Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 803: 803. New business

   Chapter 803 803. New business

  Chu Qingzhi took the three of them to the meeting room of the workshop, Zhuo Lao saw that he was here to discuss business, and it was more convenient here.

  Shen Ruyue saw that it was Chu Qingzhi who personally brought over, and quickly served three cups of tea, "Tea, please."

  Chu Qingzhi got up and gave Shen Ruyue the main seat, "Ruyue, come and talk to them, I'll listen in."

   Hand over the management of the workshop to Chu Xuhua and Shen Ruyue as soon as possible. There are too many things at home, and she is too busy.

  Shen Ruyue understood what Chu Qingzhi meant, so she sat on the main seat, and said generously, "You guys have something to say."

  Zhuo Yanhai said, "Madam Chu is straightforward, so I'll just say it straight."

   "We still have more than half a month to hold the end-of-year banquet. At that time, we need some special food for the banquet. After thinking about it, only Chu's Yimao has the most novel and delicious food, so I found it."

  Shen Ruyue said modestly, "Thanks to you, our Chu family will try our best to meet the master's request."

  Zhuo Yanhaidao, "I don't have any requirements, as long as it is delicious, novel, in line with the atmosphere of the academy, and caters to the atmosphere of the New Year's Eve."

  Shen Ruyue glanced at Chu Qingzhi, and said, "I understand the meaning of the master, but our Chu family has never taken over such a business, we need some time to discuss, can the master wait a little longer?"

   Zhuo Yanhai spoke very well, "Please."

  Chu Qingzhi and Shen Ruyue went to the first office.

  Shen Ruyue asked, "Qingzhi, can I accept this business?" This is the part that Chu Qingzhi is in charge of.

   "Let me think about it first." Chu Qingzhi stood in front of the window, looking at the lush green hops growing by the wall outside, thinking.

  Shen Ruyue waited quietly by the side, thinking in her mind, the other party's request sounds easy, but it is not easy to realize...

  At this time, a voice came from the gate of the workshop, "Be careful, these are glutinous rice, don't get wet."

Sticky rice?

Chu Qingzhi had an idea in an instant, "Ruyue, you go and take over the business, but you need to ask how many masters, how many students, how many managers like Zhuo Lao, how many guests, whether the servants will attend the banquet, and if they will If so, how many people..."

   "Okay." Shen Ruyue didn't understand what he meant, but she followed her words and went to the conference room.

  Chu Qingzhi sat on the chair, wrote down the inspiration just now on paper, and then perfected it later. This time, she wants to take this opportunity to make their Chu family trade famous all over the world!

  In the conference room, Shen Ruyue maintained a decent smile and said, "We are taking over the business of the academy, but we need to know something, please tell the truth to the master."

  Zhuo Yanhai was very cooperative, "Madam Chu, please, I will say what I can."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, took out a piece of paper, wrote all the questions that Chu Qingzhi had just asked on the paper, and handed it to Zhuo Yanhai, "Master, please write it down."

  Zhuo Yanhai understood it at a glance, took a pen and filled in one by one, "Ms. Chu, fill it out."

  Shen Ruyue took the paper into her hand and looked at it, then took out another order form and filled it out for Zhuo Yanhai, "Master, please fill out this form again, please fill it out truthfully, after a while, we will sign the contract, and it will be the contract."

   "Okay." Zhuo Yanhai filled it out carefully, and returned it to Shen Ruyue after filling it out.

  Shen Ruyue took a look and signed her name, "For such an order, the orderer usually needs to come to see the finished product three days later. If you are not satisfied, you can change it."

He also believed in Chu's Yimao, otherwise Zhuo Yanhai would not have signed the contract directly without looking at the goods, but he also has countermeasures. Okay, "Okay, I'll come back in three days."

   After that, the three of them bid farewell and left.

  Shen Ruyue sent people to the door of the workshop, "Walk slowly."


  Chu Xuhua washed all the pig hair and dried it, then walked towards the workshop, "Like the moon."

   "Xuhua, are you done killing the pig?" Shen Ruyue was talking back to the workshop, when she saw Chu Xuhua, she immediately raised her smiling face and walked towards him.

  Chu Xuhua stretched out his hand to hold Shen Ruyue's hand, "The killing is over, now everyone is doing follow-up work, I will take time to talk to you."

  Shen Ruyue asked, "What's the matter?"

  Chu Xuhua said, "Chu Yehui said to buy 1,000 bottles each of shiitake mushrooms and bamboo shoots and soy sauce. He is in a hurry, so I'll come over earlier and tell you, so you should prepare earlier."

  Shen Ruyue thought about it, "Soybeans are fine, but the problem is the mushrooms and bamboo shoots. How about this, I will ask Chu Haodong to buy mushrooms and bamboo shoots immediately, and try to drive out his goods."

  Chu Xuhua said distressedly, "Jueyue, thank you for your hard work."

  Shen Ruyue shook her head, "It's okay, I'll do things for my family, no matter how hard it is."

  Chu Qingzhi came out of the workshop, "Brother, Ruyue."

  Seeing a few pieces of paper in her hand, Shen Ruyue couldn't help being very pleasantly surprised, "Qingzhi, have you already designed it?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "It's almost ready, I'll go to the old house to have a look first, and I'll go back to the room later to complete the rest, don't worry, the design will definitely come out tomorrow morning."

  Shen Ruyue trusts Chu Qingzhi's ability 100%, "I'm not worried, I just care about it."

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Okay, you guys have something to say slowly, I'll go to the old house first."

  Shen Ruyue nodded, "Yes."



  Yu Wanwan lifted the curtain of the carriage, looked at the familiar street, and said with emotion, "After driving for a long time, I finally returned home."

  The little maid smiled and said, "Miss, you will surprise everyone when you come home like this."

  Yu Wanwan not only lost weight, but also calmed down a lot after this experience, "It doesn't matter whether you are surprised or not, as long as your parents are happy."

  She knew that her parents were worried about her secretly, but they didn't say a word in front of her because they were afraid of burdening her.

  The little servant girl said excitedly, "My lady has become so beautiful, Mr. Fu Yin and his wife will definitely be happy."

  Yu Wanwan felt a little worried, "This is the best."

  Zhuang Ziqian stretched out his hand and gently held Yu Wanwan's hand, "Wanwan, I don't know if Mr. Fu Yin and his wife will agree to marry you now."

  Yu Wanwan lowered her head slightly, feeling shy, a blush appeared on her innocent face, "Don't talk nonsense, my parents are not like that."

  Zhuang Ziqian looked into Yu Wanwan's eyes, full of love, "Then I will come to propose marriage tomorrow."

  Yu Wanwan smiled subtly, and whispered, "I'll wait for you."

   Zhuang Ziqian said happily, "Okay."

   On the other side, at the gate of the government office, Mr. Fu Yin and his wife are already waiting. The two of them are looking forward to their daughter's return at last.

   Madam Fu Yin worried, "Master, what do you think our daughter will become?"

  Master Fu Yin said without thinking, "It must be very beautiful, as dignified and virtuous as you."

  Fu Yin's wife is proud, the happiest thing in her life is to be married to this man beside her, "Our daughter is definitely not bad."

  Master Fu Yin catered without a bottom line, "That's for sure."

  (end of this chapter)

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