Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 804: 804. Replacement if fake

  Chapter 804 804. Replacement if fake

   While the two were comforting each other, a carriage drove over. The carriage had the sign of the mansion, and there was a young man sitting on the shaft of the carriage.

  The carriage stopped at the gate of the government office, and the servant jumped out of the carriage and saluted, "My lord, madam, young lady and Master Ziqian are back."

  After hearing this, the couple looked up at the carriage with eager eyes.

  The little maid jumped out of the carriage, followed by Zhuang Ziqian.

   After Zhuang Ziqian got off the carriage, he immediately greeted Mr. Fu Yin and his wife, and then went to help Yu Wanwan.

   At this time, many passers-by gathered around, the people who can be greeted by Mr. Fu Yin and his wife must be very important, take a look.

  Under the eyes of everyone, Yu Wanwan lifted the curtain of the car, revealing a fair and beautiful hand, followed by a standard oval face, and finally a slender figure. The overall look is very beautiful.

  Master Fu Yin and his wife were shocked when they saw such a daughter. The change was too great, as if they were a different person.

   The people who eat melons are confused, who is such a beautiful girl? How can I let Mr. Fu Yin and his wife greet him in person?

  Yu Wanwan walked up to her parents and bowed dignifiedly, "Father, mother, my daughter is back."

  Fu Yin's wife grabbed Yu Wanwan's hand and looked him up and down. The outline was vaguely familiar, but the rest didn't look alike at all. "Wanwan, is it really you?"

   "Mother, it's a fake one." Yu Wanwan smiled lightly, the effect was so good that her mother thought she had been swapped.

  The people who eat melons were shocked, this is Yu Wanwan? Fu Yin's fat daughter? This, is this her? It's so beautiful, it's impossible!

  Zhuang Ziqian saw that there were more and more people onlookers, so he said, "Uncle, Aunt, Wanwan, let's talk in the mansion."

   "Yes, it's not good for my daughter's house to be watched." Fu Yin's wife immediately pulled Yu Wanwan into the mansion. Now that her daughter has become so beautiful, she must be coveted by others, so be on guard.

  Zhuang Ziqian wanted to enter the mansion with him, but was stopped by Mr. Fu Yin, "Master Zhuang escorted the little girl home, and the journey is exhausting, why don't you go home and have a good rest?"

  Zhuang Ziqian didn't want to go home, so he said, "My lord, it's my job to **** Wan Wan. It's not hard work, but if you talk about hard work, it's better for the adults who are busy with official duties to work harder."

  Master Fu Yin pointed at Zhuang Ziqian, "Will you come back if you like!"

  Zhuang Ziqian did not follow up with the mansion in the end, but he had already figured out the meaning of Mr. Fu Yin.

  Go home and prepare for the bride price!

  Here, Yu Wanwan and Mrs. Fu Yin returned to the room together. Mrs. Fu Yin couldn't wait to ask, "Wanwan, tell mother quickly, how did you change your figure back?"

  Yu Wanwan didn't hide anything, she just said it.

  Chu Qingzhi's name is well known in the world, Fu Yin's wife was very surprised, "You said that Chu Qingzhi healed your body?"

Yu Wanwan nodded, "Mom, don't look at her young age, but she is very powerful. She can do everything, and her medical skills are not to mention. She also has a fourth sister who is also very good at medicine, and the fourth sister specializes in treating women. , Healed many girls' hidden diseases, everyone is very grateful to her."

  Fu Yin's wife couldn't help but sigh, "Two female doctors in one family, this family is incredible."

  Yu Wanwan thought for a while and said, "I don't have any family background, just a peasant household."

   "Daughter, are you kidding your mother?"

   "What am I joking with my mother at this time, it's true."

   "If this is the case, then there are two golden roosters in one nest."

   "Mother, Qing Zhi is not a golden rooster, she is a golden phoenix."

   "All right, all right, she cured my daughter, even if you say she is a fairy, mother will believe it."

  Yu Wanwan leaned her head on Mrs. Fu Yin's shoulder and acted like a baby, "Yeah."

  Fu Yin's wife touched her daughter's head and said lovingly, "You should rest for a while, mother will prepare dinner for you, and have a good meal at night to nourish your body."

  Yu Wanwan said sweetly, "Thank you, mother."


  Chu Family Village.

  Wan Haonan called all the idlers over, "The workshop needs to collect mushrooms, everyone will pick the mushrooms and send them directly to the workshop."

   "Yes." Everyone is not in the barracks but still retains the habit of prohibiting orders.

  Now the wounded soldiers have all recovered from their wounds, and officially started their chapter of life in Chujia Village.

  Wan Haonan is still their leader, so it saves Chu Qingzhi from finding another manager for them.

  Wan Haonan assigned tasks one by one, and after the assignment, he took the lead into the mushroom room and began to pick mushrooms.

  When picking mushrooms, they don’t pick up the roots together, but use scissors to cut them, and leave the roots in the nutrient soil. This way, they can pick mushrooms many times, and they can pick the same amount every time.

  One mushroom house can pick up ten catties at a time, ten mushroom houses can pick up one hundred catties, and one catty of mushrooms can be sold for 30 Wen, which can earn three taels of silver at a time.

   Pick it up once every three days, ten times a month, that’s thirty taels.

   Twenty-five of them share, and almost one person can share more than one or two taels of silver, which is considered their extra income.

   There are other fungus.

  About the fungus, they moved the dead wood next to the Zongye forest to the mushroom house. The fungus will keep growing on the dead wood, and they will pick them up and sell them to the workshop.

   Many small incomes add up to become big incomes, so don't underestimate them.

   There is money to be made, life is stable, and the wounded soldiers live happily every day. The haze in their hearts earlier has been swept away now.

  Everyone just finished picking mushrooms, Yang Youjiang rushed over, "I saw a lot of fish in the river, let's catch some and eat them?"

  Yang Youjiang is one of the wounded soldiers.

   Wan Haonan thought about it in his mind, and said, "Let's go and have a look."

   A group of people came to the river in a mighty way. The river was dark, and there were really schools of fish swimming.

  Yang Youjiang looked greedy, "Brother Haonan, let's borrow a pair of fishing nets and go fishing?"

  Wan Haonan thought, besides eating so many fish, he can also sell them, so that he can earn some money. It’s the Chinese New Year, so he can earn more money to buy new year’s goods. “Okay, let’s go to the village to borrow it.”

  Yang Youjiang borrowed the fishing net very quickly, "Brother Haonan, I know how to swim, count me in."

   "I also know water."

"Count me in."

  Everyone was very active. In the end, Wan Haonan chose six people to lay the net with him, and try to catch a net first.

  Under Wan Haonan's orderly arrangement, several people got off the net in a boat by the river.

  The laying of the net went very smoothly. The next step is to wait for the net to be collected. This process takes half an hour. Everyone rowed the boat back and waited patiently.

   After half an hour, everyone rowed to catch fish.

   Grab the fishing net and drag it to the river bank. After a few people landed, the others came to help and drag the fishing net ashore together.

   When the water surface was not long, there was a crackling sound, and white fish kept jumping out of the water, lively and lovely.

  (end of this chapter)

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