially for bibimbap. They said that with the sauce, the children in the family can eat an extra bowl of rice every meal, and their bodies grow well."

  Chu Xuhua said, "Give me a count of how much you want, and I'll send it to you."

  Chu Yehui pointed out a finger, "One thousand bottles of each."

  Chu Xuhua was a little embarrassed, and said, "If there are 1,000 bottles of each type, I will give you three points, and I can't give you so much at one time."

  Chu Yehui also simply said, "Then divide it into three days and give away 350 bottles a day. Is that okay?"

  Guests like to take a bottle of sauce with them after eating in his store. Sometimes he uses it as a gift for customers who eat a lot of money at one time, which often attracts many repeat customers, and the business is really good.

  Chu Xuhua responded, "OK."

   After finishing the business, both of them relaxed, Chu Yehui pouted his lips and said, "Why did your family kill so many pigs?"

  Chu Xuhua told him in one breath, "Make bacon, sausage, cured pork ribs, sauced meat."

  Chu Yehui thought it was delicious when he heard it, "It must be a good thing again, and you will have to think of me first."

  Chu Xuhua laughed, "Okay, if Fifth Sister wants to try the sale, then I will be the first one to send you to the restaurant."

  Chu Yehui patted Chu Xuhua on the shoulder, "Brother enough!"

  Chu Xuhua said, "You can stay at my house for a while and eat pig-killing dishes. I cooked a lot of meat. My fifth sister personally guided it. Don't miss it."

   Upon hearing that Chu Qingzhi was the main cook, Chu Yehui salivated unconsciously, "Okay."

  Chu Qingzhi's dishes are well-known in the village as delicious.


  As soon as Xu Guannan and Fang Mingyi entered the Chu Family Village, it was as if it was the New Year's Eve, and they felt the lively atmosphere.

  Fang Mingyi glanced around, "There is something big happening in this village!"

  Xu Guannan's handsome face showed a few smiles, "Go and see."

  The two stepped forward at a faster pace.

  After a while, Zhuo Yanhai's voice came from behind, "Wait for me, old bones, did you mean to walk so fast on purpose, I couldn't even keep up."

Zhuo Yanhai is an old man in his fifties, who is in charge of the cafeteria of Yunfei Academy, and the academy will have its annual vacation in half a month. Eat it at the academy's year-end banquet.

  The end-of-year banquet is a tradition of the academy. At this time, unless it is impossible to come, all the masters and students must attend. The meaning is to reunite and celebrate the New Year.

  At this banquet, some students will also be praised, and some rewards will be given out. It is very lively every year.

  Xu Guannan and Fang Mingyi had no choice but to stop and wait for Zhuo Yanhai.

  Fang Mingyi smiled, "Old Zhuo, if you don't want to leave quickly, just leave the matter to us, why bother."

  Zhuo Yanhai refused to accept his old age, "I'm strong and strong, so there's nothing wrong with walking fast. It's because you are walking too fast."

  Fang Mingyi joked, "Old Zhuo, this is you messing around. If you keep saying that, we won't wait for you."

  Xu Guannan said, "Stop making fun of Mr. Zhuo. After a while, Mr. Zhuo will get angry, and he won't be able to walk fast."

  Puffing out of breath, Zhuo Yanhai pointed at the two of them and said, "You two little bastards, you may not be as healthy as I am when you are your age."

  Fang Mingyi deliberately said, "There are still many years left, but now we are in better health than you."

   "Then let's wait and see." After Zhuo Yanhai finished speaking, he staggered the two of them and walked forward.

  The three of them came near the old house of Chu Qingzhi's family. There were too many people in the yard of the old house, and they couldn't get close.

  Looking at the novel scene, the three of them were speechless for a moment, and after a while, Zhuo Yanhai said slowly, "What are they doing?"

  Xu Guannan and Fang Mingyi shook their heads together, they didn't know either.

  Chu Qingzhi found them and walked towards them, "Master Xu, Young Master Fang, Elder Zhuo."

  Chu's Trading and Yunfei Academy have cooperated several times, and both parties know each other.

  Xu Guannan and Fang Mingyi bowed their hands together, "Miss Chu."

   Zhuo Yanhai smiled and nodded, "Miss Chu, we meet again."

  Chu Qingzhi smiled and said, "Come and sit in the room?"

   Zhuo Yanhai said politely, "Excuse me."

  Chu Qingzhi stepped aside, "Please."

  (end of this chapter)

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